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They are native to the south/deep south but we now have them as an evasive species in Calif...

They can be real bad, worse than a blk widow.. Very aggressive..

They were all over Missouri too. I got bit by one on my foot that was apparently hiding in a shoe. It wasn't as bad as Mason's bite but it was pretty bad. Some ppl end up losing a lot of tissue and even a limb from the venom.
They were all over Missouri too. I got bit by one on my foot that was apparently hiding in a shoe. It wasn't as bad as Mason's bite but it was pretty bad. Some ppl end up losing a lot of tissue and even a limb from the venom.

I google it,there are two species of brown recluse in Ohio.
They were all over Missouri too. I got bit by one on my foot that was apparently hiding in a shoe. It wasn't as bad as Mason's bite but it was pretty bad. Some ppl end up losing a lot of tissue and even a limb from the venom.

Yea, you are lucky, some ppl don't get it as bad for some reason...

That is why I never leave my shoes outside anymore...
Yea, you are lucky, some ppl don't get it as bad for some reason...

That is why I never leave my shoes outside anymore...

I was real lucky. At the time we lived in a very old, creaky leaky house that had lots of creepy-crawlies. Guess one crawled into my shoe. The venom destroys tissue and you're right -- that causes sepsis and gangrene sometimes. Do you have scorpions there? I am really freaked out by those things.
I thought that was black widows

Tarantulas! Heheheheh.... my dad told me when I was little that a couple of times, he saw tarantulas hiding out in those huge bunches of bananas they used to have hanging in the markets back in the old days. My brothers were even worse... they told me that those black spots in the core of a banana were spider eggs. I couldn't eat bananas for years. lol
I'm terrified of spiders, period.

I truly grok this. Here, have this dog!
