Amazon Tavern

For a few minutes,smells good thou,comes in clear and red.
The red is supposed to be stronger,C and my BFF say it is.I think the clear is stronger.

Thanks, I'll check it out. He often gets sore muscles (mostly his back and/or hamstrings) from his gym workouts. I give him massages and sympathy and occasionally ibuprofen. But the patches sound like they would help him sleep better, w/o the stomach upset from the Advil. Thanks!
Thanks, I'll check it out. He often gets sore muscles (mostly his back and/or hamstrings) from his gym workouts. I give him massages and sympathy and occasionally ibuprofen. But the patches sound like they would help him sleep better, w/o the stomach upset from the Advil. Thanks!

It's basically like a capsaicin rub. Wash hands good, and don't get it near your face. I used some when we traveled to Ohio, with me having a kidney stone. It dulls the pain, but can be intense.
It's basically like a capsaicin rub. Wash hands good, and don't get it near your face. I used some when we traveled to Ohio, with me having a kidney stone. It dulls the pain, but can be intense.

Capsaicin comes from a chili!
Camphor comes from an Asain pine shrub.Not remotely the samething!
Menthol isn't a bad smell in small amounts, but not to be sniffing all night long! I wonder why they feel the need to make topicals smell strongly. To make you think it's doing something?
Menthol isn't a bad smell in small amounts, but not to be sniffing all night long! I wonder why they feel the need to make topicals smell strongly. To make you think it's doing something?

Then there are those of us who's sense of smell has gone Tango Uniform. :(
Todays paper said,Ohio will probably only get a third of its corn crop planted.None around here,which had a huge great crop last year.
Best corn ever!
Still some hope for soybeans.
Todays paper said,Ohio will probably only get a third of its corn crop planted.None around here,which had a huge great crop last year.
Best corn ever!
Still some hope for soybeans.

How much of a domestic market for beans do we have now though, since the Toadstool trashed that market?

What a shame about the corn, esp. the sweet corn. Best in the world.