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One of my least favorite things about summer is the bug explosion. We hoped that maybe this year they wouldn't be so bad, due to the long very cold winter. Wrong. The long very cold winter just pissed them off. Ticks! We got your ticks here! Are you low on mosquitoes and black flies? Send me your addy and I'll send you a box full. lol
One of my least favorite things about summer is the bug explosion. We hoped that maybe this year they wouldn't be so bad, due to the long very cold winter. Wrong. The long very cold winter just pissed them off. Ticks! We got your ticks here! Are you low on mosquitoes and black flies? Send me your addy and I'll send you a box full. lol

Imagine what it's like down South,where they don't have frost to kill off the bugs for winter!
One of my least favorite things about summer is the bug explosion. We hoped that maybe this year they wouldn't be so bad, due to the long very cold winter. Wrong. The long very cold winter just pissed them off. Ticks! We got your ticks here! Are you low on mosquitoes and black flies? Send me your addy and I'll send you a box full. lol

We got new species moving in. I posted on Facebook about the deer ticks coming to Michigan, and early. They normally were more in Minnesota, and Wisconsin.
Today is the 90 th birthday of Anne Frank.
A girl who has touched millions,with her writing.
Touched the world,in her short 15 years.
Had she survived the Nazis,the sky was the limit.
Not an hour goes by,she doesn't touch my soul.
You mean gnats? lol We do have grass here, you know. :D

LOL! Well, *some* of us. Grumpy's results may vary.

No, they weren't gnats because they came out at dusk. We were by the shore though, maybe they don't have them inland? We noticed that the neighbors' houses had a netting over their patios.
LOL! Well, *some* of us. Grumpy's results may vary.

No, they weren't gnats because they came out at dusk. We were by the shore though, maybe they don't have them inland? We noticed that the neighbors' houses had a netting over their patios.

Isn't there something call chickers,or something like that.
Isn't there something call chickers,or something like that.

Chiggers! Oh yeah, hates them too.

The things I am talking about in FL were flying insects of some sort, that came out at dusk. We tried sitting outside to watch the sunset and had to go back inside again. The mosquito repellent didn't seem to bother them at all. They were biting our faces, arms, legs, anything not covered with fabric. Ugh! On breezy evenings though they weren't bad.