Amazon Tavern

Yes, the new ppl closed on it today. Looking forward to meeting them. They're a younger married couple, engineers, with at least one kid that we know of. They asked our friends if they could park some of their toys in the garage before closing. They have bikes, a tandem kayak, and some kid toys.

Good. They won't replace your friends but they sound nice.
Good. They won't replace your friends but they sound nice.

Most everyone we've met so far has been nice. It's a hard place to live though, so after a winter like last one a lot of ppl are moving on. The little town closest to us had a town-wide rummage sale last weekend; several places we visited were selling things like snowblowers, tillers, garden stuff, furniture, etc. because they were going to move south.
That looks like such a cool place to hang out. All you need is internet access and some snacks!

(I hit something wrong and lost the pics when quoting.)

We have high-speed wifi, lots of snacks, and wine. :~) We get the wifi free since I'm a student at NMU; it's through them. It's faster and more reliable than the cable internet we had in STL!
Wow, 14! That's incredible. Has he started on his Giant Teenage Boy Growth Spurt yet? I swear my boys grew six inches just over summer. lol

Not quite yet. He's still really small for his age, so I am just waiting for a foot of growth or more. LOL! He is 5' 2" now. He was still just a toddler when I started posting at Amazon.

I am still thinking about this huge growth spurt, and I am getting really frightened! :laugh:
Not quite yet. He's still really small for his age, so I am just waiting for a foot of growth or more. LOL! He is 5' 2" now. He was still just a toddler when I started posting at Amazon.

I am still thinking about this huge growth spurt, and I am getting really frightened! :laugh:

About 2 years he will really shoot up!
Not quite yet. He's still really small for his age, so I am just waiting for a foot of growth or more. LOL! He is 5' 2" now. He was still just a toddler when I started posting at Amazon.

I am still thinking about this huge growth spurt, and I am getting really frightened! :laugh:

Start stockpiling pants NOW. lol
We never had AC either
We had it, and needed it, in the first house I really remember. A large window unit in the living room. Ran most of the time in the summer. My grandpa's house had a big swamp cooler.

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We had it, and needed it, in the first house I really remember. A large window unit in the living room. Ran most of the time in the summer. My grandpa's house had a big swamp cooler.

We have a swamp cooler too. It's called Lake Superior. lol Our high temp usually comes around 11am - noon, then the onshore breeze kicks in and cools it off.
Happy Summer Solstice to you all!

Yes. Got up early and drove north to a small beach there, found this big driftwood, lay on the sand in front of it, and used it as a frame for the rising sun on this longest day of the year.

I love this place. :loveu:

From the few I have seen you take very nice pictures. Do you use your phone or a SLR camera?