Amazon Tavern

Heheheheh. So did you camp? Do any boating? Hiking? Just hang out and chill? Notice I did not ask about swimming. Imagine that swimming in Maine is about like swimming here. Don't do it unless it's in an inland pond. Right now Kichigami's waters are hovering just under 40F. Brrr.

The late wife and I tried to do some canoeing, but it quickly became evident that she did not grasp the concept. The guy in the back has to do the steering. It has to be a cooperative effort.

Baxter State Park is lovely. I encountered my first moose, and it scared the hell out of me. Fortunately, it was used to humans and I knew enough not to make any sudden moves.

One night, after getting high by the campfire, I decided to challenge myself by walking down a roadway. As soon as I lost sight of the glow from the fire, I turned my ass around.
The late wife and I tried to do some canoeing, but it quickly became evident that she did not grasp the concept. The guy in the back has to do the steering. It has to be a cooperative effort.

Baxter State Park is lovely. I encountered my first moose, and it scared the hell out of me. Fortunately, it was used to humans and I knew enough not to make any sudden moves.

One night, after getting high by the campfire, I decided to challenge myself by walking down a roadway. As soon as I lost sight of the glow from the fire, I turned my ass around.

LOL -- love this story. Don't feel too bad about the canoe thing. Mr. Owl and I tried a tandem kayak once. Just once. Twas on a glacier tour thing in Prince William Sound out of Valdez. I was in the stern cockpit. He kept telling me that I was supposed to steer but somehow the whole thing made no sense to me, so we kept crashing into ice bergs and cussing at each other. Never again, we both decided. lol

It's pretty weird to be out in the forest at night, with no light, isn't it? Even though you tell yourself you're the apex predator in these here parts, it doesn't play.
We still have soaked unplanted farm fields!

Yeah, the weather has been so lopsided this year. Up here we've gone from near-record snowfall to drought just in a few months. Not a lot of farming up here though, not like where you all are. Going to be a tough year for farmers. Was reading yesterday about a severe outbreak of "African swine fever" among the hog farms in China. They've already lost 20% of their animals. That means less need to import our beans.
Yeah, the weather has been so lopsided this year. Up here we've gone from near-record snowfall to drought just in a few months. Not a lot of farming up here though, not like where you all are. Going to be a tough year for farmers. Was reading yesterday about a severe outbreak of "African swine fever" among the hog farms in China. They've already lost 20% of their animals. That means less need to import our beans.

They stopped buy soybeans from us already!
Good morning, RB! How are you? Can you believe it? Matt is now officially an 8th-grader.

Doing pretty good, thank you. And how are you doing?
Officially in 8th. grade! We're getting old, aren't we?
My parents always told me, the older you get, the faster
the time goes. They weren't kidding, were they?
Doing pretty good, thank you. And how are you doing?
Officially in 8th. grade! We're getting old, aren't we?
My parents always told me, the older you get, the faster
the time goes. They weren't kidding, were they?

Oh, good! I am glad to hear it! Yes, we're getting up there, aren't we? The time is just flying right by. They weren't kidding at all! Matt was just a toddler when I had started posting on Amazon. Hard to believe that he's a teenager now!