APP - America is fat

I'm not saying it's easy, but it is a choice. it's one thing to see your issue and choose to do something about it while not succeeding well. It's another issue entirely to not do a damned thing about it or give up after a short time.
I think we have to be careful too about whom we term as obese. Though I certainly believe in BMI I think the BMI table is pretty much bogus. The only really accurate methods for measuring BMI (obesity) are the water displacement test (good ole archmideds) or better yet a tissue biopsy. Genetic and biomechanics come into play as well. A 30% BMI would certainly indicate obesity in a person with an ectomorphic body structure but it would not indicate obesity in someone with an endomorphic structure. A lot of endomorphs look obese but really are not. You're average guard in the NFL would be a good example of that.
I think we have to be careful too about whom we term as obese. Though I certainly believe in BMI I think the BMI table is pretty much bogus. The only really accurate methods for measuring BMI (obesity) are the water displacement test (good ole archmideds) or better yet a tissue biopsy. Genetic and biomechanics come into play as well. A 30% BMI would certainly indicate obesity in a person with an ectomorphic body structure but it would not indicate obesity in someone with an endomorphic structure. A lot of endomorphs look obese but really are not. You're average guard in the NFL would be a good example of that.

I agree. I don't look at someone thats maybe 20 or 30 lbs above the height average as obese. now, somebody that's 5'4" and 190 lbs......whole other story.
it's all relative. We have all been getting fatter, so you just have to make sure you are not fatter than the average person

Fat people will last longer in the hard economic times to come!
Why is that? The more clothes, the less body fat. I hate seeing men with DDD!
What's DDD?

Leisure activities in the mountains consist of hiking, mountain biking, rafting, canoeing, fishing, skiing; leisure activities at the beach consist of lying on your back drinking beer and gawking at 20-somethings.
I think there are a few reasons why we are fatter today.

For starters, I think suburban sprawl is a big contributing factor. It is my impression that kids and people in general in the 50/60/70's just did a lot more walking throughout the day. You would walk to the store, more kids would walk to school, you would walk to go see a movie. Etc. With the expansion of suburbia we are using our cars to get places to more than ever. At no time when I was growing up was it possible for me to be able to walk to anywhere fun. I couldn't walk to a park, or a movie, etc. I had to get rides.

This is probably also why in the south, where some areas have a mile between your neighbors, that there could be a contributing factor to obsiety. In the northeast there are still a lot of small colonial towns where you can get around really easily. In western washington (king county, my old stomping ground), the area is practically made for bikers, with wide bike lanes on most streets.

Obviously video games, more tv, and the internet probably also contribute to obsiety. Face it, there are just more things to do these days while sitting on your ass. We now have a whole generation of children raised on world of warcraft, aim, and 200 channels of programming.

And yes, lastly, poor people go to mcdonalds more.
I think there are a few reasons why we are fatter today.

For starters, I think suburban sprawl is a big contributing factor.

Yes! Not only the distance thing, but the sprawl is another factor in the overwhelming message of society today: CONSUME! On my bus ride to my main job, I pass countless strip malls, an actual indoor mall, two Wal-Marts, and between 10-12 fast food outlets.
lol OLD person aleart! playstation is SONY, nintendo is a completely separate company. It's like saying a mazda camry.

you must be so embarrassed.
Not really. I haven't played video games since the early 90's. There so compulsive and an utter waste of time. I'd rather ride my bike. :)

And if you think I'm that old, go on a bike ride with me sonny. I"ll drop you like a bad habit. lol
Well it's really a shame that you feel that way about this topic because as someone with a divinity background and with your knowledge of spirituality there is probably much you could contribute to this discussion about how balancing spirituality in ones life has a positive impact on health and wellness issues such as obesity. It's a crying shame that you would with hold that from the discussion.

lol....and I know how much it bothers you when people avoid discussions.....
Yes! Not only the distance thing, but the sprawl is another factor in the overwhelming message of society today: CONSUME! On my bus ride to my main job, I pass countless strip malls, an actual indoor mall, two Wal-Marts, and between 10-12 fast food outlets.
don't forget the jiffy lube.

Oh yea, suburban sprawl plays a role. In the south traditional dietary habits don't help either. Grind made a good point too. What ever happened to the sidewalk?

When I was a kid I lived on a farm till I was 13. We usually had several hours of chores to do and we played outside a lot, even in winter. God knows we ate enough. My father in-law is a farmer. He's 74. Though semi-retired he still goes out into the fields every day and works. He also tends to the hogs and the fruit orchard. He's also got the body of a 30 y.o.

I helped him weed his garden a few years back. His vegie garden is about an acre and we hoed the weeds for nearly 4 hours. My back never hurt so bad in my life. It didn't phase him. Videogame kids like Grind, 3D and Watermark would have been flat on their ass in an hour (it was about 95 deg out that day too).

I can remember telling him about all the hours I spent training on my bike to stay in shape. He was not impressed. Just looked at me with a cyinical look and said "Have you tried working?" LOL
And why do you "get an education"?
Just to say you have one?
So you can tell the other guys digging a ditch with you that you have a PHD?

Well, in the capitalist system the ultimate goal of education is usually to get a higher paying job.

However, many people educate themselves as a means of self-realization and a greater and more meaningful understanding of the world.
Well, in the capitalist system the ultimate goal of education is usually to get a higher paying job.

However, many people educate themselves as a means of self-realization and a greater and more meaningful understanding of the world.

True most of those stay in the isolated world of Acedemia though.
Well, in the capitalist system the ultimate goal of education is usually to get a higher paying job.

However, many people educate themselves as a means of self-realization and a greater and more meaningful understanding of the world.
I thought it was both.