APP - America is fat

I meant that most people go to college to both broaden themselves as a person and to improve their economic horizons.

I think you are reversed on this. imho most people go to college to broaden their money making opportunities.
some people go to college to learn as their primary goal. Most of those are in the liberal or scientific arts.
How many MBA just go to college to learn? Or lawyers?
And why do you "get an education"?
Just to say you have one?

So you can tell the other guys digging a ditch with you that you have a PHD?


I like telling my fellow pizza delivery drivers that I have a graduate degree!


I went to college to ultimately make more money, but MORE importantly to allow myself plenty of options to get a job I really liked. A job, or career, that I could see doing for 50 years.

Most of the shit I thought I could really dig doing for a career wouldn't have been possible without a college degree. I would have been stuck in some crappy job or career that I hated. Like pizza delivery, or landscaping! :o. But that's just me. I'm not downing anyone who had a different career path.

so I can't speak for everyone, but that's how it was for me.

Check it out though -- I went to an art exhibit yesterday, by a gal who just graduated from college fine arts program. Now, those are people who really are into college as self-fullfillment, I think. Man, her art was awesome. Maybe she'll get rich, but I doubt that her choice of art was a conscious effort to get rich. :)
I think you are reversed on this. imho most people go to college to broaden their money making opportunities.
some people go to college to learn as their primary goal. Most of those are in the liberal or scientific arts.
How many MBA just go to college to learn? Or lawyers?
I'd have to say most. Almost all colleges and universities (both private and public) in this nation are based on the liberal arts model. Regardless of your major your going to recieve an education that will broaden your development as a person as well as increase your marketable skills.

I like telling my fellow pizza delivery drivers that I have a graduate degree!


I went to college to ultimately make more money, but MORE importantly to allow myself plenty of options to get a job I really liked. A job, or career, that I could see doing for 50 years.

Most of the shit I thought I could really dig doing for a career wouldn't have been possible without a college degree. I would have been stuck in some crappy job or career that I hated. Like pizza delivery, or landscaping! :o. But that's just me. I'm not downing anyone who had a different career path.

so I can't speak for everyone, but that's how it was for me.

Check it out though -- I went to an art exhibit yesterday, by a gal who just graduated from college fine arts program. Now, those are people who really are into college as self-fullfillment, I think. Man, her art was awesome. Maybe she'll get rich, but I doubt that her choice of art was a conscious effort to get rich. :)
You can say that for a lot more than art majors. I'm a science major but I specifically went into the life sciences and environmental management field because it was a vocation I was attracted to. I obtain a lot of self-fullfilment from my work.
You can say that for a lot more than art majors. I'm a science major but I specifically went into the life sciences and environmental management field because it was a vocation I was attracted to. I obtain a lot of self-fullfilment from my work.

Same here. I gave up a perfectly comfortable, lucrative and promising career in finance because I was bored to tears, and began evening classes just in order to stretch my mind. I've mentioned to you before that the neurophysiology course just grabbed me and never has let go. I'd make more money in finance but would never, ever change a thing about that decision!
Same here. I gave up a perfectly comfortable, lucrative and promising career in finance because I was bored to tears, and began evening classes just in order to stretch my mind. I've mentioned to you before that the neurophysiology course just grabbed me and never has let go. I'd make more money in finance but would never, ever change a thing about that decision!

Damn, check out Dr. Science!

High fives to you and Mottleydude. I totally agree. I went to college to enhance my options and enable myself to make pretty good money. But, I totally agree: college, for me, came down to being able to have a career that I could really enjoy and get paid for. I'm totally hip to what you're saying; Money is a relatively secondary priority. Of course, everyone wants to make enough to be comfortable. But, I can totally understand how and why you and Mott chose your career paths. A buddy of mine once said the worst day as a scientist is better than the best day as an accountant. LOL, so true. To each, their own!

This is from the CDC's data. Ranked from fattest % of population and marked Red/Blue as they voted in the 2008 presidential election.

So, America is fat and getting fatter. What are the causes? I believe that one of those causes is being poor.

2008 State Obesity Rates

Mississippi 32.8
Alabama 31.4
West Virginia 31.2
Tennessee 30.6
Oklahoma 30.3
South Carolina 30.1
Kentucky 29.8

North Carolina 29.0
Michigan 28.9
Arkansas 28.7
Ohio 28.7
Texas 28.3
Louisiana 28.3
South Dakota 27.5
Kansas 27.4
Georgia 27.3

Delaware 27.0
North Dakota 27.1
Nebraska 26.6

Illinois 26.4
Indiana 26.3

Alaska 26.1
Iowa 26.0
Maryland 26.0
Washington 25.4
Wisconsin 25.4
New Mexico 25.2
Maine 25.2
Virginia 25.0
Nevada 25.0

Wyoming 24.6
New York 24.4
Florida 24.4

Arizona 24.8
Minnesota 24.3
Oregon 24.2
New Hampshire 24.0

Montana 23.9
California 23.7
New Jersey 22.9
Vermont 22.7

Utah 22.5
Hawaii 22.6
Washington DC 21.8
Rhode Island 21.5
Connecticut 21.0
Massachusetts 20.9
Colorado 18.5

Compared with the 10 poorest states (Median Household Income):

# South Carolina – $43,329
# Tennessee – $42,367
# Oklahoma – $41,567

# New Mexico – $41,452
# Louisiana – $40,926
# Alabama – $40,554
# Kentucky – $40,267
# Arkansas – $38,134
# West Virginia – $37,060
# Mississippi – $36,338

The poor have a tough time getting a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables in their diets and many have to deal with times of food insecurity, which has serious links with obesity.

Many in poverty work multiple jobs at varying 1st, 2nd, and 3rd shift schedules and are eating the cheapest easiest meals to eat on the go: fast food.

Why do you think America is fat?

This is complete bullshit. You can eat a healthy meal cheaper than fast food. People who fall back on that line of bullshit are simply too friggin lazy to make the food.
Time's article says exercise has nothing to do with weight loss, just what you eat, the old saying, you are what you eat!

That is incorrect. I do believe the 'what you eat' is more important than the exercise, the exercise most certainly helps with weight loss. Watch the show 'the biggest loser'.... then tell me they could lose that weight simply by eating better. Not going to happen.
Ha! Who are you trying to kid. Saying "I'm an "Accounting/Engineering/Chemistry/Computer Science/Biology/ major" was like have 3 strikes against you in the babe department! LOL

Not for the engineering degree. Babes seem to be attracted to guys that are going to have several attractive job offers before they graduate. In fact, I started my first "real" job nearly before my last final exams, and I moved from a dorm room to the campus hotel and worked ten hour shifts seven days per week. It was a nice salary, plus rent and a per diem. During my first break at that stint I bought a my first new car. :)
It takes a lot of time to exercise enough to make a difference. It's far easier and a more realistic option for people to just not eat as much.

This has to be one of the dumbest things I have seen.

1) Most people watch TV for over an hour each day. Right there is the hour that will make a difference through exercise.

2) 'Eating less' is equally idiotic. Eating less doesn't mean you lose weight. When you starve your body of calories it needs to operate your metabolism slows down to compensate. you need to rephrase your comment to 'eating healthy'. Then only half of your statement would be moronic.
Same here. I gave up a perfectly comfortable, lucrative and promising career in finance because I was bored to tears, and began evening classes just in order to stretch my mind. I've mentioned to you before that the neurophysiology course just grabbed me and never has let go. I'd make more money in finance but would never, ever change a thing about that decision!
Physiology was my favorite subject in college too. It's demanding multidisciplinary field of study but what can be more fascinating then the mechanisms of life?
Not really. I haven't played video games since the early 90's. There so compulsive and an utter waste of time. I'd rather ride my bike. :)

And if you think I'm that old, go on a bike ride with me sonny. I"ll drop you like a bad habit. lol

Bring your bike on out to CO.... The 2010 Triple Bypass is only 11 months away.