APP - America is fat

don't know it was about $500, which is about as cheap as you can go here with a road bike. At least 6 yrs ago when I bought it.
I'm fat. I'm a food-a-holic. I am 6', 240 lb. I make a good living but I like food. I hate that I have to give up what I like so that I can live. I like cigarettes.....don't smoke 'em cause they'll kill me. I like to eat (steak, deer, elk, squirrels, rabbits, fish, potatoes, okra, squash) trying to give that up 'cause it's going to kill me if I don't. I'm very active in the fall and winter.......not so much in the summer....but I like to eat.
Jesus Freak, mucho respect

Longest I've done was 54, got lost on a 50 mile ride totally flat. Road some foothills in the smokies that I'd be too embarrassed to saw how low an elevation kicked my ass.:clink:

A climb is essentially a climb. If you go up 3000 feet it is essentially the same in the smokies as it would be here in terms of kicking your ass (in terms of road grade). You also have to keep in mind, I am acclimated to higher altitudes. I live a mile above sea level... so when I play volleyball for six+ hours on Sundays or go to the gym to work out or simply go for a walk... it is all at altitude.

Which is one reason I enjoy running 5 and 10k's with my kid sister back in KC. Never feel the five... barely feel the ten (in terms of being winded... I always feel my knees after a run)
That don't help. Longest I've ridden this year was 100k and it took me 3.5 hours. There was a time where I could do that in under 3 easily.

You should look into the Elephant Rock if you want a good ride out here. They have versions that are 100 miles, 100k, 50 miles and some shorter ones. The 100 miler is total 3000 feet of climbing. Relatively easier and the course starts just south of Denver and heads down towards CO Springs and Pikes Peak and then returns. Fun ride, well staffed (ie... more aid stations than anyone could possibly need)

side note... 3.5 hours isn't that bad for the roughly 65 miles. I tend to crank around 28mph on flats, smoke the downs and get crushed on higher grades
A climb is essentially a climb. If you go up 3000 feet it is essentially the same in the smokies as it would be here in terms of kicking your ass (in terms of road grade). You also have to keep in mind, I am acclimated to higher altitudes. I live a mile above sea level... so when I play volleyball for six+ hours on Sundays or go to the gym to work out or simply go for a walk... it is all at altitude.

Which is one reason I enjoy running 5 and 10k's with my kid sister back in KC. Never feel the five... barely feel the ten (in terms of being winded... I always feel my knees after a run)

dude climbing 3,000 ft would kill me
ya'll would be waiting hours for me. Low 20's drafting a bunch of better riders on the 54mile ride. I'm at best in high teens if someone is not towing me.
I was wondering if it was the same company. I met their Eastern rep last season and he had me try a pair of their "Brewskis". They've gotten out of the competition skis and are focusing on free skiing and "having fun".
nothing special
a K2 road bike
That's a good commuter bike. Wouldn't want to take a long road trip on it but for bombing around town and getting some cardio in for Tennis, that's a darned good bike. I bought a used Trek hybrid for commuting to work the other week. Went to put a new set of toe clip pedals on it and the idiots at the factory must have put the original pedals on with an air wrench cause I striped the damned crank taking the pedal off. Called Trek shop up and the assholes want almost as much to replace the entire crank (the assholes won't replace just the crank arm) as I paid for the bike. I hate Trek!
I'm fat. I'm a food-a-holic. I am 6', 240 lb. I make a good living but I like food. I hate that I have to give up what I like so that I can live. I like cigarettes.....don't smoke 'em cause they'll kill me. I like to eat (steak, deer, elk, squirrels, rabbits, fish, potatoes, okra, squash) trying to give that up 'cause it's going to kill me if I don't. I'm very active in the fall and winter.......not so much in the summer....but I like to eat.
Try stir fry recipes. If you latch onto some good ones you can kill two birds with one stone. Have your meat and game and still eath healthy. What I like about stir fries is you have a moderate amount of a top cut of meat that you can really enjoy with out over doing it.

I have the same problem. I love food and I love to cook. My cycling hobby gives me the best of both worlds. As long as I ride 6 to 10 hours a week at a rate between 65% and 85% of my max heart rate (65% is about like a fast walk up hill) then I can pretty much eat what I want. Cycling don't tear your body up like running and other sport either (Assuming you don't become some ones hood ornament!). I get about 5 hours of that each week by commuting to work on my bike.
my wife cooks italian a couple times a week, Emrile's gumbo, roast beef po boys. She doesn't like fish. Is a junk food junky.
Totally not fair as she eats a humming bird size portion which makes me insane.
I'm the guy doubling up the portion if front of the football game.
A climb is essentially a climb. If you go up 3000 feet it is essentially the same in the smokies as it would be here in terms of kicking your ass (in terms of road grade). You also have to keep in mind, I am acclimated to higher altitudes. I live a mile above sea level... so when I play volleyball for six+ hours on Sundays or go to the gym to work out or simply go for a walk... it is all at altitude.

Which is one reason I enjoy running 5 and 10k's with my kid sister back in KC. Never feel the five... barely feel the ten (in terms of being winded... I always feel my knees after a run)
I hate that too. I used to be pretty good at Duathlons. I could do the standard 5K, 30k, 5k in under an 1.5hr but every time my 5k time would dip under 20 minutes my knees would start to go funky on me.
You should look into the Elephant Rock if you want a good ride out here. They have versions that are 100 miles, 100k, 50 miles and some shorter ones. The 100 miler is total 3000 feet of climbing. Relatively easier and the course starts just south of Denver and heads down towards CO Springs and Pikes Peak and then returns. Fun ride, well staffed (ie... more aid stations than anyone could possibly need)

side note... 3.5 hours isn't that bad for the roughly 65 miles. I tend to crank around 28mph on flats, smoke the downs and get crushed on higher grades
28 on the flats? WOW! That's smokin!! Are you USCF?
dude climbing 3,000 ft would kill me
That would be just about right for me.

3,000 ft of steady climbing, if your fit and have the right gearing, is not as bad as think. As long as the grade isn't to insane (say around 5%) you just find a gear you can manage with out blowing up and you find a rythem and just keep spining and not caring how many people pass you (you'll pass them again on the way down anways! :-).

In my experience, I find riding in Piedmont country harder then the mountains. The climbs may be shorter, but it's one right after the other on grades between 7 to 10%. Doing 100 miles in Piedmont country is harder, I think, then doing 3 major climbs with an equal amount of elevation gain.

You're problem is that your in the Delta and it's table top flat there. There's no reasonable way for you to train for hills.
ya'll would be waiting hours for me. Low 20's drafting a bunch of better riders on the 54mile ride. I'm at best in high teens if someone is not towing me.
That's alls it takes man. As long as your having fun and achieving your goals you doin aright. Do enough of those 54 mile rides and you'll want to graduate to a higher end road bike cause you'll be in pretty good shape. It only takes about 100 miles/week of training to get in pretty good shape if you do right.
my wife cooks italian a couple times a week, Emrile's gumbo, roast beef po boys. She doesn't like fish. Is a junk food junky.
Totally not fair as she eats a humming bird size portion which makes me insane.
I'm the guy doubling up the portion if front of the football game.
LOL, That's what the bikes for dude. Do an hour a day of hard riding and that won't be so much a problem.
I can crack 28 for about 28 seconds
I can't even do that. I can average about 18 or 19 on a long ride. I can only do mid 20's in a pace line (for a short time) or with a tail wind. But I'm out of shape. I only started riding again earlier this summer. I'm up to about 150 miles per week and my leg speed is starting to come back.