American woman reveals the 23 reasons why British are better than Americans

I am currently reading, 'White Trash' and what is often forgotten is how much our nation was defined by the British, both as place for business to exploit nature and people, but also as a place to dump the waste, in this case people waste. Interesting book read it.
We sent the worst ones to Australia!

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4^ absolutely!

British food?? absolutely not!
I do agree Americans are an extreme, crude, borish lot for the most part..but why learn to appreciate the sun?
C'mon down to Florida! you dont need central heat.

I noticed you forgot to mention they will need central air~& lots of
Their food is quite "atrocious"...

Most of ours isn't much better though.... ThnX God for Mexican, Koren, Italian, Chinese, Greek, Vietnamese, Indian food etc etc etc...

We have one restaurant that serves Chinese, Vietnamese & Italian...:D You gotta love this country..
I noticed you forgot to mention they will need central air~& lots of
Their food is quite "atrocious"...

Most of ours isn't much better though.... ThnX God for Mexican, Koren, Italian, Chinese, Greek, Vietnamese, Indian food etc etc etc...

We have one restaurant that serves Chinese, Vietnamese & Italian...:D You gotta love this country..
I do like grilled tomatos..I ate them with bangers and mash.
Many of us opposed the British one while it still existed, and are ready to fight the American one any day. What is the point of this footling 'limey' crap, and which British is it supposed to apply to?

Tough talk.... The USA can round up the whole lot of yea & deport yea to the sun & bikini clad beaches of Florida for a few years...

That'll drain the fight out of yea:yay:
At the moment, British food is the best in the world - and we have better teeth than do the Americans to eat it with. These old fantasies died a good few years back. And only those who stay in America are boorish - the ones who come her are mostly charming.
I seriously doubt anyone in the world has the food scene the U.S. Does simply because no nation has the scope of agriculture we do combined with our entrepreneurial capacity. We have it all in mind numbing variety from cheap peasant food and corporate plastic to Haute Cuisine of Michelin quality to the freshest of seasonal farm products and everything in between. That and we're not tied into any culinary traditions.
There has been a seachange in food over the past 35 years, I don't think there is a country on Earth with a more varied cuisine. Where I live, almost with spitting distance, we have Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese, Malaysian, Nepalese, Singaporean, Tamil, African, Caribbean, Moroccan, Tunisian, Persian, Kurdish and Lebanese restaurants in addition to the usual European ones.

You're in London?? Nice mix...

I have a friend that "had" a restaurant that served several of those, it closed but was called nine doors in reference to the nine country cuisines he offered..

Chinese, Thai, Japanese, Malay, Indian, Korean, can't recall the others.:(
Yes I can agree with that, many of the attitudes of Americans date back to the post war era when the diet in Britain was very monotonous due to rationing. Unfortunately, or fortunately maybe, many Americans have never travelled outside the North America and are thus guided by old prejudices and shibboleths.
Considering the vast scope of North America and the vast diversity of cultures here you really don't need to. Not where the food scene is concerned.
There has been a seachange in food over the past 35 years, I don't think there is a country on Earth with a more varied cuisine. Where I live, almost with spitting distance, we have Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese, Malaysian, Nepalese, Singaporean, Tamil, African, Caribbean, Moroccan, Tunisian, Persian, Kurdish and Lebanese restaurants in addition to the usual European ones.
Same here but add regional spins to local produce and add the large number of Latin American and South Western cuisines that are almost nonexistent in Europe (a culinary sin of the highest order.) and you begin to get the idea.

However popular culture creates these stereotypes of the British food scene being dominated by repulsive local food traditions like Hagis and kidney pie and conversely the American food stereotype is dominated by equally repulsive American fast food. Ask a Brit who's never been to the U.S. What his notion of the U.S. Food scene is and he'd probably say McDonalds or Burger King.
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Yes, fried & green is popular as well... I grow heirlooms which don't do well on a barbie...
get yourself one of those "hot air fryers"that are all the rage now. I sell them off TV for about $150,but I've seen them on QVC for $99
They would be perfect for grilled veggies.

get yourself one of those "hot air fryers"that are all the rage now. I sell them off TV for about $150,but I've seen them on QVC for $99
They would be perfect for grilled veggies.


LOL, thnx but I don't eat fried foods much any more.. I gave my deep frier away a long time ago........

About once a month I allow myself some fried chXn which I love but it no longer loves me........
LOL, thnx but I don't eat fried foods much any more.. I gave my deep frier away a long time ago........

About once a month I allow myself some fried chXn which I love but it no longer loves me........
right. I'm getting one just for grilling veggies. It doesn't use oil.
get yourself one of those "hot air fryers"that are all the rage now. I sell them off TV for about $150,but I've seen them on QVC for $99
They would be perfect for grilled veggies.


i cook the old fashioned way. by telephone :D