American woman reveals the 23 reasons why British are better than Americans

No she married a brit..

Oh ok, it's just that Lincolnshire is one of the dullest counties in England. Still she is not far from Cambridge, Nottingham, Leicester or Sheffield.

Actually Peterborough isn't so bad these days, there are a huge number of Eastern Europeans there these days.

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No argument with the facts.....thanks to progressive liberalism over the past 80 years, there are a great many things that the US DON'T LEAD. Reality Check:

The US ranks 13th with all the industrialized nations on earth in "starting new businesses".

47th with "freedom of the press"...according to reporters without borders.

20th in international trading.

15th in "debt management".....after having its AAA credit rating dropped 2 times in the past few years.

10th in economic freedom...according to the wall st. journal.

25th among the top 43 developing nations on earth in "...being the best place to be a MOTHER"....according to SAVE THE CHILDREN

the US is rated 11th in total happiness

There are 21 nations rated above the US in having freedom from corruption. Along those same lines..24th among other nations in presenting the "perception of honesty".

Here's a real shocker.....The US is rated 89th in relation to its children being up to date with Vaccination from deadly disease.

Another shocker....47th in the world with "infant survival".

50th in total life expectancy.


To break it down further to an individual basis....the US is 12th in the world per capita...behind such economic powerhouses like "Qatar and Liechtenstein".

More good news for liberalism....THE US unemployment rate is 102 out of 200 nations.

The most embarrassing? 142 out of 150 nations in INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT

THE US DEBT is rated 192 in debt relative to GDP.

11th in exporting oil.

THE US IS LISTED "DEAD LAST" 192nd in net trade of goods and services



Go England go! Instead of the US BECOMING "European Light".... it appears that the LIBERALS of this nation has brought the US down to being equal with Sam's Cola when compared with Coke. LMAO

This list was referenced from an Article in "Business Insider" June, 2012
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No argument with the facts.....thanks to progressive liberalism over the past 80 years, there are a great many things that the US DON'T LEAD. Reality Check:

The US ranks 13th with all the industrialized nations on earth in "starting new businesses".

47th with "freedom of the press"...according to reporters without borders.

20th in international trading.

15th in "debt management".....after having its AAA credit rating dropped 2 times in the past few years.

10th in economic freedom...according to the wall st. journal.

25th among the top 43 developing nations on earth in "...being the best place to be a MOTHER"....according to SAVE THE CHILDREN

the US is rated 11th in total happiness

There are 21 nations rated above the US in having freedom from corruption. Along those same lines..24th among other nations in presenting the "perception of honesty".

Here's a real shocker.....The US is rated 89th in relation to its children being up to date with Vaccination from deadly disease.

Another shocker....47th in the world with "infant survival".

50th in total life expectancy.


To break it down further to an individual basis....the US is 12th in the world per capita...behind such economic powerhouses like "Qatar and Liechtenstein".

More good news for liberalism....THE US unemployment rate is 102 out of 200 nations.

The most embarrassing? 142 out of 150 nations in INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT

THE US DEBT is rated 192 in debt relative to GDP.

11th in exporting oil.

THE US IS LISTED "DEAD LAST" 192nd in net trade of goods and services



Go England go! Instead of the US BECOMING "European Light".... it appears that the LIBERALS of this nation has brought the US down to being equal with Sam's Cola when compared with Coke. LMAO

This list was referenced from an Article in "Business Insider" June, 2012
Why do you hate America Ralph??
Why do you hate America Ralph??

Typical liberal lesson.....the confusion of TRUTH with HATE. Thanks for an obvious revelation. Its the same tactic...anytime the truth is presented revealing the results of liberal socialism that truth is accused of being some kind of politically correct HATE. ALINSKY 101 Simply another method in an attempt to DEFLECT. The reality of social liberalism...i.e., progressive communism...a slow cancerous degeneration of the best parts of the human condition.

Reality? There is only one concept of the human condition that has the power to "...set one free." TRUTH Once truth is accepted, and only then can a problem be realized and the healing process of repentance begin. Of course there will be those who ACCUSE and ATTACK any truth that pulls the curtain back on being HATE. Again..thanks for the preemptive example. :) We all know ALINSKY is dead. Laugh My Ass Off.

The United States of America....USED TO BE THE GREATEST NATION ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH. Today liberalism has the US wallowing in the mud with the other hogs of the of only a few animals on earth that has a habit of defecating where it eats and sleeps.
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The American right-wing wouldn't know truth if it bit off their arses - as I trust it will.

Right....and you disproved the hell out of it with your petty 8th grade personal attack. :) Why? Its all you can do as there is no refutation of the simple TRUTH. Thus....the deflection, the personal attacks due to anger. No one enjoys having their ass handed to them. But its the only way....its like pulling a band aid off an'll FEEL better in a few minutes....there! There! Poor little thing. :palm:
Right....and you disproved the hell out of it with your petty 8th grade personal attack. :) Why? Its all you can do as there is no refutation of the simple TRUTH. Thus....the deflection, the personal attacks due to anger. No one enjoys having their ass handed to them. But its the only way....its like pulling a band aid off an'll FEEL better in a few minutes....there! There! Poor little thing. :palm:

I suppose that has deep meaning for you, like trump's farts, but I don't understand. What is the American eighth grade, and is it equivalent to a Ph D? What truth have you ever told, in all your life, and how do you know? How could you hand me a donkey - going to swim the Atlantic are you? I should stick to beer lad.
No argument with the facts.....thanks to progressive liberalism over the past 80 years, there are a great many things that the US DON'T LEAD. Reality Check:

The US ranks 13th with all the industrialized nations on earth in "starting new businesses".

47th with "freedom of the press"...according to reporters without borders.

20th in international trading.

15th in "debt management".....after having its AAA credit rating dropped 2 times in the past few years.

10th in economic freedom...according to the wall st. journal.

25th among the top 43 developing nations on earth in "...being the best place to be a MOTHER"....according to SAVE THE CHILDREN

the US is rated 11th in total happiness

There are 21 nations rated above the US in having freedom from corruption. Along those same lines..24th among other nations in presenting the "perception of honesty".

Here's a real shocker.....The US is rated 89th in relation to its children being up to date with Vaccination from deadly disease.

Another shocker....47th in the world with "infant survival".

50th in total life expectancy.


To break it down further to an individual basis....the US is 12th in the world per capita...behind such economic powerhouses like "Qatar and Liechtenstein".

More good news for liberalism....THE US unemployment rate is 102 out of 200 nations.

The most embarrassing? 142 out of 150 nations in INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT

THE US DEBT is rated 192 in debt relative to GDP.

11th in exporting oil.

THE US IS LISTED "DEAD LAST" 192nd in net trade of goods and services



Go England go! Instead of the US BECOMING "European Light".... it appears that the LIBERALS of this nation has brought the US down to being equal with Sam's Cola when compared with Coke. LMAO

This list was referenced from an Article in "Business Insider" June, 2012

link turd bonnet
Typical liberal lesson.....the confusion of TRUTH with HATE. Thanks for an obvious revelation. Its the same tactic...anytime the truth is presented revealing the results of liberal socialism that truth is accused of being some kind of politically correct HATE. ALINSKY 101 Simply another method in an attempt to DEFLECT. The reality of social liberalism...i.e., progressive communism...a slow cancerous degeneration of the best parts of the human condition.

Reality? There is only one concept of the human condition that has the power to "...set one free." TRUTH Once truth is accepted, and only then can a problem be realized and the healing process of repentance begin. Of course there will be those who ACCUSE and ATTACK any truth that pulls the curtain back on being HATE. Again..thanks for the preemptive example. :) We all know ALINSKY is dead. Laugh My Ass Off.

The United States of America....USED TO BE THE GREATEST NATION ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH. Today liberalism has the US wallowing in the mud with the other hogs of the of only a few animals on earth that has a habit of defecating where it eats and sleeps.
I thought you would be smart enough to detect the mockery... Oh well..

I never heard of alinsky until he came up in one of beck's paranoid conspiracy rants..

If you are wallowing, take some responsibility and blame yourself, most of us are doing just fine, thnx U....
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the lady who wrote that list is a size 20+ and probably has an unnatural hair color. Call it an educated hunch.

I see a whole lot of ignorance. Straight away:

1. Hamburger is named after the German city Hamburg, not ham. Idiot.

2. American football is called such because it was an offshoot of polo, which is played on horseback. The football refers to the back that it's played on foot, not horseback. Idiot.

3. Appeal to popularity. If the S.I. is best because it's popular, then Twilight is brilliant for the same reason. Idiot.

7. The U.K. is one of the most obese nations on Earth. Is it as obese, on average, as the U.S.? Not quite, no. That doesn't mean it's obesity level is healthy; it's clearly not. Idiot.

9. Baseball and basketball -- two of America's "big three" team sports -- are enormously popular, worldwide. Idiot.

11. The U.K.'s healthcare is panned by the educated. There are many horror stories of medical malpractice thanks to the shoddy state of the U.K.'s welfare health system. It's the perfect example of getting what you paid for. Idiot.

12. Charles Darwin's faulty ideas set biology back decades, brought essentially nothing of practical use to science, yet directly lead to eugenics, including the Nazi holocaust. That's an enormous net loss. Idiot.

13. This is called cherry picking. You're comparing the best of one culture versus the worst of another. The U.K. gave us cringe-worthy Harry Potter, which has dumb-downed an entire generation of snow flakes, while the U.S. has given us How to Kill a Mockingbird, Gone with the Wind, the works of Ernest Hemingway, John Steinbeck, Stephen Crane, Tom Clancy, etc. Idiot.

14. More cherry picking. The U.S. has given the world an enormous selection of world-class musicians. This is such an obvious truism I won't even dignify it with a list. Idiot.

23. While this isn't limited strictly to accents, polls show both U.S. men and women rank higher than their British counterparts on polls of the world's sexiest nationalities. Idiot.

I could go on, but I've already given this bigoted "woman" more attention than it deserves.
  • The American woman published the witty and detailed list on Quora
  • She praised Brits for their queuing system and sensible 'portion control'
  • Wrote, 'they call soccer football because it's clearly played with the foot'

An American woman is sweeping the internet with her highly amusing list of reasons why the Brits do it better.
Ivy Lee, as she is known on Quora, based in Sunnyvale, California, published the list in response to a question on the forum: 'What do the British do better than the Americans?' She reeled off 23 examples in total, praising the UK on everything from its food and music to its £10 note and its plug sockets.


The California-based mum reeled off 23 examples in total, praising the UK on everything from its hearty full English breakfast and good music to its £10 note and its plug sockets

At the top of her carefully composed list was the British language in its purest, un-Americanised form. 'They call hamburger "beef burger" because it's clearly made of beef,' she points out. 'They call soccer "football" because it's clearly played with the foot.'She also praised the full English breakfast, but also remarked: 'They have portion control, resulting in higher life expectancy while we have super-sized everything (because why not?), resulting in obesity (this is why not). Other items on the list include the UK's free healthcare and 28-day paid holiday allowance, compared America's pitiful ten days.


The woman also praised the British accent, its healthcare system and even its lousy weather - for teaching its citizens to 'appreciate the sun'

Even our weather was flipped into a positive. 'They know how to appreciate the sun because though the sun never sets in the British empire, it rarely shines in the motherland,' she wittily remarked. They have Charles Darwin on their £10 note while we are 42 percent creationist. But the final blow to her own lacking patriotism was perhaps saved for last. 'They beat us at politeness and profanity at the same time,' she stated. And, 'the English accent is more attractive than the American accent. This is just an indisputable fact of nature'.


1. They call hamburger beef burger because it's clearly made of beef.
2. They call soccer football because it's clearly played with the foot.
3. They use the SI system because so does the rest of the world.
4. Their sockets can be switched off because it's easier, safer and more energy efficient.
5. They look at the day first, as in dd/mm/yy instead of mm/dd/yy because for around 30 days in a row, the month is the same as yesterday.
6. They have the full English breakfast while we have the full sugar and preservatives cereal.
7. They have portion control, resulting in higher life expectancy while we have supersized everything (because why not?), resulting in obesity (this is why not).
8. They have nice relaxing afternoon teas with custard cream biscuits while we drown ourselves in Starbucks just to maintain functionality.
9. Their native sports, football, rugby, cricket are adopted internationally while our sports reside mainly in America.
10. They have 28 days of paid holiday by law, not including maternity leave, sick leave, etc. while we have 10.
11. They have free universal healthcare, praised as the best in the world, while we remain the only developed country (out of 33) that doesn't.
12. They have Charles Darwin on their £10 note while we are 42 per cent creationist.
13. They produced Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Chronicles of Narnia, Sherlock Holmes while we produced Twilight.
14. They produced Adele, David Bowie, Elton John, Mick Jagger, Coldplay, Radiohead, Muse, Queen, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Kinks, The Smiths, The Libertines, The Who? (The British), The Faces, The Waterboys, The Buzzcocks, The Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Zombies, The Slits, The Stone Roses, The Cure, The Darkness while we didn't.
15. Their national animal has a full head of mane while ours is bald.
16. They know how to primly and properly queue while we mass frenziedly.
17. They know how to primly and properly apologise, for everything.
18. They know how to primly and properly drive on the wrong side of the road.
19. They know how to appreciate the sun because though the sun never sets in the British empire, it rarely shines in the motherland.
20. They make better and greater varieties of chocolates, cheeses, cakes, alcoholic beverages and dishes with questionable names (bubble and squeak, spotted dick, singing hinnies).
21. They have a greater grasp of sarcasm, irony, self-deprecating humour and also, the entire English language.
22. They beat us at politeness and profanity at the same time.
23. The English accent is more attractive than the American accent. This is just an indisputable fact of nature.

Bacon, beans , tomatoes??? My favorite thing they ask in the morning over there. This list is awesome!!
I love the Brits, England and Scotland are my heritage. That pan breakfast is so familiar because mom made that exact combination all the time. It was a familiar sight in Hong Kong as well when I visited there a few times back in the 90's. I still love making that frequently now for breakfast or supper with Earl Grey tea. Yummo!
  • The American woman published the witty and detailed list on Quora
  • She praised Brits for their queuing system and sensible 'portion control'
  • Wrote, 'they call soccer football because it's clearly played with the foot'

An American woman is sweeping the internet with her highly amusing list of reasons why the Brits do it better.
Ivy Lee, as she is known on Quora, based in Sunnyvale, California, published the list in response to a question on the forum: 'What do the British do better than the Americans?' She reeled off 23 examples in total, praising the UK on everything from its food and music to its £10 note and its plug sockets.


The California-based mum reeled off 23 examples in total, praising the UK on everything from its hearty full English breakfast and good music to its £10 note and its plug sockets

At the top of her carefully composed list was the British language in its purest, un-Americanised form. 'They call hamburger "beef burger" because it's clearly made of beef,' she points out. 'They call soccer "football" because it's clearly played with the foot.'She also praised the full English breakfast, but also remarked: 'They have portion control, resulting in higher life expectancy while we have super-sized everything (because why not?), resulting in obesity (this is why not). Other items on the list include the UK's free healthcare and 28-day paid holiday allowance, compared America's pitiful ten days.


The woman also praised the British accent, its healthcare system and even its lousy weather - for teaching its citizens to 'appreciate the sun'

Even our weather was flipped into a positive. 'They know how to appreciate the sun because though the sun never sets in the British empire, it rarely shines in the motherland,' she wittily remarked. They have Charles Darwin on their £10 note while we are 42 percent creationist. But the final blow to her own lacking patriotism was perhaps saved for last. 'They beat us at politeness and profanity at the same time,' she stated. And, 'the English accent is more attractive than the American accent. This is just an indisputable fact of nature'.


1. They call hamburger beef burger because it's clearly made of beef.
2. They call soccer football because it's clearly played with the foot.
3. They use the SI system because so does the rest of the world.
4. Their sockets can be switched off because it's easier, safer and more energy efficient.
5. They look at the day first, as in dd/mm/yy instead of mm/dd/yy because for around 30 days in a row, the month is the same as yesterday.
6. They have the full English breakfast while we have the full sugar and preservatives cereal.
7. They have portion control, resulting in higher life expectancy while we have supersized everything (because why not?), resulting in obesity (this is why not).
8. They have nice relaxing afternoon teas with custard cream biscuits while we drown ourselves in Starbucks just to maintain functionality.
9. Their native sports, football, rugby, cricket are adopted internationally while our sports reside mainly in America.
10. They have 28 days of paid holiday by law, not including maternity leave, sick leave, etc. while we have 10.
11. They have free universal healthcare, praised as the best in the world, while we remain the only developed country (out of 33) that doesn't.
12. They have Charles Darwin on their £10 note while we are 42 per cent creationist.
13. They produced Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Chronicles of Narnia, Sherlock Holmes while we produced Twilight.
14. They produced Adele, David Bowie, Elton John, Mick Jagger, Coldplay, Radiohead, Muse, Queen, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Kinks, The Smiths, The Libertines, The Who? (The British), The Faces, The Waterboys, The Buzzcocks, The Sex Pistols, The Clash, The Zombies, The Slits, The Stone Roses, The Cure, The Darkness while we didn't.
15. Their national animal has a full head of mane while ours is bald.
16. They know how to primly and properly queue while we mass frenziedly.
17. They know how to primly and properly apologise, for everything.
18. They know how to primly and properly drive on the wrong side of the road.
19. They know how to appreciate the sun because though the sun never sets in the British empire, it rarely shines in the motherland.
20. They make better and greater varieties of chocolates, cheeses, cakes, alcoholic beverages and dishes with questionable names (bubble and squeak, spotted dick, singing hinnies).
21. They have a greater grasp of sarcasm, irony, self-deprecating humour and also, the entire English language.
22. They beat us at politeness and profanity at the same time.
23. The English accent is more attractive than the American accent. This is just an indisputable fact of nature.

She clearly has never had an orgasm.
No argument with the facts.....thanks to progressive liberalism over the past 80 years, there are a great many things that the US DON'T LEAD. Reality Check:

The US ranks 13th with all the industrialized nations on earth in "starting new businesses".

47th with "freedom of the press"...according to reporters without borders.

20th in international trading.

15th in "debt management".....after having its AAA credit rating dropped 2 times in the past few years.

10th in economic freedom...according to the wall st. journal.

25th among the top 43 developing nations on earth in "...being the best place to be a MOTHER"....according to SAVE THE CHILDREN

the US is rated 11th in total happiness

There are 21 nations rated above the US in having freedom from corruption. Along those same lines..24th among other nations in presenting the "perception of honesty".

Here's a real shocker.....The US is rated 89th in relation to its children being up to date with Vaccination from deadly disease.

Another shocker....47th in the world with "infant survival".

50th in total life expectancy.


To break it down further to an individual basis....the US is 12th in the world per capita...behind such economic powerhouses like "Qatar and Liechtenstein".

More good news for liberalism....THE US unemployment rate is 102 out of 200 nations.

The most embarrassing? 142 out of 150 nations in INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT

THE US DEBT is rated 192 in debt relative to GDP.

11th in exporting oil.

THE US IS LISTED "DEAD LAST" 192nd in net trade of goods and services



Go England go! Instead of the US BECOMING "European Light".... it appears that the LIBERALS of this nation has brought the US down to being equal with Sam's Cola when compared with Coke. LMAO

This list was referenced from an Article in "Business Insider" June, 2012
Move to England then you blimey bitch
There are some things I like better about England. I like their accents, and I like both the formal social customs of the elite, as well as the pub culture. Since I don't really have any connection to half of my ethnic heritage, and little to my other half, I have always recognized England as my historical and cultural ancestor.

Beyond all of that, America is vastly superior, and I don't need to detail why.
4^ absolutely!

British food?? absolutely not!
I do agree Americans are an extreme, crude, borish lot for the most part..but why learn to appreciate the sun?
C'mon down to Florida! you dont need central heat.

Overall, I'd say British food is currently the best in the world. As with bad teeth and 'warm'(right) beer temperature, this is ancient historical prejudice from c.1943.
Tough talk.... The USA can round up the whole lot of yea & deport yea to the sun & bikini clad beaches of Florida for a few years...

That'll drain the fight out of yea:yay:

Go beat your hollow chest elsewhere! :) My daughter said Florida beaches were dreadful, and she couldn't wait to get back on the plane to somewhere cool. Burned her feet.