An open letter to Phantazmal.

A moderator is *supposed* to act as a neutral participant, you meth-addled dumb fuck.

She doesn't pretend to be neutral at all. Just a blatant, angry, grammatically-challenged partisan hack with no business being a moderator. That was poor judgment on someone else's part.

You claiming Billy and Grind are neutral?
I don't see the other mods aggressively "trolling" posters and calling them racists, etc. as dumbass does.

Nope, sure don't see that.

She's worthless and dumb as dirt.

Grind trolls people with his mansplaining routine. I'll give him a pass for his Tray-gone antics, on the grounds that he may actually be serious and that passionate (although he still gas to rub it in).

Billy does the hilarious thread title changes.
Phantasmal supports a NFL quarterback who kneeled when the National Anthem was played and the American flag was displayed.
Not very patriotic.

I'll stand next to her, then, and be counted as "unpatriotic." Why's that, Pearl? Because true patriots are willing to stand up against popular opinion -- even risking their careers -- to make the point that we have a problem here, and we need to fix it.

You guys though -- you pay false allegiance to what you think is America. You worship a flag and an idiot in the WH and believe that those things are "America." If anyone is not a patriot, it's you and your ilk.'
Phantasmal supports a NFL quarterback who kneeled when the National Anthem was played and the American flag was displayed.

Not very patriotic.

An NFL quarterback who got the idea for kneeling from an Army vet but you'd never call out the military, would you Mr. Earl?
And she calls everyone she doesn't like "racists" and inconsistently applies the rules.

You're a bit wrong about that. Well, no. You're a lot wrong about that.

I have several ppl here on ignore. I noticed this morning that one of them wished I'd die from breast cancer. I only saw it because someone else quoted him. He was, of course, a Reichtard.

I think that's a bit worse than calling someone a racist, don't you?
It appears that Phantasmal is hiding underneath his usual when confronted.

Perhaps Phantasmal can also explain how he monitors posters who violate the TOS of JPP when he admits that he puts posters on “ignore.”

Do you know how many moderators there are, Mr. Earl? And for the record she's not the only mod who puts posters on ignore.

She abuses her Moderator privileges often and she lies often.

How does she monitor posters who violate the JPP TOS when she has admitted that she puts posters on “ignore.”

How many of the board's "f*ckfaces" has Billy put on ignore, Mr. Earl?
Seems to me that Phantasmal gets the vast majority of "moderators here are shit" flak from -- wait for it! Wait!!! -- Reichtards like Earl, Toxic, Jack, and all our other snowflake friends that are just fine with mods who are conservative, but if a mod is a leftie -- it's EVIL! Censorship! Bias! Hate for America! Double standards!