An open letter to Phantazmal.

You're a bit wrong about that. Well, no. You're a lot wrong about that.

I have several ppl here on ignore. I noticed this morning that one of them wished I'd die from breast cancer. I only saw it because someone else quoted him. He was, of course, a Reichtard.

I think that's a bit worse than calling someone a racist, don't you?
No, I don't. I think character assassination and lies are every bit as bad. I'm sick of that goddamned super troll moderator calling everyone a racists based on jack shit.

Why are you here defending that cowardly, illiterate trolletta? Is she too mentally challenged to step up to the plate or just a coward?
Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post
I guess you probably haven't noticed that Grind and Billy are partisan hacks.

lol......neither of them are serious enough about politics to be lib'ruls just see it that way because they hate idiots and you're all idiots......
My two cents:

95 percent of the claims, innuendo, assertions, and gossip of anonymous, obscure message board posters are complete horseshit.

Phatasmal is allowed to post her opinion, just like any other mod.

By the standards of message boards, she is a model of fairness, trustworthiness, and character to the rest of us. And that is undoubtedly why she was tapped to moderate.
Do you consider character assassination of posters she knows nothing about simply "posting her opinion"?

My two cents. She's a lying troll. At least that's been my experience and observation.
Seems to me that Phantasmal gets the vast majority of "moderators here are shit" flak from -- wait for it! Wait!!! -- Reichtards like Earl, Toxic, Jack, and all our other snowflake friends that are just fine with mods who are conservative, but if a mod is a leftie -- it's EVIL! Censorship! Bias! Hate for America! Double standards!

That's funny!

Jack? Hell, you have more in common with Jack than anyone of us "Reichtards," as you call us. You, Jack and Miss "Moderator" despise Christians and Conservatives. Maybe that's why Jack gets 30 days for his THIRD 12b violation and I got 30 for my first?
I assume my violation was extreme compared to Jack's THREE since I suggested a poster might be an administrator in NAMBLA (by the way, I did my 30 and didn't bitch like Jack did)?
Maybe she (or perhaps you) can explain that?
They don't seem to love it here....but, no, the tweets weren't racist. I'm much more offended by the horrible things they've said...and continue to say...aren't you?

What horrible things have they said?
And how come when Trump complains about America, that's ok?