An open letter to Phantazmal.

Too bad they didn't find someone who wasn't a partisan hack troll. She doesn't even pretend to not show partiality. Bill would made a great liberal moderator. He moderated other boards, ones which were predominantly left leaning, and was always fair to all. He didn't give lefties a pass because he agreed with them.

You could always leave if you don't like the modding here.
Grind trolls people with his mansplaining routine. I'll give him a pass for his Tray-gone antics, on the grounds that he may actually be serious and that passionate (although he still gas to rub it in).

Billy does the hilarious thread title changes.

Grind has name-called posters more than any other mod, dummy.
Too bad they didn't find someone who wasn't a partisan hack troll. She doesn't even pretend to not show partiality. Bill would made a great liberal moderator. He moderated other boards, ones which were predominantly left leaning, and was always fair to all. He didn't give lefties a pass because he agreed with them.

I guess you probably haven't noticed that Grind and Billy are partisan hacks. Probably because you agree with their political POV, eh? Damo is also quite conservative. His saving grace is that 1) he seldom posts, and 2) he set this up so that when someone does violate the extremely few rules, it takes all of the mods to remove them.

Would you mind explaining in exactly what ways you think that Phantasmal exercises her mod privileges because of her alleged bias? Or is it just her political POV that frosts your cupcakes? Thanks.
You're a bit wrong about that. Well, no. You're a lot wrong about that.

I have several ppl here on ignore. I noticed this morning that one of them wished I'd die from breast cancer. I only saw it because someone else quoted him. He was, of course, a Reichtard.

I think that's a bit worse than calling someone a racist, don't you?

You must mean that hateful p.o.s. Teflon Don, who just said the same thing about Phantasmal in this thread.
Seems to me that Phantasmal gets the vast majority of "moderators here are shit" flak from -- wait for it! Wait!!! -- Reichtards like Earl, Toxic, Jack, and all our other snowflake friends that are just fine with mods who are conservative, but if a mod is a leftie -- it's EVIL! Censorship! Bias! Hate for America! Double standards!

Absolutely. She's a liberal and a woman... a smart woman... and that's enough to set off these numbskulls.
I guess you probably haven't noticed that Grind and Billy are partisan hacks. Probably because you agree with their political POV, eh? Damo is also quite conservative. His saving grace is that 1) he seldom posts, and 2) he set this up so that when someone does violate the extremely few rules, it takes all of the mods to remove them.

Would you mind explaining in exactly what ways you think that Phantasmal exercises her mod privileges because of her alleged bias? Or is it just her political POV that frosts your cupcakes? Thanks.

That's not true,Billy all by himself gave me a one day ban,for reporting.
Grind gave Zepata Guitar,a ban all by himself, on the spot,when he was losing a debate.
I guess you probably haven't noticed that Grind and Billy are partisan hacks. Probably because you agree with their political POV, eh? Damo is also quite conservative. His saving grace is that 1) he seldom posts, and 2) he set this up so that when someone does violate the extremely few rules, it takes all of the mods to remove them.

Would you mind explaining in exactly what ways you think that Phantasmal exercises her mod privileges because of her alleged bias? Or is it just her political POV that frosts your cupcakes? Thanks.

"Frosts your cupcakes", I like it!*

*This is an official "suck up to an Amazonian" comment.

What this boils down to is Billy, Grind, and Damo are righties. Billy tells ppl to kill themselves. Grind calls ppl retards and other pejoratives. Damo is absent. Only Phantasmal is the sole leftie and present most of the time. So our RW friends find her an easy target.

Shame on you snowflake losers.
Too bad they didn't find someone who wasn't a partisan hack troll. She doesn't even pretend to not show partiality. Bill would made a great liberal moderator. He moderated other boards, ones which were predominantly left leaning, and was always fair to all. He didn't give lefties a pass because he agreed with them.

My two cents:

95 percent of the claims, innuendo, assertions, and gossip of anonymous, obscure message board posters are complete horseshit.

Phatasmal is allowed to post her opinion, just like any other mod.

By the standards of message boards, she is a model of fairness, trustworthiness, and character to the rest of us. And that is undoubtedly why she was tapped to moderate.
You have made the charge that Trumps tweets about Elijah Cummings Baltimore district is Racist. Here are the tweets:

I have asked you to tell us which parts of those tweets are racist? Which you have ignored. Please respond or admit you are making the charge through hatred not fact.

It's because of all the racist bs he's said in the past that these comments seem dirty with it. If a convicted pedophile said to a family, that they have beautiful children, people would read between the lines of that as well.
I guess you probably haven't noticed that Grind and Billy are partisan hacks. Probably because you agree with their political POV, eh? Damo is also quite conservative. His saving grace is that 1) he seldom posts, and 2) he set this up so that when someone does violate the extremely few rules, it takes all of the mods to remove them.

Would you mind explaining in exactly what ways you think that Phantasmal exercises her mod privileges because of her alleged bias? Or is it just her political POV that frosts your cupcakes? Thanks.
She trolls the board calling everyone she doesn't agree with "racists". lol I've seen her turn a blind eye on more than one occasion to 12b violations and other things.

She's a lying troll and everyone knows it. When Grind or Billy chase you and others around the board every day screaming "racists" based on jack shit, then let me know. Otherwise, let the dumb trolletta minyetta contretta fight her own battles. She started the shit, why are you here speaking on her behalf?