Any Dog Lovers On Here?

When I saw this thread I knew Robs response would be oh so predictable.

Yes I advoate killing dogs, I also advocate shooting heroin, prostitution, not tipping your waittress, greeting people with the phrase "fuck you", cheating on your spouse, burning the flag, pissing on the bible, smashing your computer with a sledge hammer, masturbating to the golden girls, and eating poop.

I think you can see where I'm going with this.

I don't advocate any of those (except maybe the golden girls thing...) but I support your right to.

P.S. Fuck you.
We have a great little Curly Haired Bichon Maltese .. not to be confused with the long haired Maltese or Bichon Frise which it looks like. Bichons are great dogs .... smart, loving and athletetic ..... and great with kids too. her name is Pebbles.
When I saw this thread I knew Robs response would be oh so predictable.

Yes I advoate killing dogs, I also advocate shooting heroin, prostitution, not tipping your waittress, greeting people with the phrase "fuck you", cheating on your spouse, burning the flag, pissing on the bible, smashing your computer with a sledge hammer, masturbating to the golden girls, and eating poop.

I think you can see where I'm going with this.

While I agree to the rights of all the above except for the Killing of Dogs... I wouldnt go as far as being an advocate .. but this prompts me to ask the question old are you?
I like dogs, dogs are tasty. Puppy tacos....yummmmmy! Soft, tender, almost like veal.
If you support the war ? esp if you ever said about the islamic folks just kill em all and let god sort em out.
Me I will kill anything that needs killing, but don't like to do it...
I do however place human life above animal life.

Pro death penalty ?
If you support the war ? esp if you ever said about the islamic folks just kill em all and let god sort em out.
Me I will kill anything that needs killing, but don't like to do it...
I do however place human life above animal life.

Pro death penalty ?

I oppose the death penalty .... I place Human life above all animal life ... and it seems as if you are trying to pin me into a corner wher you see all conservatives ....
I think you better look at the liberal corner.. because thats where you will find the extreme thinking about animal rights.

As ar as the War.. which one are you talking about.. The War on Terror or the Iraqi War? I stated my view on Iraq .. you should know where I stand on that. War on Terror .. you dont think it is neccessary?
Actually I was not targeting you ont the supporting killing of humans but not dogs thing Klaatu.
Just a general question/observation.
Did you support Bush in 2004 Klaatu ?

Yes I did... and I have changed my mind about the War since then ... I do have a right to do that..dont I? And let me tell you something USC... voting for kerry was not a vote against the War.. no matter what that lying conniving piece of dog shit was saying .... Kerry belongs in the same scumbag hole as Bush ....
Perhaps on Kerry, we will never know now will we.
And yes , you can change you mind even if it is a bit late. Glad you opened your eyes.
While I agree to the rights of all the above except for the Killing of Dogs... I wouldnt go as far as being an advocate .. but this prompts me to ask the question old are you?

My advocacy was sarcastic Klaatu. I agree to the right to do all of those things even if I disagree with them. Rob believes my support for the right to kill your own dog equals advoating killing your own dog. I created that list to lampoon such an assertion.

Klaatu let me ask you this. If you owned a pig, cow, goat or chicken you are permitted to kill it. Why not a dog?

I am 27 years old why?
Oh yeah I forgot the turtle
Everybody always forgets the turtles. That's why you can't keep 'em in some states anymore. ;)

Me, I'm a cat person. I've had many dogs, too, but I doubt I will again. In the past, I've had an Irish Wolfhound -- weird and wonderful dog that was -- a Queensland Blue Heeler and several Heinz 57 mutts. Gotta love a mutt.
Everybody always forgets the turtles. That's why you can't keep 'em in some states anymore. ;)

Me, I'm a cat person. I've had many dogs, too, but I doubt I will again. In the past, I've had an Irish Wolfhound -- weird and wonderful dog that was -- a Queensland Blue Heeler and several Heinz 57 mutts. Gotta love a mutt.

They make good soup.