Anyone know who this is?

I don't like here with or without makeup, her success is mainly down to gays and prepubescent girls.

I like her music, so do lots of people who are neither gay nor prepubescent. More importantly; what has Tom revealed with this post?

he's revealed that unless something is stamped approved by the white male, it's culturally worthless. The arrogance and entitlement of male supremacy on full display here.

Regarding the picture - she's actually quite a bit prettier than the pic suggests. That is a very bad angle. However, she apparently released it! Good for her! Beyonce OTOH, had some terrible shots taken of her at a recent performance, and had them removed and blocked from publication. You know, I prefer Gaga's attitude on it. Stil, what do her looks have to do with this? Tom is enraged that a woman he finds undesirable has become an international star. How can a woman become an international star if some british nobody's penis doesn't approve??!! Her talent is irrelevant; she must appeal to the universal penis. Again, male supremacy on full display.

Lastly, I have to second Charver's first post. WTH? Are you 12?
I dare anyone not to get up right now and dance to this song! You know you all are you liars!

And who can not love the line from Bad Romance "cause I'm a free bitch baby!" I yell that out every time it's on the radio. My niece laughs every time, never fails.
Tom, what's the matter, you didn't humiliate yourself enough for one day yet, so you had to let your true colors fly so the whole entire board can laugh at your disgusting misogynistic arse?

What a piece of shit you truly are. No wonder you hate Darla so much, not only is she female, but a true lady at that.

By the way, it was funny watching Howie trounce your dumb ass in this thread, and Charver was a complete bonus.

Good lord arse hole, you can't even get along with your own countrymen.

I love to see how someone as inconsequential as Lady Gaga gets all the usual suspects so agitated, I now see why the right call you all pinheads and sheeple.

If you want an example of a real woman singing real music then here is one for you all. Notice that she doesn't even has a dress made out of meat, is she crazy or what??

I love to see how someone as inconsequential as Lady Gaga gets all the usual suspects so agitated, I now see why the right call you all pinheads and sheeple.

If you want an example of a real woman singing real music then here is one for you all.

Lady Gaga is a real woman. All women are real.

Nobody gives a shit about your video. You've been caught being a misogynistic asshole (that's American for arsehole) yet again. Diversion is futile.
I dare anyone not to get up right now and dance to this song! You know you all are you liars!

And who can not love the line from Bad Romance "cause I'm a free bitch baby!" I yell that out every time it's on the radio. My niece laughs every time, never fails.

I just don't like techno pop.

im too old and jaded by the disco era which made me turn off my radio until grunge emmerged
I just don't like techno pop.

im too old and jaded by the disco era which made me turn off my radio until grunge emmerged

I'm a rock and roll girl at heart, but I do like some pop, and I even liked some disco. I could get into a real feminist examination of Donna Summers works for instance. But in the end, I like dancing to some of it. What can I say?
I'm a rock and roll girl at heart, but I do like some pop, and I even liked some disco. I could get into a real feminist examination of Donna Summers works for instance. But in the end, I like dancing to some of it. What can I say?

Hey no judgement from me on having music make you feel good.

I am just old to like Disco type stuff.

It was more than just the sound.

I have friends who love gaga and disco.

they are younger than me and its the music of their teens and young adulthood.

For me it chased all the music I loved off the radio.

its dance music and I like musicians music.

dancing is way cool even if I suck at it.

its great exersize and very cathartic
I daresay you will end up as a hunk of dead meat if you go around with that bad attitude all the time. There are 300 million guns out there and I'm sure there is one waiting for you.


I didn't even see the part about the gun.

Look little boy if you think you can come kill me you just try.

women do NOT have to behave like your clown fucking ass orders.

eat a pile of shit.

and shove every single gun you have up your ass.

I will NEVER fear you.

greasy clown fucker

I didn't even see the part about the gun.

Look little boy if you think you can come kill me you just try.

women do NOT have to behave like your clown fucking ass orders.

eat a pile of shit.

and shove every single gun you have up your ass.

I will NEVER fear you.

greasy clown fucker

I swear that you have early onset dementia, I live in England you daft mare. I am talking about the veritable arsenal of weapons in your own country and your tendency to fly off the handle at the drop of a hat. Definitely not a recipe for a long life.
chicken shit.

don't ever threaten me again you fucking clown fucker

Yes that's right, you lunatic, I am going to go 6000 miles to California to perform a mercy killing. You need to go get some more lithium from the funny farm.
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shallow muther fuckers.

how is tom shallow based on this op? He made a legitimate observation. he spoke nothing to her worth as a person. He didn't say she is a bad person or not worthy of someone because of how she looks.

"being shallow" is purely judging someone on apperances. Tom did not judge the totality of lady gaga, just made an observation concerning one aspect of her.

People are too busy circlejerking over tom hate to see that though.