APP - Emergency Rooms as Healthcare

How is school hindering my ability to be self supporting? Because without school I could get a third job and use that money to pay a ridiculous premium for health insurance? That sure sounds great, a lifetime of minimum wage jobs and barely surviving, but hey, at least I'd have health insurance.

Also, without college how would I know what a collage is?

* Main Entry: col·lage
* Pronunciation: \kə-ˈläzh, kȯ-, kō-\
* Function: noun
* Etymology: French, literally, gluing, from coller to glue, from colle glue, from Vulgar Latin *colla, from Greek kolla
* Date: 1919

1 a : an artistic composition made of various materials (as paper, cloth, or wood) glued on a surface b : a creative work that resembles such a composition in incorporating various materials or elements <the album is a collage of several musical styles>

Maybe you would finally be able to get a job that would meet your needs, is you would stop trying to live off of the Government teat.

The fact that you had to resort to being the spelling police, just shows that you've been pwnd on this thread.
I have provided you with the text of the proposed bill that says exactly what I stated....the fact that you deny what everyone can read means you have no intent of engaging in an honest discussion of the bill but simply intend that it get passed without anyone looking at it.....I intend to report YOU to Obama for making fraudulent claims about the health care bill....

Oh, geeze, YOU are correct, THEY are wrong. Unbelievable.
Well I'll accept being compared to one of the minor saints but Christ is going too far. As to spending too much time on here, I have less than 700 posts to my credit whereas your favourite cowboy has over 2100, in the same period of time, so you do the maths genius.

The only one that compares himself to Freedom Tom, is you.

Hence, your problem.

.not everyone gets their insurance free from their employer.....I am self employed....I already pay for my own plan....I like my plan....if my insurance company goes broke, I cannot buy a plan like the one I have now from anyone....if another company has the same plan but cheaper, I will not be allowed to buy insurance from them......I will have to buy the government approved plan.....get it?.....

that i read and understand from the bill.....wouldn't you agree that it is not the same thing as saying you have to buy "government insurance?" in ca i have to have a minimum type ins policy in order to legally operate a car....i buy that gov mandated policy from a private ins carrier...

i don't think private ins carriers are going anywhere....even obama sold his plan short (the idiot) by saying look at usps compared to fed ex and ups....

the part i don't get about this bill is....why such drastic changes...if all the libs want is gov ins and guaranteed ins....why not expand medicare? why create an entirely different animal?

as to forcing ins co to take people for pre existing conditions, i am on the fence as this issue affects me personally....the problem i see is that rates are going to go up for EVERYone....further, i do not see the government truly understanding the costs of healthcare vis a vis insurance....this is going to cost a lot more than what is claimed, to say this is going to be budget neutral is naive....
that i read and understand from the bill.....wouldn't you agree that it is not the same thing as saying you have to buy "government insurance?"

no, I don't.....if the government were to design a car, tell you what it may look like, how it may operate, and what options it may have, in fact, tell you they aren't options but standard equipment, then what difference does it make if you buy that car made by Ford or you buy that car made by still the same car.....

in this instance the government has said, this is what insurance will look will cover this, it will not cover that, it will have this deductible, it will have this co-pay system.....what difference is there if I get that insurance from company A or company B or directly from the's still the government's insurance policy.....

the only way to avoid the government insurance policy is to stick with a plan that is grandfathered in.....but those plans may not add new members, they may not change a single long do you think those alternatives will last under those conditions.....certainly no more than a generation, since all the current members will eventually die off.....

what about the future of some enterprising entrepreneur who comes up with a better insurance plan.....he isn't even allowed to market it....he can only market the plan that the government designed....
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no, I don't.....if the government were to design a car, tell you what it may look like, how it may operate, and what options it may have, in fact, tell you they aren't options but standard equipment, then what difference does it make if you buy that car made by Ford or you buy that car made by still the same car.....

in this instance the government has said, this is what insurance will look will cover this, it will not cover that, it will have this deductible, it will have this co-pay system.....what difference is there if I get that insurance from company A or company B or directly from the's still the government's insurance policy.....

the only way to avoid the government insurance policy is to stick with a plan that is grandfathered in.....but those plans may not add new members, they may not change a single long do you think those alternatives will last under those conditions.....certainly no more than a generation, since all the current members will eventually die off.....

so you're saying that because ca mandates a minimum liability policy in order to operate a motor vehicle.... that it is government insurance? thats interesting as every auto insurance carrier that i know of in ca is private (meaning not gov own or run)
so you're saying that because ca mandates a minimum liability policy in order to operate a motor vehicle.... that it is government insurance? thats interesting as every auto insurance carrier that i know of in ca is private (meaning not gov own or run)

and what if the government said all car insurance policies had to have 15ok/300k liability coverage (instead of just setting a minimum....that every car insurance policy had to have a $100 deductible, that every car insurance policy had to have this that and the other thing until every insurance policy was the same.....what difference would it make if the carriers were private, nobody is offering any would all be the government's plan of insurance.....
and what if the government said all car insurance policies had to have 15ok/300k liability coverage (instead of just setting a minimum....that every car insurance policy had to have a $100 deductible, that every car insurance policy had to have this that and the other thing until every insurance policy was the same.....what difference would it make if the carriers were private, nobody is offering any would all be the government's plan of insurance.....

what if a bullfrog had wings....
and what if the government said all car insurance policies had to have 15ok/300k liability coverage (instead of just setting a minimum....that every car insurance policy had to have a $100 deductible, that every car insurance policy had to have this that and the other thing until every insurance policy was the same.....what difference would it make if the carriers were private, nobody is offering any would all be the government's plan of insurance.....

wait a minute....i don't think this plan is setting anything but a minimum amount of coverage...the plan doesn't say you can't have more expensive h/c coverage....i believe it is simply saying that ins co has to have a minimum, just like ca auto....i don't see where they are saying everything has to be identical in coverage
God I love suckling on this government teat.
