APP - Emergency Rooms as Healthcare

government reimbursement of union benefit programs....perhaps to become known as the GM bailout provision....

page 65, starting at line 12

the government is required to reimburse qualified employee retirement programs for any amount over $15k and under $90k per claim expended for health benefits covered under the government other words, if the government agrees to accept responsibility for a pension fund the employer responsibility is reduced to $15k and the government picks up the rest.....
Adding to my last reply, I would also like to see the bill allow me to buy drugs legally anywhere I can find them at a lower price, would allow Medicare to save 100s of billions by negotiating for better prices, would forbid drug companies from selling for less elsewhere than in their own country, and would end the necessity of bankruptcy for those who have suffered from catastrophic medical costs.

not to worry, your drugs will be free...

Page 28, line 8 defines essential benefits to include

8 (5) Prescription drugs.
You made a choice to be in school and that is part of what is hindering your ability to be self supporting.
Some people choose to provide for themselves and forgo Collage.
Are you saying you were FORCED to go to Collage??

How is school hindering my ability to be self supporting? Because without school I could get a third job and use that money to pay a ridiculous premium for health insurance? That sure sounds great, a lifetime of minimum wage jobs and barely surviving, but hey, at least I'd have health insurance.

Also, without college how would I know what a collage is?

* Main Entry: col·lage
* Pronunciation: \kə-ˈläzh, kȯ-, kō-\
* Function: noun
* Etymology: French, literally, gluing, from coller to glue, from colle glue, from Vulgar Latin *colla, from Greek kolla
* Date: 1919

1 a : an artistic composition made of various materials (as paper, cloth, or wood) glued on a surface b : a creative work that resembles such a composition in incorporating various materials or elements <the album is a collage of several musical styles>
How is school hindering my ability to be self supporting? Because without school I could get a third job and use that money to pay a ridiculous premium for health insurance? That sure sounds great, a lifetime of minimum wage jobs and barely surviving, but hey, at least I'd have health insurance.

Also, without college how would I know what a collage is?

* Main Entry: col·lage
* Pronunciation: \kə-ˈläzh, kȯ-, kō-\
* Function: noun
* Etymology: French, literally, gluing, from coller to glue, from colle glue, from Vulgar Latin *colla, from Greek kolla
* Date: 1919

1 a : an artistic composition made of various materials (as paper, cloth, or wood) glued on a surface b : a creative work that resembles such a composition in incorporating various materials or elements <the album is a collage of several musical styles>

This has been pointed out to him many times but he is incapable of retaining the information.
I think it failed, I disagree with you

Running out of money for the program was THE PLAN. The bill was set to expire when the $1 billion ran out or in November, whichever came first according to the language of the bill. They put the expiration built in. It wasn't meant to last forever. It ran out in a week. That's how hugely successful it was. So they renewed it and gave it twice as much money.
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so give up because i tell you i don't see the law shutting down private insurance carriers....i'm suckered....that is your rebuttal....

as much as ib1 is an uber pimp your liberal.....he has given cites and have you, however, i see nothing in your cites to back up this notion of eradicting private insurance

how is this different than requiring minimum coverage for auto insurance?
Don't forget, loves Country music, live in Crapsville Arizona and disciplines young boys.

I was wondering why I kept seeing you show up in this thread and just what in the hell you had to contribute to this discussion and low and behold! Here you are AGAIN dogging Freedom's ass.

Tom you spend way too much time here. Just like you did on the WOT. You need to get a hobby that entails you manning up and quit acting like a pansy-assed hanky-wringing girl hurling elementary insults at a man you appear to obsess over.

Christ Tom!
No, ib1, don't you get it? Health care reform wouldn't work in this country because some completely unrelated bill Congress passed worked too well.
so give up because i tell you i don't see the law shutting down private insurance carriers....i'm suckered....that is your rebuttal....

as much as ib1 is an uber pimp your liberal.....he has given cites and have you, however, i see nothing in your cites to back up this notion of eradicting private insurance

how is this different than requiring minimum coverage for auto insurance?

Our little Yurt. Discovering what it's like to attempt real debate with a conservative.
Are you still using the same tow truck, to haul your fat ass around, that you used as a child; or did you have to upgrade and get one of the ones large enough to haul a diesel truck??

By the way, hows the "hand modeling" working out?
I heard you were trying to step up and become a fluffer, for a movie set.

Yeah you are right Shortbus, I did audition, but when I told them I wanted to get paid to do the job, they told me you were already fluffing all the actors and doing it for free!

It must be nice to have a job you love so much you'd do it for free!
.as have you, however, i see nothing in your cites to back up this notion of eradicting private insurance

I gave you the text of the act so you could read it for yourself.....I spelled it out for you line by line.....what more do you want?......and where did ibbie provide a cite?....just do me one small favor.....identify the post number where ibbie provided a cite.....
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I was wondering why I kept seeing you show up in this thread and just what in the hell you had to contribute to this discussion and low and behold! Here you are AGAIN dogging Freedom's ass.

Tom you spend way too much time here. Just like you did on the WOT. You need to get a hobby that entails you manning up and quit acting like a pansy-assed hanky-wringing girl hurling elementary insults at a man you appear to obsess over.

Christ Tom!

Well I'll accept being compared to one of the minor saints but Christ is going too far. As to spending too much time on here, I have less than 700 posts to my credit whereas your favourite cowboy has over 2100, in the same period of time, so you do the maths genius.
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so give up because i tell you i don't see the law shutting down private insurance carriers....i'm suckered....that is your rebuttal....

as much as ib1 is an uber pimp your liberal.....he has given cites and have you, however, i see nothing in your cites to back up this notion of eradicting private insurance

how is this different than requiring minimum coverage for auto insurance?

Because the government wont give you subsidies to help you pay for minimum car insurance if you can't afford it.
I gave you the text of the act so you could read it for yourself.....I spelled it out for you line by line.....what more do you want?......and where did ibbie provide a cite?....just do me one small favor.....identify the post number where ibbie provided a cite.....


You provided the citation for me - the text of the bill which doesn't say what you claim it says. Anyone with an IQ over 70 can read it and know it doesn't say anything about eliminating private coverage.