APP - Emergency Rooms as Healthcare

wait a minute....i don't think this plan is setting anything but a minimum amount of coverage...the plan doesn't say you can't have more expensive h/c coverage....i believe it is simply saying that ins co has to have a minimum, just like ca auto....i don't see where they are saying everything has to be identical in coverage defines what must be covered, including dental and vision's all spelled out....
I mean if this thing passes with no public option there will likely be no mandatory model for coverage either.
Maybe you would finally be able to get a job that would meet your needs, is you would stop trying to live off of the Government teat.

The fact that you had to resort to being the spelling police, just shows that you've been pwnd on this thread.

Ok, so I've been thinking about this post today.

Obviously you're telling me that the only reason I'm poor is because I choose to be. This bootstraps mentality, which started to rear it's head post-Nixon, is in my opinion one of the main problems the right has with luring in young voters.

I let conservatives in this thread know my situation and in doing so posted a lot more personal information than I ever intended to on JPP. I did this because I genuinely wanted to hear what their solutions to my situations were. I'm not going to say that I didn't have preconceived notions about what those answers would be or that I would even follow any general recommendations, but I was interested to hear any take, from the right, on my life problems as I laid them out in this thread.

The answers I got, AND PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG, were mainly along the lines of, "Your higher education is holding you back." Which begs the question, what exactly is it holding me back from?

You're offering me a choice between death and a life not worth living, which as I think everyone would agree, is no choice at all. My alternative, as some of you see it, is to drop out of school and pick up another job (my third, if you haven't been paying attention) so that I can pay an outrageously priced premium (preexisting condition) on a health insurance plan and literally be in the exact same monetary position I am now.

The death part is self explanatory and as I've said before, if I don't get some sort of health insurance in the next few years my quality of the rest of my life will be greatly diminished, if not extinguished. The life not worth living part? Waiting tables, manning cash registers, and filing papers 80 hours a week for 50 years until I die is not appealing to me.

Essentially I've already made this choice. I've thrown the dice and am gambling that I can stay alive until I get my degree. I'm not looking for sympathy or compassion and please don't think I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself, but do you think this is a decision any citizen of the richest country in the history of the world should have to face down? How does my situation make you feel, not about me, but about our health care system as a whole?

Enjoy this giant block of text.
but the proposed plan has a public option....why do you think it's going to be taken away?.....

Obama has backed off the public option recently, going so far as to say that he'll sign a health bill without one.

Another major reason? The health care lobby and right wing organizations are running a pretty intensive fear and smear campaign right now. To me, the claims are hilarious and obviously false, but I can see where if someone believed what they were saying that it would be terrifying.
Obama has backed off the public option recently, going so far as to say that he'll sign a health bill without one.

so what?.....nobody in Congress has submitted such a bill....the only one up for consideration so far IS a public option.....unless that gets thrown out and somebody puts something else up why would you even pretend it matters?.....
Because the Democrats are being ridiculously bipartisan with this thing. It's going to be so watered down by the time it hits the floor for a full vote that it will be almost unrecognizable.

Don't get me wrong, I hope the thing passes, but the government is also slow and stupid, fueling my doubts that it actually will.
But what about right now? I need health insurance right now.
You do realize that this legislation, even if passed today, does not take effect for a bit over 5 years, yes?

In short, even if you need it now this particular legislation will not resolve your issue.

It's amazing how it is a crisis to pass it, but not to make it take any effect...
You do realize that this legislation, even if passed today, does not take effect for a bit over 5 years, yes?

In short, even if you need it now this particular legislation will not resolve your issue.

It's amazing how it is a crisis to pass it, but not to make it take any effect...

I do realize this. In five years I'll either be hooked up to a machine or I'll have a job in my field with insurance.

This might come as a bit of a shock, not so much to you Damo (as you seem to be at least open to reason), but I'm for a public options (and ultimately for UHC) because I worry about other people having to make the same impossible decisions I've had to make.