APP - Emergency Rooms as Healthcare

If after this fails some R's and D's get together to make something that will pass, if it is supported by the leadership of both parties in the congress, it will pass and it will be better than this mess.

I appreciate your point that the White House should not just be delivering a Bill to Congress, but this man was elected convincingly into office and the fact that he wanted to make some major health care overhauls was no surprise to those that voted for him. You know I'm no fan of Barack Obama, but him getting some input on the bill is appropriate.

That being said, R's and D's getting together on a bill like this is my definition of "watered down". Not having access to affordable insurance is literally enslaving poor people to a lifetime of low wage middle management. To not want to do everything you can to help these people makes me sick to my stomach.

I'm curious what your view of health care reform would look like, Damo. What would you like to see?
as if your choice of avatar isn't merely evidence of the same...

When did I ever discuss or point out my avatar, with the exception of "ASHLEY TODD 2012" I posted in some thread when someone recognized her? What does my avatar have to do with anything? I find the picture humorous so I used it as an avatar.

EDIT: Sorry for the four post. It's easier for me to keep tabs on individual conversations if I make my replies separately. In a thread like this where I'm having like three simultaneous conversations it can get confusing.
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I appreciate your point that the White House should not just be delivering a Bill to Congress, but this man was elected convincingly into office and the fact that he wanted to make some major health care overhauls was no surprise to those that voted for him. You know I'm no fan of Barack Obama, but him getting some input on the bill is appropriate.

That being said, R's and D's getting together on a bill like this is my definition of "watered down". Not having access to affordable insurance is literally enslaving poor people to a lifetime of low wage middle management. To not want to do everything you can to help these people makes me sick to my stomach.

I'm curious what your view of health care reform would look like, Damo. What would you like to see?
He was elected because he wasn't Bush, not because he wanted to make major overhauls in health care. Every candidate, including McCain wanted to make changes in health care.
He was elected because he wasn't Bush, not because he wanted to make major overhauls in health care. Every candidate, including McCain wanted to make changes in health care.

This is a whole other thread. Where should we talk about the 2008 election, I'm interested to hear what you have to say.
No, I don't have that perception of people who haven't graduated from higer education. I have that perception of that's what I'm doing now and it sucks.

That's because you've got your plate to full and ergo; you're not able to do any of the things efficiently.

You might have to put aside the schooling, for the time being, and do what's necessary to take care of yourself.
When did I ever discuss or point out my avatar, with the exception of "ASHLEY TODD 2012" I posted in some thread when someone recognized her? What does my avatar have to do with anything? I find the picture humorous so I used it as an avatar.

EDIT: Sorry for the four post. It's easier for me to keep tabs on individual conversations if I make my replies separately. In a thread like this where I'm having like three simultaneous conversations it can get confusing.

You find the picture of someone who has either suffered an accident, or was assaulted; and you find it HUMOROUS!!

Let me guess.
You're studying psychologiy.
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Did you even read that? Or do you have no sense of shame?

no, just a twinge of guilt for giving you the time of day....

MINIMUM coverages outlined for plans sold on the health exchange. That's all thats there. There's nothing there limiting what they can sell you above and beyond the minimums.
this is either beyond your comprehension or you understand but refuse to admit you are wrong....obviously there is something limiting what they can sell either has to be 70%, 85% or 95%, and everything that is to be covered is defined....

let's try one more approach to see if this sinks in.....apply the same approach to the housing industry....

the government steps in and says, okay, private industry can build houses, but you will use either Blueprint A, Blueprint B, or Blueprint C......these are the colors you can paint it, these are the appliances you will use....if you already own a house which isn't built to one of these three blueprints it is grandfathered in....but you may never sell it to someone else and you are not allowed to make repairs.....

and you say...."Sweet, they kept the private market system"......
there is also "enhanced" and "premium" coverage which cover 85% and 95% of benefits....

so, what variables do you see that private companies could work with in creating different options?....

all is see is the minimum....i don't even see dental or eye care under chiro, no accupuncture, etc.....if you think that what is listed is all there is to health coverage, i suggest you read up on insurance options, the insurance i have now which is so way beyond that list
all is see is the minimum....i don't even see dental or eye care under chiro, no accupuncture, etc.....if you think that what is listed is all there is to health coverage, i suggest you read up on insurance options, the insurance i have now which is so way beyond that list
Dental and eye care can only be provided in the "Premium Plus" plan that can be offered if you offer all three tiers before as a private company, there is no coverage for adults in the teeth or eye area in the public option.
all is see is the minimum....i don't even see dental or eye care under chiro, no accupuncture, etc.....if you think that what is listed is all there is to health coverage, i suggest you read up on insurance options, the insurance i have now which is so way beyond that list

no Maytag dishwasher for you, then.....
Dental and eye care can only be provided in the "Premium Plus" plan that can be offered if you offer all three tiers before as a private company, there is no coverage for adults in the teeth or eye area in the public option.

are you saying that the three tiers are the "only" plans that can be offered? this is pmp's claim....and it appears you agree...
no, just a twinge of guilt for giving you the time of day....

this is either beyond your comprehension or you understand but refuse to admit you are wrong....obviously there is something limiting what they can sell either has to be 70%, 85% or 95%, and everything that is to be covered is defined....

let's try one more approach to see if this sinks in.....apply the same approach to the housing industry....

the government steps in and says, okay, private industry can build houses, but you will use either Blueprint A, Blueprint B, or Blueprint C......these are the colors you can paint it, these are the appliances you will use....if you already own a house which isn't built to one of these three blueprints it is grandfathered in....but you may never sell it to someone else and you are not allowed to make repairs.....

and you say...."Sweet, they kept the private market system"......

Jesus. They're laying out the three tiers of health coverage in the PUBLIC OPTION, not limiting what the private plans can sell you dimwit.
Jesus. They're laying out the three tiers of health coverage in the PUBLIC OPTION, not limiting what the private plans can sell you dimwit.

if you tell anyone that i agreed with you, will hunt you down and kill you with grind's or should i say \o/ bare hands

that symbol just cracks me up
if you tell anyone that i agreed with you, will hunt you down and kill you with grind's or should i say \o/ bare hands

that symbol just cracks me up

Secret's safe.

Like I said, anyone with half a brain looks at this plan and goes, "eh. What's the big deal?" You have to be a special kind of lemming to believe the absolutely absurd stuff they're claiming about it - like death panels - and even more special if you've actually read the bill and still believe it.

PMP has actually read the parts of the bill he thinks makes provisions for things like, say, making private coverage illegal and still thinks it's true. It's unbelievable. Damo does the same shit. He's usually smarter than that, but he's been really fucking annoying lately with the extra large blinders strapped on and his hands over his ears.