APP - Emergency Rooms as Healthcare

QUOTE=ib1yysguy;492485]Secret's safe.

Like I said, anyone with half a brain looks at this plan and goes, "eh. What's the big deal?" You have to be a special kind of lemming to believe the absolutely absurd stuff they're claiming about it - like death panels - and even more special if you've actually read the bill and still believe it.

don't equate me not seeing eye to eye on one issue with agreeing with you on all....

it is actually people like you, though i applaud your usually, not always, reasoned answers on this.... that is hurting the health care issue. not the sole reason, part.....

why? to me, and i suspect i represent a large portion of america, this issue is not a partisan issue for me. sure, there are those that make it totally partisan. it is an absolute lie to claim only the right is doing so. obama said recently that the critics are engaging in fear tactics and then says: the only scary thing is, is doing nothing.....

this important issue is not being presented well, debated well at all.....and you with your usual retard or lemming comments only serve to bolster the opposition....

PMP has actually read the parts of the bill he thinks makes provisions for things like, say, making private coverage illegal and still thinks it's true. It's unbelievable. Damo does the same shit. He's usually smarter than that, but he's been really fucking annoying lately with the extra large blinders strapped on and his hands over his ears.

you talk of bukkake and now strap is not covered under the plan
don't equate me not seeing eye to eye on one issue with agreeing with you on all....

it is actually people like you, though i applaud your usually, not always, reasoned answers on this.... that is hurting the health care issue. not the sole reason, part.....

why? to me, and i suspect i represent a large portion of america, this issue is not a partisan issue for me. sure, there are those that make it totally partisan. it is an absolute lie to claim only the right is doing so. obama said recently that the critics are engaging in fear tactics and then says: the only scary thing is, is doing nothing.....

this important issue is not being presented well, debated well at all.....and you with your usual retard or lemming comments only serve to bolster the opposition....

you talk of bukkake and now strap is not covered under the plan

Getting bukkakked by stupid is a pretty good description of what happens when you try to talk about healthcare on this site. You get people from every direction hurling dumb shit at you as fast as they can, and they're circlejerking it out of each other too. Just look at any conversation where meme and tutu are involved in the same thread.

About obama saying it's scary to do nothing - if that's the best proof you've got of the Democrats making this a huge partisan issue then you're not trying hard enough. Of course it's a partisan issue. The problem is, the Republicans aren't having an legitimate debate. When the Republicans start attacking the REAL bill and not the make believe provisions they convince the rabble are in there, then we'll have a chance at making real bipartisan legislation. Until then, it's best to keep them out of the conversation.
TE=ib1yysguy;492501]Getting bukkakked by stupid is a pretty good description of what happens when you try to talk about healthcare on this site. You get people from every direction hurling dumb shit at you as fast as they can, and they're circlejerking it out of each other too. Just look at any conversation where meme and tutu are involved in the same thread.

your bias and continual porn obsession is noted

About obama saying it's scary to do nothing - if that's the best proof you've got of the Democrats making this a huge partisan issue then you're not trying hard enough.

it is not the best is one example...and you can't even deal with that one example......just be honest and admit both sides are using so called fear tactics.....

Of course it's a partisan issue. The problem is, the Republicans aren't having an legitimate debate. When the Republicans start attacking the REAL bill and not the make believe provisions they convince the rabble are in there, then we'll have a chance at making real bipartisan legislation. Until then, it's best to keep them out of the conversation.

the underlined says it alll.......fuck that.....this issue effects nearly every american and both sides are being partisan. for you blindly focus on the republicans being partisan only shows you're nothing but a partisan hack. you have not tried once to consider their and your porn superhero WM fly in here and proclaiim (nothing but stupid).....yeah, great job there of convincing need to wake up and stop being so partisan.

i will be honest and admit this issue has made me think about partisan stances i have. i have engaged in discussions with those in my life about this issue, other issues and i keep an open mind. hence my questions more than statements lately on this board. why don't you try it.......
your bias and continual porn obsession is noted

it is not the best is one example...and you can't even deal with that one example......just be honest and admit both sides are using so called fear tactics.....

the underlined says it alll.......fuck that.....this issue effects nearly every american and both sides are being partisan. for you blindly focus on the republicans being partisan only shows you're nothing but a partisan hack. you have not tried once to consider their and your porn superhero WM fly in here and proclaiim (nothing but stupid).....yeah, great job there of convincing need to wake up and stop being so partisan.

i will be honest and admit this issue has made me think about partisan stances i have. i have engaged in discussions with those in my life about this issue, other issues and i keep an open mind. hence my questions more than statements lately on this board. why don't you try it.......

Pretending as though there's some sort of parody between Glenn Beck saying they're going to gas your grandmother, holding up Nazi posters, and Palin saying they're going to put her kid to death and Obama saying it's "scary to do nothing" in response to those tactics is RETARDED. There's no comparison. To say they're both using scare tactics (if you want to call Obama's statement that) as though they're both the same is absolutely without merit.

And about taking the Republican's views on this seriously - LOL. Republicans haven't brought any legitimate views to the table. They criticize shit that isn't even in the plan and ignore what actually is in there.
Pretending as though there's some sort of parody between Glenn Beck saying they're going to gas your grandmother, holding up Nazi posters, and Palin saying they're going to put her kid to death and Obama saying it's "scary to do nothing" in response to those tactics is RETARDED. There's no comparison. To say they're both using scare tactics (if you want to call Obama's statement that) as though they're both the same is absolutely without merit.

And about taking the Republican's views on this seriously - LOL. Republicans haven't brought any legitimate views to the table. They criticize shit that isn't even in the plan and ignore what actually is in there.

oh wow....pundits do this.....

you seriously are blind to are in fact a partisan. i wouldn't call you a hack.....because you actually explain things and debate. but your blind loyalty to all things anti republican is a waste.....

you tried to compare media pundits to the you even realize your error.....i have no doubt that if bush was using the same words and you would gobble it up like fresh dungpie served at the annual dem convention.......

republicans have offered many different is no surprise that you, the debating stud biscuit that you are......deems them all retarded or not serious....


you want to win your aren't going to win it by simply calling the other side are going to win by convincing them with facts, issues and how the facts relate to the issues and then you can call that retarded if you want...... need to use a different word, you have no clue how many people that offends
oh wow....pundits do this.....

you tried to compare media pundits to the you even realize your error.....i have no doubt that if bush was using the same words and you would gobble it up like fresh dungpie served at the annual dem convention.......

You guys have congressmen that say this death panel stuff too, talking about pulling the plug on granny.

Newt talks about this stuff, I posted a clip of him on Sunday. You remember who Newt is? Palin started it and she was until like a week ago the Gov. of Alaska.

There's ZERO comparison. The whole death panel stuff started with the House Republicans. It was picked up by pundits, and you see it up and down your rank and file. There's zero parallel between what you see on the right in terms of fear mongering about health care and Obama saying it's "scary to do nothing." It's fucking laughable.
UOTE=ib1yysguy;492570]You guys have congressmen that say this death panel stuff too, talking about pulling the plug on granny.

ok....anytime a dem says something i will attribute it to YOU and your fellow dems.....

Newt talks about this stuff, I posted a clip of him on Sunday. You remember who Newt is? Palin started it and she was until like a week ago the Gov. of Alaska.

never heard of newt or're just making up liberal boogeyman.....obama must be right....there are boogeman.....


There's ZERO comparison. The whole death panel stuff started with the House Republicans. It was picked up by pundits, and you see it up and down your rank and file. There's zero parallel between what you see on the right in terms of fear mongering about health care and Obama saying it's "scary to do nothing." It's fucking laughable.

and how have the dems OPENED up any discussion on this? by having town hall meetins and then calling any opposition the fucking MOB......

dude....get over your partisan self
don't equate me not seeing eye to eye on one issue with agreeing with you on all....
the fact it's happening this once ought to be your first clue you are missing something important....

you talk of bukkake and now strap is not covered under the plan
well, that may be an option I did miss....the private industry can exploit this, I'm sure....
ok....anytime a dem says something i will attribute it to YOU and your fellow dems.....

never heard of newt or're just making up liberal boogeyman.....obama must be right....there are boogeman.....


and how have the dems OPENED up any discussion on this? by having town hall meetins and then calling any opposition the fucking MOB......

dude....get over your partisan self

Pundits call them teh mobs! You can't atribute dat to politiciansians!

Seriously though, the congressmen and women going around to these town halls are doing their best to answer questions by the thong of idiots that show up to shout them down and stop the debate have been pretty good at making sure nobody understands what the debate is about.
TE=PostmodernProphet;492636]the fact it's happening this once ought to be your first clue you are missing something important.... are the it matters the source, despite the source backing his claims up....all you have to do is claim that the source is false and i should follow haven't convinced me....and now you're mocking me because i don't follow your view and i follow ibstupid's view.... know i want a discussion on this, yet here you are playing....well.....stupid....back it up with cites or stfu

well, that may be an option I did miss....the private industry can exploit this, I'm sure.... missed it....and now admit that one does not need a government only plan under obamacare.....

Pundits call them teh mobs! You can't atribute dat to politiciansians!

Seriously though, the congressmen and women going around to these town halls are doing their best to answer questions by the thong of idiots that show up to shout them down and stop the debate have been pretty good at making sure nobody understands what the debate is about.

stfu and stop proving my point....

you want to debate....bring you really think you are going win people to your side with your fucking stupid comments?
...all you have to do is claim that the source is false and i should follow you.....

dude, I have shown you the and ibbie are the only two claiming the source if false....if you don't believe me, ask Damo, he said exactly the same thing on the other thread.... missed it....and now admit that one does not need a government only plan under obamacare.....


I can't believe how dense you are on this issue....I've been posting on boards with you for at least two years and this is the only time I can think of that you were clueless...
dude, I have shown you the and ibbie are the only two claiming the source if false....if you don't believe me, ask Damo, he said exactly the same thing on the other thread....

you haven't shown me shit....try again....

and it is not just ib1 and far no one else agrees with you, save damo, which i have not seen him address that post.....

do you really want to appeal to the popular? you accuse others of you are doing the same....

dude aint got squat

you have enough time to tell me you're not into wasting your time, but you don't have enough time to actually answer my post with cites.....

amazing....especially given the largesse of the bill

??...dude, I've spent five pages trying to explain it to you....all I've gotten from you is "I don't believe it" or "you haven't convinced me"....what is this, channel a liberal week? about you show ME what a private company could offer that wouldn't be the government dictated an insurance policy that the government would allow that offers me something different than the three plans the government specified....
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??...dude, I've spent five pages trying to explain it to you....all I've gotten from you is "I don't believe it" or "you haven't convinced me"....what is this, channel a liberal week? about you show ME what a private company could offer that wouldn't be the government dictated an insurance policy that the government would allow that offers me something different than the three plans the government specified....


all you've shown is the MINIMUM.....i've continually explained to you how they could offer more, such as eye or dental etc....lower deductible etc....all you've shown me is the same as auto insurance....

and i really don't have to convince you.....YOU made the claim, YOU back it up

simple as that

all you've shown is the MINIMUM.....i've continually explained to you how they could offer more, such as eye or dental etc....lower deductible etc....all you've shown me is the same as auto insurance....

and i really don't have to convince you.....YOU made the claim, YOU back it up

simple as that

they can't offer a lower deductible....the deductible for a qualified plan is defined by the statute.....eye and dental is included in the premium plus plan and the "minimum" is defined to go up to 95% what do you propose to do, raise it to 100?....or do you just figure that since they can offer 87% instead of the 85% of the enhanced plan it's "different".....

YOU'VE made the claim they can offer more....YOU back it up....