YUp within perimeters but taking over charge of the house and senate election yes , the law lets the fed control time, places and manner of Congressional elections , so as far as that is concerned yes .they can. As far as presidential election original the fed could only be in control of time, but it's been amended since then and allows more control by the fed but it hasn't been tested..They can also legislate through congress. It is in the constitution already to protect people from the obvious , hate groups and ugly's taking over government and laws in states, you simply don;t have a clue the reality's of state rights. The Hate Nazi's now in states they power would outlaw party's except their own , if it isn't in their state constitution, and if it was they could vote it out and do it. There's tons of ways that the constitution spells out to protect it's people from dictatorial Nazi's like Trump. a person like him taking over a state and be protected by states right, you wouldn't be able to do anything.. State rights abused would be a monster. and the writers knew it and through the years more has been added specifically on that issue. In simple terms when states rights goes crazy, like all right wingers think it should be . The fed can hold back money , the federal government can write laws holding states in check and as history changes the reality of laws the court can step in and totally redefine what the Amendment mean, and they do it all the time as they should. If state right were total control , it would be a total disaster. With no education, in right wing areas, keep them stupid is their motto. Add in taking away all regulations , even though the American corporation would eat our children for their bottom line. States have to be controlled by the fed, if there wasn't there would be no standards at all in most right wing states. Hate party states would be Christian controlled , bigoted, Chauvinistic, no safety net, anti Immigrant(xeniphobic) and transfer all the wealth to the top. Thank God for federal control.