Attorney Files Motion for Authentication of This Birth Certificate

I don't know why you continue to be absolutely tone deaf to the fact that the loud keening and wailing of the birthers is GOOD for Obama politically. It is similar to being able to successfully portray the republican party as some fat rednecks in t-shirts shouting down congressmen at town hall meetings. This is all just like Sarah Palin.... it plays well to the shrinking GOP base, but it alienates the middle and THAT is where the last election and the next election, and every election for that matter, is won.
Mostly because I disagree with you, it isn't good for Obama. Let's say it was and all his wish legislation was passing, well then I'd agree with you.

However, while we talk about this (and myriad other issues including the legislation that stagnates on the hill), Obama's health care bill died in the congress and it's looking grimmer for that bill by the moment.

It appears the person who is tone deaf would be the one that can't hear the "NO".
Yeah, according to a confederate flag waving POS like you know or give a good God damn about black folk in America. That's why you're a birther supporter, right Southie? Because you're so concerned about black people? Puh-leeze, sell that BS to the folks who think they're getting a great deal on the Brooklyn bridge.
Wow I'm used to getting at least some semblance of an argument from you, but now you've degraded yourself to pure ad-homs and baseless accusations. The Southern Man does not own a Confederate flag, never mind wave it. He questions Obama's qualifications with less veracity than Obama keeping them secret. LOL
In other words, the Constitution is racist due to the rules of qualification to be President. Is that your position? :pke:
No her position is no one has EVER made this sort of bullshit claim about a white president, when it was raised about a white senator from Arizona being born in the PCZ it was killed immediately. McCain never had to show his official birth certificate, never had to put up with law suits. Some, probably not all, but some of these suits are because he is the son of a black man and that pisses people off on both sides of the aisle.
No her position is no one has EVER made this sort of bullshit claim about a white president, when it was raised about a white senator from Arizona being born in the PCZ it was killed immediately. McCain never had to show his official birth certificate, never had to put up with law suits. Some, probably not all, but some of these suits are because he is the son of a black man and that pisses people off on both sides of the aisle.

Jus sanguinis. McCain was born to two US Citizens of legal age. He cold have been born on the moon and still be naturally born. *shrug*
Jus sanguinis. McCain was born to two US Citizens of legal age. He cold have been born on the moon and still be naturally born. *shrug*
SuckerTease raisess a false straw argument. mccain did release all his info, but in the tradition of the Goebbel's school SuckerAss will just lie and spin and try to weasel out of it. it wasn;t an issue because JSM made it a non-issue with quick release of full info. it came and went like a summer rain shower.
Wow I'm used to getting at least some semblance of an argument from you, but now you've degraded yourself to pure ad-homs and baseless accusations. Sorry toodles, but you don't have a decent grasp of English composition to pull this off. The chronology of the posts/exchange show you're a liar and/or too stupid/stubborn to deal with the facts. The Southern Man only a complete asshole refers to themselves in the 3rd person. does not own a Confederate flag, never mind wave it. And yet not only have had a avatar at one point with that incorporated that rag, but you also have defended and supported your compadre Dixie when the issue was discussed. He questions Obama's qualifications with less veracity than Obama keeping them secret. LOL

You just repeating the moronic bleatings of the birther sheep.....and it's not only been disproven but is now a thorn in the side of the GOP politicos looking at up-coming elections. And as I demonstrated, their nazi-party like tactics are just the icing on the cake. Laugh, clown, laugh.
the only Nazi like tactics I see is coming from the Hugo Obama and his commie administration..

Hell he even has a logo that looks like the whats that tell ya..
You just repeating the moronic bleatings of the birther sheep.....and it's not only been disproven but is now a thorn in the side of the GOP politicos looking at up-coming elections. And as I demonstrated, their nazi-party like tactics are just the icing on the cake. Laugh, clown, laugh.
How has it been disproven?

And sorry, but The Southern Man never had an avatar of the stars and bars. *shrug*
How has it been disproven? Pay attention, genius. The State of Hawaii, the Secret Service, the State Dept. have all verified and confirmed Obama as a natural born citizen of the USA. No matter how much you neocon jackasses bray the mantra, you can't change that FACT....unless you can prove that the entire US gov't has been on a continuous conspiracy since 1966 to put Obama in office! :rolleyes:

And sorry, but The Southern Man never had an avatar of the stars and bars. *shrug*Are you denying you had an avatar of a man wearing a hat with the Confederate flag incorporated, or that you supported/defended Dixie and all his rantings about the flag and confederacy? Are you that deluded? But then again, birthers are acting stupidly >shrug<

Referring to yourself in the third person again? See that psychiatrist, Southie...ASAP! :eek:
So as not to upset the fragile Limp-wristed, loopy-looed Liberals, I think from now on we should just say:

Where's the Beef???

They are a sensitive lot ya know; given to tantrums when they don't get their way...


Ahhh, the loyal end of the birther, astro turf, Swift boating neocon dummies strikes again!
Let's see it.

That' you're a crazy old bat who sees commies around every corner?

We all have our crosses to bear Zap. Glad to see you're thinking "out of the box" and spreading some more of your hypocrisy about being above attacks. Here's some love backatcha' BIG BOY!

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Let's see it.

Been there done that! That you and all the other neocon numbskulls won't accept what the State of Hawaii, the State Dept. and the Secret Service have all validated is of little consequence. But of course, it's all a vast conspiracy that was conceived in 1966 to defeat the PNAC crap brought to fruition by the Shrub & company....right bunky? Keep it up,'s a vote against the GOP with each Squawk.