Attorney Files Motion for Authentication of This Birth Certificate

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You should expand your circle of acquaintances and friends....because NO ONE I know or have come in contact with contends that the burden of proof is STILL on Obama. The state of Hawaii, the State Dept., the Secret Service are telling every and anyone who will listen that what is available to the public IS VERIFIED, IRREFUTABLE PROOF of the man's place of birth and citizenship. TFB if a bunch of yahoos don't get their way on every piddling mind fart.

They aren't looking for evidence of his birth, they are looking for openness from somebody who promised it.

WTF do they want....individual blood samples?!!? The proof has been given....period. It's over! Only the insipidly stubborn and bitter neocons are still trying to find something to bitch/whine about on this issue. I say let them keep it up....because it sure helps keep more GOP'ers from gaining office.

I like this kind of "conspiracy" stuff, it makes me laugh and I like to poke it when I can and get it going some more, but in reality most people realize they would have to put up far more than their BC if they were covered by Obama's legislation, openness would only help him.

That's a crock.....more propaganda fueled by embittered neocons and desperate insurance companies and their shareholders. Bottom line: the people of America are beginning to wake up....and it scares the hell out of the forementioned.
a few of the leftist here sound just like the DNC memo that was released..they have all the talking points down, pat..

as we all know the new target for them today. is those EVIL insurance companies.
and we've all seen them use..
big oil
big pharmy.
or those selfish banks.

and the taichi calls us neocon right-wing extremist parrots..
That's a crock.....more propaganda fueled by embittered neocons and desperate insurance companies and their shareholders. Bottom line: the people of America are beginning to wake up....and it scares the hell out of the forementioned.

wrong...I think the ones scared are you leftest..

you are right the American people ARE starting to wake up, but not to the communist agenda of the Hugo Obama..
That's a crock.....more propaganda fueled by embittered neocons and desperate insurance companies and their shareholders. Bottom line: the people of America are beginning to wake up....and it scares the hell out of the forementioned.
When black folks wake up, they'll come home to the GOP.
That's a crock.....more propaganda fueled by embittered neocons and desperate insurance companies and their shareholders. Bottom line: the people of America are beginning to wake up....and it scares the hell out of the forementioned.
What has been happening is exactly what I predicted, Onceler you can back me if you remember it.

I predicted that this would not go away, it would get larger, and it would come to a point where people would gain access to these documents and that both sides would be disappointed.

So far the first steps are happening. It is getting larger and even some Ds (huffpost) are saying, "Just release the document..." dare i have it both ways :rolleyes:

how dare i say it is probably a hoax yet call you out when you post wrong information or i simply show a counter point to your dare i :rolleyes:

What wrong information?

see what happens...i am honest and you still are not happy...always twisting things christie....

Always? And you criticize others over hyperbole...

why don't you try to just take people's words at face value more often....

When people talk out of both sides of their mouth it's hard to take anything they say at face value.

my criticizing obama has zero do to with whether i think the issue is a farce or are absolutely dead wrong if you don't think those who think obama is eligible cannot comment on obama's poor handling of this matter

Obama has done exactly the right thing. The burden of proof is on the birthers, who are accusing him of hiding something but not saying what it is, except that it's supposedly on another piece of paper. I thought presumption of innocence was one of the first things students learned in law school.

and cannot point out false information from people like you.

Again, what false information?
really, if it's just a hoax, why is lamestream media frothing from the lips trying to discredit the people who are asking about it..

isn't it their jobs trying to PROVE if it is right or wrong, not write some low down articles calling the people names....?? but no..

No, the media is just reporting. It's the birthers who have the burden of proof.

It still doesn't change that I think these stories are fascinating, mostly because the reaction on both sides is so strong. If it really didn't matter there would be no reaction from the left.

Why should the left let these lies take on a life of their own, like this one did?

We saw what happened when Kerry tried to take the high road over the swiftie liars, and learned from it.
Why should the left let these lies take on a life of their own, like this one did?

We saw what happened when Kerry tried to take the high road over the swiftie liars, and learned from it.
This took a "life of its own" only from the reticence and defense from the idea.

From its inception the action of one side appears to be to hide something. This makes it grow. Hence my assertion that had the danged thing been released when the D attorney first filed against them, this would long have been a dead issue. Instead more documents all the time seem to be added to the list that people want to see.

I know its like being between Scylla and Charybdis... but the easiest option, and the best, is to nip it in the bud before it grows into such a beastie. Especially when you have promised to be transparent, even if it is only an appearance of hypocrisy it doesn't help your position.
Why should the left let these lies take on a life of their own, like this one did?

We saw what happened when Kerry tried to take the high road over the swiftie liars, and learned from it.

lol....but obama is ignoring the issue and supposedly taking the high road...see everytime gibbs talks about it or obama...they basically laugh and mock those who dare want to see a copy of his original....

this is what bothers me with this issue, as i have stated repeatedly and some have falsely said otherwise:

we should have standing to see proof for ourselves if he is eligible to serve...or any president for that matter. since when did we become a government not of the people, but of government officials who tell us what to believe. there is nothing he has to hide in his original....nothing personal whatsoever...this is simply stupid
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
That's a crock.....more propaganda fueled by embittered neocons and desperate insurance companies and their shareholders. Bottom line: the people of America are beginning to wake up....and it scares the hell out of the forementioned.

When black folks wake up, they'll come home to the GOP.

Oh, you mean when the PNAC agenda, it's authors and the entire neocon driven GOP (You know, all the shit YOU keep making excuses for?) gets driven into the sea and the Radical Republicans make a magical come back?
Yeah, keep making excuses, you confederate flag waving people know YOU and your two-faced ilk for what they truly are......because only YOU segregated black folk from the "Americans" that I mentioned. Once again, your subconscious betrays you. But you're not going to detour this discussion.... the birthers are complete assholes to the point were even the celebrated neocon punditry are disowning them. Deal with it.
what is truly amazing about all of this is how QUICKLY liberals will find information or other documents to debunk fake birth certificates etc.....yet they do the opposite in getting obama to release a copy of his original....

Nothing amazing about it. Liberals accept the certificate Hawaii released.

Obama's fulfilled his part. The burden of proof is now on the birthers, no matter how much they're trying to force it on Obama.
You must think we live and die by what by a pundit says..

we as a people think for OURSELVES..unlike you leftest who have every DNC talking point down to T..
What has been happening is exactly what I predicted, Onceler you can back me if you remember it.

I predicted that this would not go away, it would get larger, and it would come to a point where people would gain access to these documents and that both sides would be disappointed.

So far the first steps are happening. It is getting larger and even some Ds (huffpost) are saying, "Just release the document..."

But Damo, it didn't take Kreskin to figure out what you stated other words you, me and Lord knows how many thousands of others knew that the neocon noise machine wasn't going away after the defeats in 2008. What YOU didn't predict/forsee was how quickly the American public got wise (or tired) to the BS. Also, credit Obama's "does not deserve my time" way of treating this. That you have some nervous nellies in the Dem party parroting neocon rhetoric is no big shock...hell, look at the "Blue Dogs".