Attorney Files Motion for Authentication of This Birth Certificate

I have yet to meet one person who actually thinks that Obama was born in Kenya, and I work directly with the party in my area with some of the strongest republicans.

I also have yet to meet one person who doesn't think he should just put the danged thing out and quit trying to hide whatever embarrassing thing there is on the certificate, and that includes the Ds that worked the booth next to us at the fair.

Seriously, one doesn't have to believe the dude was born somewhere else to think it would just be better to open it up.

I have yet to meet one person who actually thinks that Obama was born in Kenya, and I work directly with the party in my area with some of the strongest republicans.

I also have yet to meet one person who doesn't think he should just put the danged thing out and quit trying to hide whatever embarrassing thing there is on the certificate, and that includes the Ds that worked the booth next to us at the fair.

Seriously, one doesn't have to believe the dude was born somewhere else to think it would just be better to open it up.

there are several on this board who think obama should continue to not disclose his original....they love the "game" he is playing and think it is awesome because they believe it is only hurting republicans....
I have yet to meet one person who actually thinks that Obama was born in Kenya, and I work directly with the party in my area with some of the strongest republicans.

I also have yet to meet one person who doesn't think he should just put the danged thing out and quit trying to hide whatever embarrassing thing there is on the certificate, and that includes the Ds that worked the booth next to us at the fair.

Seriously, one doesn't have to believe the dude was born somewhere else to think it would just be better to open it up.

You should expand your circle of acquaintances and friends....because NO ONE I know or have come in contact with contends that the burden of proof is STILL on Obama. The state of Hawaii, the State Dept., the Secret Service are telling every and anyone who will listen that what is available to the public IS VERIFIED, IRREFUTABLE PROOF of the man's place of birth and citizenship. TFB if a bunch of yahoos don't get their way on every piddling mind fart.
there are several on this board who think obama should continue to not disclose his original....they love the "game" he is playing and think it is awesome because they believe it is only hurting republicans....
Whatever, I think that is simply talking points. They've tried to mock this into silence using that from the beginning, yet it hasn't made anybody look like nuts, what its done is had some people on huffpost even to simply say, "Just put out the document, this is harming actual important issues in DC.."
You should expand your circle of acquaintances and friends....because NO ONE I know or have come in contact with contends that the burden of proof is STILL on Obama. The state of Hawaii, the State Dept., the Secret Service are telling every and anyone who will listen that what is available to the public IS VERIFIED, IRREFUTABLE PROOF of the man's place of birth and citizenship. TFB if a bunch of yahoos don't get their way on every piddling mind fart.
They aren't looking for evidence of his birth, they are looking for openness from somebody who promised it.

I like this kind of "conspiracy" stuff, it makes me laugh and I like to poke it when I can and get it going some more, but in reality most people realize they would have to put up far more than their BC if they were covered by Obama's legislation, openness would only help him.
obama was born in august....if his dad was born after august he would be 26 and when he died in november of 1982...his age is listed as appears the exact date of his age is unkown

so the above debunks nothing....

The exact date may be unknown but not the year. He was born in 1936. If he was born on 1/1/36, he would still be only 25 on 8/4/61.

this is so stupid it defies comment....yes thats it....those initials must be earth friendly lavender :rolleyes:

so once again, your "proof" is nothing more than theory

So you accept a "certified copy of birth certificate" from Kenya but not a "certification of live birth" from Hawaii.

Now not only sane Americans but Mombasa citizens are going to think the birthers are nutz.

"The document, supposedly “certified with an embossed seal” and “witness signatures” says America’s next commander in chief was born at Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa at 7:24pm on August 4, 1961.

Officials at the hospital confirm they’ve been besieged with requests for information on Obama’s birth but haven’t been able to find any record of it.

“We do not have computerized records going back to the 1960’s and can only sort through our archives by hand,” Dr. Christopher Mwanga, an administrator at the Mombasa hospital tells GLOBE. “We have searched for all the names of babies born on Aug. 4, 1961, and have not found the name of Barack Hussein Obama. That is all I can tell you.”
OTE=christiefan915;484950]So you accept a "certified copy of birth certificate" from Kenya but not a "certification of live birth" from Hawaii.

false strawman...i never said that

Now not only sane Americans but Mombasa citizens are going to think the birthers are nutz.

apparently some anonymous source, could be anyone, who claims to be from kenya says the doc is valid and his looks just like it and born the same is not proof

"The document, supposedly “certified with an embossed seal” and “witness signatures” says America’s next commander in chief was born at Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa at 7:24pm on August 4, 1961.

Officials at the hospital confirm they’ve been besieged with requests for information on Obama’s birth but haven’t been able to find any record of it.

“We do not have computerized records going back to the 1960’s and can only sort through our archives by hand,” Dr. Christopher Mwanga, an administrator at the Mombasa hospital tells GLOBE. “We have searched for all the names of babies born on Aug. 4, 1961, and have not found the name of Barack Hussein Obama. That is all I can tell you.”

it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if this was a hoax....i wouldn't bet a single penny on it
false strawman...i never said that

apparently some anonymous source, could be anyone, who claims to be from kenya says the doc is valid and his looks just like it and born the same is not proof

it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if this was a hoax....i wouldn't bet a single penny on it
at least the f's aren't kerned and paragraphs double justified.
So you accept a "certified copy of birth certificate" from Kenya but not a "certification of live birth" from Hawaii.

Now not only sane Americans but Mombasa citizens are going to think the birthers are nutz.

"The document, supposedly “certified with an embossed seal” and “witness signatures” says America’s next commander in chief was born at Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa at 7:24pm on August 4, 1961.

Officials at the hospital confirm they’ve been besieged with requests for information on Obama’s birth but haven’t been able to find any record of it.

“We do not have computerized records going back to the 1960’s and can only sort through our archives by hand,” Dr. Christopher Mwanga, an administrator at the Mombasa hospital tells GLOBE. “We have searched for all the names of babies born on Aug. 4, 1961, and have not found the name of Barack Hussein Obama. That is all I can tell you.”

But they didn't find anything from 1961 which states that Barack Hussein Obama was NOT born there, did they?

Didn't think so! Boy are you dumb! :rolleyes:

(Yes, I know it is WND... )

Is this really smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth?
Attorney files motion for authentication of alleged 1960s certificate from Africa
Posted: August 02, 2009
11:55 am Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

WASHINGTON – California attorney
Orly Taitz, who has filed a number of lawsuits demanding proof of Barack Obama's eligibility to serve as president, has released a copy of what purports to be a Kenyan certification of birth and has filed a new motion in U.S. District Court for its authentication.





Last week, a counterfeit document purporting to be Obama's Kenyan birth certificate made the rounds of the Internet, but was quickly determined to be fraudulent. The new document released by Taitz bears none of the obvious traits of a hoax.

Taitz told WND that the document came from an anonymous source who doesn't want his name known because "he's afraid for his life."

Taitz's motion, filed yesterday in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, requests the purported evidence of Obama's birth – both the alleged birth certificate and foreign records not yet obtained – be preserved from destruction, asks for permission to legally request documents from Kenya and seeks a subpoena for deposition from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"I filed the motion with the court asking for expedited discovery, which would allow me to start subpoenas and depositions even before Obama and the government responds," Taitz told WND. "I am asking the judge to give me the power to subpoena the documents from the Kenyan embassy and to require a deposition from Hillary Clinton so they will be forced to authenticate [the birth certificate].

More at link...

Where are the signatures of the parents?
Where are the signatures of the parents?
I don't know. Since this is a Registration of Birth (basically the same thing as the Certification of Live Birth we've seen before), it is unlikely that the parents' signatures would be on it.
false strawman...i never said that

apparently some anonymous source, could be anyone, who claims to be from kenya says the doc is valid and his looks just like it and born the same is not proof

it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if this was a hoax....i wouldn't bet a single penny on it

What are you saying then? The document is/isn't a hoax and you do/don't accept it?

FYI, here's a pic of the Australian document "attorney" Taitz used to create her phony one. Note how the G. F. Lavender on this doc was changed to "E. F. Lavender on the fake. Note how the same number, 495, is on both.

Coinky-dink? I think not.


i have no idea how you almost never understand what peopel are saying and frequently claim they say stuff they never twist words, you don't read them....

it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if this was a hoax....i wouldn't bet a single penny on it

What are you saying then? The document is/isn't a hoax and you do/don't accept it?

you honestly have no idea what i am saying??????? i am saying that at this time i don't know if it is real or not, given her previous fake and certain possible errors on this is probable it is a fake....

unlike you, i am not jumping to to the australian document....this could be her forgery base or the one used by the person who gave it to her....OR it could be similar because.....gasp....both were under the british

i have no idea how you almost never understand what peopel are saying and frequently claim they say stuff they never twist words, you don't read them....

you honestly have no idea what i am saying??????? i am saying that at this time i don't know if it is real or not, given her previous fake and certain possible errors on this is probable it is a fake....

unlike you, i am not jumping to to the australian document....this could be her forgery base or the one used by the person who gave it to her....OR it could be similar because.....gasp....both were under the british

Of course, yurt. Australian document dated 1959, same number 495 as "Kenyan" document dated 1964. Australian document, G. F. Lavender and J. H. Miller, "Kenyan" document E. H. Lavender and M. H. Miller. Australian document Book 44B, page 5733, "Kenyan" document Book 44B, page 5733. Australian document, district of Hindmarsh 5733, "Kenyan" document district of Mombasa 5733. Both documents 7s. 6d. Raised seal on Australian document clear and crisp, raised seal on "Kenyan" document blurred and unreadable.

Now there's there's a request for a DoJ inquiry into the document. Thank God.

2009-08-04 07:05:30 - Internet Powerhouse Andy Martin says the filing of a purported “Kenyan birth certificate” for Barack Obama with a federal court in California opens the way to an FBI/Department of Justice inquiry into the provenance of the document. Martin’s Chicago news conference Tuesday will release copies of requests to the FBI and Attorney General Eric Holder requesting an investigation of the “Kenyan” document.

Your comment that I "twist people's words" is ludicrous , the typical attack you resort to when you're backed into a corner. You've written a lot of posts criticizing Obama and the BC business, and for every 15 posts or so, you throw in a comment like "it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if this was a hoax....i wouldn't bet a single penny on it the above." Your actions belie your words. If you don't think this whole thing is ridiculous, why do you spend so much time trying to debunk everything counter to your beliefs? And if you do think he's not native-born and qualified to be president, as least be honest enough to say so, instead of trying to have it both ways.
Of course, yurt. Australian document dated 1959, same number 495 as "Kenyan" document dated 1964. Australian document, G. F. Lavender and J. H. Miller, "Kenyan" document E. H. Lavender and M. H. Miller. Australian document Book 44B, page 5733, "Kenyan" document Book 44B, page 5733. Australian document, district of Hindmarsh 5733, "Kenyan" document district of Mombasa 5733. Both documents 7s. 6d. Raised seal on Australian document clear and crisp, raised seal on "Kenyan" document blurred and unreadable.

Now there's there's a request for a DoJ inquiry into the document. Thank God.

2009-08-04 07:05:30 - Internet Powerhouse Andy Martin says the filing of a purported “Kenyan birth certificate” for Barack Obama with a federal court in California opens the way to an FBI/Department of Justice inquiry into the provenance of the document. Martin’s Chicago news conference Tuesday will release copies of requests to the FBI and Attorney General Eric Holder requesting an investigation of the “Kenyan” document.

Your comment that I "twist people's words" is ludicrous , the typical attack you resort to when you're backed into a corner. You've written a lot of posts criticizing Obama and the BC business, and for every 15 posts or so, you throw in a comment like "it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if this was a hoax....i wouldn't bet a single penny on it the above." Your actions belie your words. If you don't think this whole thing is ridiculous, why do you spend so much time trying to debunk everything counter to your beliefs? And if you do think he's not native-born and qualified to be president, as least be honest enough to say so, instead of trying to have it both ways. dare i have it both ways :rolleyes:

how dare i say it is probably a hoax yet call you out when you post wrong information or i simply show a counter point to your dare i :rolleyes:

see what happens...i am honest and you still are not happy...always twisting things christie....why don't you try to just take people's words at face value more often....

my criticizing obama has zero do to with whether i think the issue is a farce or are absolutely dead wrong if you don't think those who think obama is eligible cannot comment on obama's poor handling of this matter and cannot point out false information from people like you.
what is truly amazing about all of this is how QUICKLY liberals will find information or other documents to debunk fake birth certificates etc.....yet they do the opposite in getting obama to release a copy of his original....