Attorney Files Motion for Authentication of This Birth Certificate

But Damo, it didn't take Kreskin to figure out what you stated other words you, me and Lord knows how many thousands of others knew that the neocon noise machine wasn't going away after the defeats in 2008. What YOU didn't predict/forsee was how quickly the American public got wise (or tired) to the BS. Also, credit Obama's "does not deserve my time" way of treating this. That you have some nervous nellies in the Dem party parroting neocon rhetoric is no big shock...hell, look at the "Blue Dogs".
Again, I think you are wrong on the "American people getting tired"... That was my point.

My prediction is still that at some point we will see these documents and it will be because it has gotten even larger. What people are tired of is people in government who appear to be hiding even the simplest of information.
Nothing amazing about it. Liberals accept the certificate Hawaii released.

Obama's fulfilled his part. The burden of proof is now on the birthers, no matter how much they're trying to force it on Obama.

you keep mentioning the burden.....can't very well be met if obama refuses to release documents can it :pke:

and i seriously can't believe you think americans do not have a right to see a copy of his original birth certificate....even if there is no transparent could simply offer it up....he offered up a computer copy....why not the original? he offered up the comp. copy in order to fight a smear he said....well....the so called smear is still going and boy did he get quiet

he is as much to blame for this not going away as those who are demanding to see a copy
Again, I think you are wrong on the "American people getting tired"... That was my point.

You have NO POINT. The ONLY reason why this crap is still around is because the SAME neocon noise machine that ran for 8 years has deep pockets and a seething hatred and frustration over being fairly whupped and having their legacy of lies endangered. The so-called " Liberal MSM" gives these dopes more than enough rope to hang themselves (money talks). Hell, they're busing assholes to Dem town meetings to disrupt them. C'mon Damo, it's not America in general, it's ONE PARTICULAR FACTION that's insipidly stubborn. That's why you have the neocon punditry beginning to abandon ship on this issue.

My prediction is still that at some point we will see these documents and it will be because it has gotten even larger. What people are tired of is people in government who appear to be hiding even the simplest of information.

Now you're just being stubborn to the point of insipidness in repeating yourself here. The facts are in...and you are valid so long as the neocon noise machine keeps financing this crap (until the elections, I bet'cha).
Now you're just being stubborn to the point of insipidness in repeating yourself here. The facts are in...and you are valid so long as the neocon noise machine keeps financing this crap (until the elections, I bet'cha).
Well, we'll see if I am right only after a bit more time.
any of the loony birthers on here wanna bet some money on whether this is a hoax or not?

Long mine eyes were drowned in tears,
And my soul was filled with fears,
And I heeded not the swiftly passing years;
For thro’ many a weary day,
O’er a long and desert way
From the fold of Christ, my Shepherd, I did stray.

Hallelujah! Jesus saves me,
And my head is sweetly pillowed on His breast;
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
His shekinah covers me and I am blest.

Now I doubt and fear no more,
All my heart with bliss runs o’er,
And I can but love Him, praise Him and adore;
Skies above me never lower,
Bright is every fleeting hour,
And I sing the day of Jesus’ mighty power.

Hallelujah! Jesus saves me,
And my head is sweetly pillowed on His breast;
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
His shekinah covers me and I am blest.

O how precious is His grace!
O to come to that fair place
Where our souls may drink the light of His dear face!
There before His shining seat
All his sainted ones shall meet,
Casting down their crowns before His piercèd feet.

Hallelujah! Jesus saves me,
And my head is sweetly pillowed on His breast;
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
His shekinah covers me and I am blest.

Will you join us, brother dear,
While His voice of love and cheer
Now is calling you—O hasten to His side;
Every day you wait is lost,
Sad will be the fearful cost,
If you blindly spurn at last the Crucified.

Hallelujah! Jesus saves me,
And my head is sweetly pillowed on His breast;
Hallelujah, hallelujah!
His shekinah covers me and I am blest.

Yeah, I'm worried about being "taken seriously" by people who are, firstly, ignorant enough to be racists, and secondly, dumb enough to believe this is a real birth certificate.

But not you, you're smart. You got all your bases covered. You're Native American not African American as i had thought. And one thing we know about people like this - people who hate black people - they love other minorities.

Yeah, you're a smart guy.

Not only did you play the race card; but you doubled your ante!!
The day you find me kissing Larry Flynt's ass is the day I'll be as dumb as you are.

But that day will never come.

I know who my enemies are. I know who hates me. Too bad you're too dumb to know who hates you. But that's your problem and it ain't never gonna be mine.

OH c'mon, be truthful.
You'd have such a lip lock on him, that he couldn't turn around for you to kiss his ass.
Oh my God.

Do you people really not know when you're being put on, and most likely by a liberal?

You know, the phrase "too dumb to live" comes to mind here. How the hell do you people survive?

We wait till stupid, fat, old Pinkies die and then we sell the meat for real food.
I'm through arguing with you witless simpletons about this here. I am totally going to start making posts at these websites you half-witted loony tunes are linking to claiming I have the same birth certficate signed by a laundry detergent, in halting English.

Eventually, one of my posts will end up right here, as more "evidence" that Obama wasn't born in the United States.

Does this now mean you'll finally STFU and STFD??
Oh, you mean when the PNAC agenda, it's authors and the entire neocon driven GOP (You know, all the shit YOU keep making excuses for?) gets driven into the sea and the Radical Republicans make a magical come back?
Yeah, keep making excuses, you confederate flag waving people know YOU and your two-faced ilk for what they truly are......because only YOU segregated black folk from the "Americans" that I mentioned. Once again, your subconscious betrays you. But you're not going to detour this discussion.... the birthers are complete assholes to the point were even the celebrated neocon punditry are disowning them. Deal with it.
Actually, it was the Democrat Party that enslaved, then segregated blacks, and now denigrates them with Affirmative Action, and has killed millions of their children with abortion policies. When black Americans wake up and learn that they have been lied to, the backlash against the Democrat Party will be tremendous.
Whatever, I think that is simply talking points. They've tried to mock this into silence using that from the beginning, yet it hasn't made anybody look like nuts, what its done is had some people on huffpost even to simply say, "Just put out the document, this is harming actual important issues in DC.."

Do you really think there is ANYTHING Obama could release at this point that would be accepted as absolute proof?

No matter what kind of proof he provides and no matter how much he provides, there are ALWAYS going to be nutjobs like meme who will simply refuse to believe.
Do you really think there is ANYTHING Obama could release at this point that would be accepted as absolute proof?

No matter what kind of proof he provides and no matter how much he provides, there are ALWAYS going to be nutjobs like meme who will simply refuse to believe.
Yes, I think openness would dispel the growth of the issue. It may not completely fix it, as it could have done at the beginning, but it will arrest the growth and reduce the noise.
the Hugo Obama is not going to step up and release anything...he gave us all the finger when he won, and he will continue to give it us while he take us down to our knees...he hates us and the United States..
Yes, I think openness would dispel the growth of the issue. It may not completely fix it, as it could have done at the beginning, but it will arrest the growth and reduce the noise.

I don't know why you continue to be absolutely tone deaf to the fact that the loud keening and wailing of the birthers is GOOD for Obama politically. It is similar to being able to successfully portray the republican party as some fat rednecks in t-shirts shouting down congressmen at town hall meetings. This is all just like Sarah Palin.... it plays well to the shrinking GOP base, but it alienates the middle and THAT is where the last election and the next election, and every election for that matter, is won.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Oh, you mean when the PNAC agenda, it's authors and the entire neocon driven GOP (You know, all the shit YOU keep making excuses for?) gets driven into the sea and the Radical Republicans make a magical come back?
Yeah, keep making excuses, you confederate flag waving people know YOU and your two-faced ilk for what they truly are......because only YOU segregated black folk from the "Americans" that I mentioned. Once again, your subconscious betrays you. But you're not going to detour this discussion.... the birthers are complete assholes to the point were even the celebrated neocon punditry are disowning them. Deal with it.

Actually, it was the Democrat Party that enslaved, then segregated blacks, Actually, you keep repeating this as a diversion anytime you can't defend some other BS you spew. As I said before, the Dem and Repub party you go on about are NO MORE....the Radical Repubs are all but a memory, and the "Dixiecrats" have been downgraded to "Bluedogs" who are more economic ultra conservatives than socio-economic racists. Stay on target...the "birthers" are a joke, and even the neocon punditry are starting to move away from the stench. and now denigrates them with Affirmative Action, and has killed millions of their children with abortion policies. typical BS found in the rantings of a David Duke wanna-be....peddle that crap somewhere else, you confederate flag waving cretin....right now you can't even logically or factually defend the birther assholes.....When black Americans wake up and learn that they have been lied to, the backlash against the Democrat Party will be tremendous.
Yeah, according to a confederate flag waving POS like you know or give a good God damn about black folk in America. That's why you're a birther supporter, right Southie? Because you're so concerned about black people? Puh-leeze, sell that BS to the folks who think they're getting a great deal on the Brooklyn bridge.
I heard they have a document from area 51 that proves Obama is actually an alien, sent here to work with the smoking man to prepare us all for assimilation. But Fox and Dana are on the job and will turn up all the proof in an experimental bee hive in the middle of a corn field. Bee's? Damo starting this thread when he is a bee keeper? Coincidence? I think not. Anyway, stay tuned for the end of this. I am CERTAIN they will prove President Obama is not a natural born american, maybe not even a natural born earthling.
I heard they have a document from area 51 that proves Obama is actually an alien, sent here to work with the smoking man to prepare us all for assimilation. But Fox and Dana are on the job and will turn up all the proof in an experimental bee hive in the middle of a corn field. Bee's? Damo starting this thread when he is a bee keeper? Coincidence? I think not. Anyway, stay tuned for the end of this. I am CERTAIN they will prove President Obama is not a natural born american, maybe not even a natural born earthling.

duh....he is the is why he is afraid to show the original