Attorney Files Motion for Authentication of This Birth Certificate

Uh-Oh! I'm starting to get worried. Yet another Kenyan has stepped forward to offer a testimonial:

my name yurtie. I am too Kenyan born. I have same birth certificate as this one for the Obama. little know that registrar EF Lavender sign so many birth certficate, he number one son of Kenya. Number one birth registar. in truth laundry detergent name after registar not other way. my certificate end in 41 and begin with 47 too. my cousin's sister and wife also. this going to blow case wide open. Obama will be impitched soon over this, yurtie is certain. thank you, thank you americans for listenig to nobody man named yurtie. in kenya no body pay attention to me because i do not have bricks of gold. amerians listen to anyone. t hank you,. thank you.
these racist on the right crack me up, Not a year of college between the lot of them

and you racist on the left still show your stupidity even with your ivy league educations..

that cracks me up even more...

such a waste of money
Uh-Oh! I'm starting to get worried. Yet another Kenyan has stepped forward to offer a testimonial:

my name yurtie. I am too Kenyan born. I have same birth certificate as this one for the Obama. little know that registrar EF Lavender sign so many birth certficate, he number one son of Kenya. Number one birth registar. in truth laundry detergent name after registar not other way. my certificate end in 41 and begin with 47 too. my cousin's sister and wife also. this going to blow case wide open. Obama will be impitched soon over this, yurtie is certain. thank you, thank you americans for listenig to nobody man named yurtie. in kenya no body pay attention to me because i do not have bricks of gold. amerians listen to anyone. t hank you,. thank you.

why do you lie so much? i never claimed the testimonial was proof at all....i claimed there are objective facts that can be verified....and i gave an example of such fact....all you're doing is showing what a dishonest person you are

since you can't actually debate, all you do is lie and ad hom....but i'm sure your black slapping buddies just love it....
But that's not what is the funniest thing about all of this. The funniest thing about all of this is that this "lawyer" is asking a United States court to authenticate a Kenyan document. Think about that for a second.

this putative birth certificate will be subjected to more scrutiny than the rarely seen original "Hawai'i" BC has been or will be.

sad, really sad. how the left will try to chew this up, but not allow similar scrutiny of their properted truth.

i rather see the court be asked to authnticate the vault copy of the supposed Hwai'i BC, which no one outside a controlled group has proported seeing!
Okay here is where you have fallen through the rabbit hole.

There is no question.

A faux "controversy" was created out of whole cloth because he is black. Because he is not white.

Your entire premise is false.

Of course this is a racist conspiracy.
sorry, no.
I haven't ruled this a fake, but if a court determines it is real I will eat my hat. There are so many red flags with that thing the likelihood of it being real is just about nil.
hpefully the BUSH awol papers incident tauoght the forger to not kern the f's
I forsee a whole new set of spammails.....Hello Sir or Madam....I represent a Kenyan diplomat who seeks to transfer an Obama birth certificate to the US.....all that we require is the numbers to your bank account so we can transfer this birth certificate to your possession. We want to hold it for us until we can make our way out of the country. Please act quickly.
You got that right. The lying, obsessed Bimbo really does need some serious help.

any of the loony birthers on here wanna bet some money on whether this is a hoax or not?

Of course it's a hoax.

Orly Taitz an attorney from California and a leader in the birther movement, has released what she has called proof President Barack Obama was born in Kenya. The document appears to be a Kenyan birth certificate with Obama's name on it.

How ever when a closer look is taken, several issues arise that question it's authenticity. The document lists Obama's parents as Barack Hussein Obama and Stanley Ann Obama, formerly Stanley Ann Dunham. The date of birth is listed as August 4th, 1961 and the hospital is listed as Coast General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya.

Now no doctor is listed but the alleged certificate is signed by the deputy register of Coast Province, Joshua Simon Oduya. It's supposedly a certified copy of the original, its dated February 17th, 1964.

Problem number one with the document, is the February 17th, 1964 date on it. Kenya gained Independence on December 17th, 1963, yes, but it was not declared a Republic until December 17th of 1964. It shows Kenya as being a republic on the alleged birth certificate from 1964 but Kenya was not a Republic till December of that year. Huh? You may be asking how could a birth certificate be issued from a Kenyan Republic in February1964, when no such Kenyan Republic existed in February 1964?

Problem two the birth certificate lists the hospital as Coast General Hospital in Mombasa Kenya. Well Mombasa did not become part of Kenya until December 12th of 1963, before that it was part of Zanzibar. So again you might be asking how could Barack Obama be born on August 4th 1963, at a Mombasa hospital in Kenya, when at the time of his birth Mombasa was still part of Zanzibar and was not part of Kenya. So how could a Kenyan birth certificate be issued from a hospital in a city, that was not at the time part of Kenya but another country? So if Mombasa was part of Zanzibar in August when Obama was born, then shouldn't the birth certificate be a Zanzibar certificate and not a Kenyan one?

But wait it says Kenyan on the birth certificate, any sane person can put two and two together and see this is a forgery. Maybe the unnamed man who provided the birth certificate to Taitz, should have done his research before coming up with this forgery.
while i question the validity of this document....your article is wrong

kenya was called a republic from 1963 when they wrote their constitution...

this is exactly what is annoying about this issue....the left produces false information and claims its proof, yet they whine and call names when those who do not believe obama is eligibe do the same thing....from those who don't believe, i see theories and usually they are not paraded around as facts, however, the majority of liberals who argue against the so called birthers seemingly present an overwhelming amount of false information

that only serves to add fuel to the fire....obama not releasing is acting like a stupid school yard thug and all you guys out there claiming this is smart for him to do is clear it is backfiring and the issue is only gaining momentum....i've read from some people who voted for him that they to are curious the more this thing drags on
Of course it's a hoax.

Orly Taitz an attorney from California and a leader in the birther movement, has released what she has called proof President Barack Obama was born in Kenya. The document appears to be a Kenyan birth certificate with Obama's name on it.

How ever when a closer look is taken, several issues arise that question it's authenticity. The document lists Obama's parents as Barack Hussein Obama and Stanley Ann Obama, formerly Stanley Ann Dunham. The date of birth is listed as August 4th, 1961 and the hospital is listed as Coast General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya.

Now no doctor is listed but the alleged certificate is signed by the deputy register of Coast Province, Joshua Simon Oduya. It's supposedly a certified copy of the original, its dated February 17th, 1964.

Problem number one with the document, is the February 17th, 1964 date on it. Kenya gained Independence on December 17th, 1963, yes, but it was not declared a Republic until December 17th of 1964. It shows Kenya as being a republic on the alleged birth certificate from 1964 but Kenya was not a Republic till December of that year. Huh? You may be asking how could a birth certificate be issued from a Kenyan Republic in February1964, when no such Kenyan Republic existed in February 1964?

Problem two the birth certificate lists the hospital as Coast General Hospital in Mombasa Kenya. Well Mombasa did not become part of Kenya until December 12th of 1963, before that it was part of Zanzibar. So again you might be asking how could Barack Obama be born on August 4th 1963, at a Mombasa hospital in Kenya, when at the time of his birth Mombasa was still part of Zanzibar and was not part of Kenya. So how could a Kenyan birth certificate be issued from a hospital in a city, that was not at the time part of Kenya but another country? So if Mombasa was part of Zanzibar in August when Obama was born, then shouldn't the birth certificate be a Zanzibar certificate and not a Kenyan one?

But wait it says Kenyan on the birth certificate, any sane person can put two and two together and see this is a forgery. Maybe the unnamed man who provided the birth certificate to Taitz, should have done his research before coming up with this forgery.
Um, your link doesn't work... I copied and pasted it into my browser and it still doesn't work.
while i question the validity of this document....your article is wrong

kenya was called a republic from 1963 when they wrote their constitution...

this is exactly what is annoying about this issue....the left produces false information and claims its proof, yet they whine and call names when those who do not believe obama is eligibe do the same thing....from those who don't believe, i see theories and usually they are not paraded around as facts, however, the majority of liberals who argue against the so called birthers seemingly present an overwhelming amount of false information

that only serves to add fuel to the fire....obama not releasing is acting like a stupid school yard thug and all you guys out there claiming this is smart for him to do is clear it is backfiring and the issue is only gaining momentum....i've read from some people who voted for him that they to are curious the more this thing drags on
Yeah, according to the History here:

Kenya became a Republic in 1963, before this "true copy" was allegedly created. So far their factual information is a bit off. And after Texas became a state do you think they issued "Republic of Texas" birth certificates for people born pre-Statehood, or did they make true copies of birth certificates on State letterhead? Anyway, that is still a moot point because Mombasa was part of the protectorate that became Kenya from May 25, 1887 until Kenya gained their independence. It was all part of the same protectorate when he was born (Personally I think in Hawaii) allegedly, according to this document, in Mombasa.

Of course none of this means that is how the "Birth Certificate" would look, or authenticate it. But it is reasonable to see that if a "true copy" were created in 1964 it would show as Kenyan, because it would be created by the Kenyan republic at that time.
Of course it's a hoax.

Orly Taitz an attorney from California and a leader in the birther movement, has released what she has called proof President Barack Obama was born in Kenya. The document appears to be a Kenyan birth certificate with Obama's name on it.

How ever when a closer look is taken, several issues arise that question it's authenticity. The document lists Obama's parents as Barack Hussein Obama and Stanley Ann Obama, formerly Stanley Ann Dunham. The date of birth is listed as August 4th, 1961 and the hospital is listed as Coast General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya.

Now no doctor is listed but the alleged certificate is signed by the deputy register of Coast Province, Joshua Simon Oduya. It's supposedly a certified copy of the original, its dated February 17th, 1964.

Problem number one with the document, is the February 17th, 1964 date on it. Kenya gained Independence on December 17th, 1963, yes, but it was not declared a Republic until December 17th of 1964. It shows Kenya as being a republic on the alleged birth certificate from 1964 but Kenya was not a Republic till December of that year. Huh? You may be asking how could a birth certificate be issued from a Kenyan Republic in February1964, when no such Kenyan Republic existed in February 1964?

Problem two the birth certificate lists the hospital as Coast General Hospital in Mombasa Kenya. Well Mombasa did not become part of Kenya until December 12th of 1963, before that it was part of Zanzibar. So again you might be asking how could Barack Obama be born on August 4th 1963, at a Mombasa hospital in Kenya, when at the time of his birth Mombasa was still part of Zanzibar and was not part of Kenya. So how could a Kenyan birth certificate be issued from a hospital in a city, that was not at the time part of Kenya but another country? So if Mombasa was part of Zanzibar in August when Obama was born, then shouldn't the birth certificate be a Zanzibar certificate and not a Kenyan one?

But wait it says Kenyan on the birth certificate, any sane person can put two and two together and see this is a forgery. Maybe the unnamed man who provided the birth certificate to Taitz, should have done his research before coming up with this forgery.

What's really sad is that each and every lame ass attempt that the anti-Obama crowd invests in this "birther" BS just cements the public view of how far the wheels have come off on the neocon factions of the GOP. No matter how much media coverage they get, it's a nail in their coffin.
Yeah, according to the History here:

Kenya became a Republic in 1963, before this "true copy" was allegedly created. So far their factual information is a bit off. And after Texas became a state do you think they issued "Republic of Texas" birth certificates for people born pre-Statehood, or did they make true copies of birth certificates on State letterhead? Anyway, that is still a moot point because Mombasa was part of the protectorate that became Kenya from May 25, 1887 until Kenya gained their independence. It was all part of the same protectorate when he was born (Personally I think in Hawaii) allegedly, according to this document, in Mombasa.

Of course none of this means that is how the "Birth Certificate" would look, or authenticate it. But it is reasonable to see that if a "true copy" were created in 1964 it would show as Kenyan, because it would be created by the Kenyan republic at that time.

"Kenya became a Republic in 1963..."

Incorrect. The CIA World Factbook says the Constitution dates from 12 December 1963 and was amended as a republic [in] 1964.

Further information reiterates this.

The Dominion of Kenya
12 December 1963 to 12 December 1964
Jomo Kenyatta, Prime Minister KANU Becoming President
The Republic of Kenya
12 December 1964 to 17 April 2008
Post abolished with President exercising full executive powers.


Kenya declared independence on 12/12/63. From December 12, 1963 to December 12, 1964, the Dominion of Kenya existed under Queen Elizabeth, with Governor General Malcolm MacDonald in charge.

and re: the Kenya certificate:

- It records Barack Obama Sr’s age as “26.” Obama Sr was born in 1936; his son was born in 1961.

- Its publication date is February 17, 1964, but it purports be a document of the “Republic of Kenya.” Kenya did not become a Republic until December 12, 1964, a year after it won independence from Great Britain.

- It’s signed by “registrar E.F. Lavender.” Earth Friendly Lavender is a kind of detergent, and government officials who use vanity initials on official documents are, to put it mildly, rare.

- The kicker? The image is part of the extremely ill-informed conspiracy theory that Obama was born in Mombasa—conveniently, one of the more Muslim parts of the country.


Is Orly Taitz a real lawyer?


An article devoted to Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories.
