T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
I am saying that you have gotten so full of shit lately, I almost cannot remember when I thought you might be one right-winger who might have the brains to get out. And there actually are times when I am astonished that you cannot see that American conservatives (Republicans) are the people fucking the common person.
I thought I was pretty clear about that.
So, you don't disagree (more regulations = more costs), but instead have no rebuttal to offer other than ad hominem and insults.
That wasn't what I stated. Of course, we need government. The question is, How much government do we need? Your answer implies that size of government doesn't matter. My answer says, it's easy to have too much and that is bad for society.Shove that up your ass.
The fact is that government is the reason we have civilization. Without it, we would have extreme chaos and anarchy.
But people like you have decided that government is bad...and there is no reasoning with you.
As for the reason that goods can be made in China, Vietnam, India, etc...and shipped across oceans and still cost less than goods made here in the United States...if you want to suppose that is the result of unreasonable government into the manufacturing process here in America...suppose it. There are no laws against stupidity.