Best Movie Ranking for my Lifespan

I have never seen All about Bob, but since its a Bill Murray flick, and I like all the movies I've seen him in (one's on the list...), I will have to get around to it.

Its WHAT about Bob... you moron...

and yes, somehow I knew you would know Billy Ray's kids name.
Sid Garner: Remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Except for herpes. That shit'll come back with you.
I know you've been waiting for my list. Since I am much older than T&A, it took me a bit longer to compose. And yes, I realize I mentioned MANY Clint Eastwood movies, but this isn't the Oscars, it's MY personal picks...

1958 Vertigo
1959 Some Like it Hot
1960 Psycho
1961 West Side Story
1962 To Kill a Mockingbird
1963 The Birds
1964 A Fistful of Dollars
1965 For a Few Dollars More
1966 The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
1967 The Graduate
1968 Planet of the Apes
1969 True Grit
1970 Patton
1971 Dirty Harry
1972 The Godfather
1973 The Exorcist
1974 Blazing Saddles
1975 Jaws
1976 Rocky
1977 Star Wars
1978 The Deer Hunter
1979 Mad Max
1980 The Shining
1981 Absence of Malice
1982 E.T.
1983 The Right Stuff
1984 Nightmare on Elm Street
1985 The Breakfast Club
1986 The Color of Money
1987 Raising Arizona
1988 Rainman
1989 Field of Dreams
1990 Goodfellas
1991 The Silence of the Lambs
1992 Unforgiven
1993 Schindler's List
1994 Forrest Gump
1995 Braveheart
1996 Sling Blade
1997 Good Will Hunting
1998 Saving Private Ryan
1999 The Green Mile
2000 Castaway
2001 Ocean's Eleven
2002 Gangs of New York
2003 Mystic River
2004 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2005 Walk the Line
2006 Letters from Iwo Jima
2007 I am Legend
2008 The Dark Knight
2009 The Blind Side
2010 Legion
I know you've been waiting for my list. Since I am much older than T&A, it took me a bit longer to compose. And yes, I realize I mentioned MANY Clint Eastwood movies, but this isn't the Oscars, it's MY personal picks...

1987 Raising Arizona
1989 Field of Dreams
1996 Sling Blade
1999 The Green Mile
2000 Castaway
2001 Ocean's Eleven
2003 Mystic River
2004 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2005 Walk the Line
2007 I am Legend

you had some good ones, especially in the early years. Apparently your taste became a bit warped in the late 90's and your picks started falling apart. (though you did have a couple blips in the late 80's).

Field of Dreams? LMAO...
Raising Arizona? Please
Sling Blade? good god....
Ocean's eleven? ... a horrid remake of the original
you had some good ones, especially in the early years. Apparently your taste became a bit warped in the late 90's and your picks started falling apart. (though you did have a couple blips in the late 80's).

Field of Dreams? LMAO...
Raising Arizona? Please
Sling Blade? good god....
Ocean's eleven? ... a horrid remake of the original

In my defense, the reason for such lame picks in the later years, is because they started making really crappy movies. That's not really MY fault. Field of Dreams... not the greatest movie of all time, I admit, but the plot was unique, the story was different, and it was entertaining. Look at what else I had to pick from in 1989... Batman? Dead Poets Society? Little Mermaid? Steel Magnolias?

Raising Arizona is probably one of the funniest movies of all time. Nicholas Cage was brilliant in a rare comedic role... I suppose I could have picked The Princess Bride or Dirty Dancing instead, or Full Metal Jacket, a movie that's been done a million times before. Sling Blade... one of Billy Bob Thornton's best performances! And yeah, the remake of Ocean's Eleven wasn't as good as the original, but I couldn't pick the original in 1960 and leave out Psycho!

The only movie I have seen recently that even holds a candle to the days of old, is The Blind Side... phenomenal movie, and I highly recommend, if you haven't seen it yet.
Indie and the Last Crusade was made in 1989..

If I were going to include an Indiana Jones movie in my list, it would have been Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) ...I think the only 'sequel' movie I put on my list was Dark Knight, and it was the exception to the rule, as movies go... by far, the best Batman movie.
If I were going to include an Indiana Jones movie in my list, it would have been Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) ...I think the only 'sequel' movie I put on my list was Dark Knight, and it was the exception to the rule, as movies go... by far, the best Batman movie.

Well, nothing against The Shining, but you could have put Empire Strikes Back down for 1980. Dark Knight is definitely a great movie, which I set a personal attendance record on seeing. But Last Crusade is truly a great sequel...
Well, nothing against The Shining, but you could have put Empire Strikes Back down for 1980. Dark Knight is definitely a great movie, which I set a personal attendance record on seeing. But Last Crusade is truly a great sequel...

Are you insane? Raging Bull is the only candidate for 1980.
Well, nothing against The Shining, but you could have put Empire Strikes Back down for 1980. Dark Knight is definitely a great movie, which I set a personal attendance record on seeing. But Last Crusade is truly a great sequel...

Are you insane? Raging Bull is the only candidate for best film in 1980 and in the top five of all time. The Blue Brothers is number two and Stardust Memories number three.
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I know you've been waiting for my list. Since I am much older than T&A, it took me a bit longer to compose. And yes, I realize I mentioned MANY Clint Eastwood movies, but this isn't the Oscars, it's MY personal picks...

1958 Vertigo
1959 Some Like it Hot
1960 Psycho
1961 West Side Story
1962 To Kill a Mockingbird
1963 The Birds
1964 A Fistful of Dollars
1965 For a Few Dollars More
1966 The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
1967 The Graduate
1968 Planet of the Apes
1969 True Grit
1970 Patton
1971 Dirty Harry
1972 The Godfather
1973 The Exorcist
1974 Blazing Saddles
1975 Jaws
1976 Rocky
1977 Star Wars
1978 The Deer Hunter
1979 Mad Max
1980 The Shining
1981 Absence of Malice
1982 E.T.
1983 The Right Stuff
1984 Nightmare on Elm Street
1985 The Breakfast Club
1986 The Color of Money
1987 Raising Arizona
1988 Rainman
1989 Field of Dreams
1990 Goodfellas
1991 The Silence of the Lambs
1992 Unforgiven
1993 Schindler's List
1994 Forrest Gump
1995 Braveheart
1996 Sling Blade
1997 Good Will Hunting
1998 Saving Private Ryan
1999 The Green Mile
2000 Castaway
2001 Ocean's Eleven
2002 Gangs of New York
2003 Mystic River
2004 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
2005 Walk the Line
2006 Letters from Iwo Jima
2007 I am Legend
2008 The Dark Knight
2009 The Blind Side
2010 Legion

I can't believe you didn't pick Harold and Maude for 1970!
Also, IMDB lists Harold and Maude from 1971, and it damn sure wasn't better than Dirty Harry! I can't believe you Mott, Harold and Maude is a movie Waterhead would like!