Loves Me Some Souls
Not sure that's actually a problem, certainly compared to the alternative.
If they're dishonest it's a huge problem.
Not sure that's actually a problem, certainly compared to the alternative.
lmao.. fuck offDo not show your anger, Comrade.
Maybe the West is dying because people who know better, people who constantly harp on the "revolution" watch the revolutions sporting events because not doing so might inconvenience you just a little bit and we can't have that can we?
Some people go further and claim that the reason we lost our nerve to face truth, to face reality, is that we lost God...We gave up on God and then we melted down, just as the Christians long said would happen if we were not careful.
I am still chewing on that.
smart minds already get this.A few years back Nato rebuilt the Sub Base in Norway that had not been used since the fall of the Soviets....we get that the Russians are going to continue to be at best a thorn in our side....what the so-called experts have yet to figure out however is that this new China/Russia bond is strong and will almost certainly get stronger.
We are not faced with Russia alone, we are facing Russia, China and Iran.
smart minds already get this.
smarter minds have figured out we a re largely responsible for shoving Russia into the China orbit
smart minds already get this.
smarter minds have figured out we a re largely responsible for shoving Russia into the China orbit
Of late??? Putin has been pretty fucking confident for the past four years. Let's see how confident he is next year.
The Chinese will best be contained with a united front of all the other WestPac nations with the support of the USA.
dont look at Biden, he still thinks Russia is the greatest threat -not ChinaBut here is the thing....all the times I hear dissident smart highly educated (which has nearly nothing to do with credential, this society is way too corrupt for that) people saying some variation of "We tend to learn nothing from all of our failures, we refuse to learn, we are in LA LA LAND".
AP, BBC and Reuters are the way to go.
With a few exceptions, the rest can go fuck themselves with a broken end of a mop.
If they're dishonest it's a huge problem.
a childish misunderstanding of the ability of China to divide and conquer-
China is already overwhelming the westPac defenses as well
dont look at Biden, he still thinks Russia is the greatest threat -not China
It's also home to the Russian fleet -why are we patrolling?The USA, Norway, Denmark, Canada are allies and all are Arctic nations which are fully justified projecting our interests into the Arctic Ocean. I do not see anyone saying Arctic Ocean is off limits to Russia
The Black Sea is international maritime waters and several of our NATO allies have territorial waters and economic interests in the Black Sea.
It's also home to the Russian fleet -why are we patrolling?
The only conflict was the Kerch Strait Bridge, and they've worked it out already.
Kerch Strait incident
It's nothing but provocation, and it's damn dangerous if Uk ever gets into NATO
what are our BOMBERS doing? they are fucking bombers,they dont need to be statiioned there they can FLY
the Navy/AF is more important the the western Pacific..I think there are getting there in terms of size.One's thing with China... the sheer force of the number of soldiers. A friend of mine would say that it doesn't matter the technology, it's always a sheer force of number.
wtf is the thread title?????Whose bombers? Is you slipping up?
so what does this have to do with geopolitics?I believe Putin has less support than state media polling claims he has.
Most of my relatives in the Russian Federation are openly announcing they are pro-Alexei Navalny on their Facebook pages. I grant that my relatives tend to represent the urban, educated middle class of Russia, and that Putin undoutedly has significant support with the rural and more conservative rubes in the hinterland. But Russian revolutions and civil disobedience always came from the cities, not from the villages