Biden drops out

And he won’t silly dilly

I think we need a male Latino or white
I am not disagreeing with you in a lot of ways I agree 100%
but if K. Harris gets the nod having Duckworth on as a VP will make the Dem. ticket IMO hard to beat.
Have a nice day
He used a pencil not a gun

Note the red knees this asshole put on Ms Harris

They are going the SEX AND RAPE direction

Republicans think SEX is the only use for women
Nah, they can cook, sew, clean house, grocery shop, and do laundry too!

Don’t give up

It’s still winnable
Just ignore that shit. Remember the Bernie bros who refused to vote for Hillary or voted 3rd party? They gave us Trump and the medieval SCOTUS. People like that let anger destroy all logic and sense of patriotism.
Remember that time Democrats cheated in a potato and lied about his mental capacity for 3 years?

Well the time of reckoning for that is NOW!

Karma never fails and you know what the rules are. Do you?

What you do in the dark will always come into the light.