Biden drops out

No kidding. Why Democrats supported Biden in the first place is a mystery.

Welcome back, Niblick. Did you just get released from rehab or prison? Where have you been hiding the past month?
Go look at everything he got done

History will teach it to you eventually
And King Biden has all the power of the government to crush you criminals and your Russian and China aided election cheating

Thanks idiots
Anyway. When you steal something, the way karma works is that you lose twice as much as what you steal.

In this case it was an American presidency. I'll let you draw your own conclusions from there.
You see what what the Democraps did?
RFK Jr wanted to oppose Biden in a Democrat primary. He did not want to go 3rd party. They made it impossible for him to do so with all types of crazy rules running up to the primary.
Now the shi!te bag drops out and RFK Jr is out in the cold. Devious .... criminal.
The overturning of democracy was not invalidating a primary, it was faking that Biden is fine to fake a primary, for the overlords to avoid the hassle and danger of conducting a primary.

Now they simply install who they want.....all those people who voted wasted their time....they were lied to by the people who run America....who dont give flying fuck what we the people think/want/need.
And when you start shit like that, it's going to be on like Butter Pecan.
Dear fucking idiot

The SCOTUS gave him the power

No Republican will ever have these powers

Biden has the power to insure that loser

You gave it to him

Fuck your very much
Go look at everything he got done

History will teach it to you eventually
His age is the problem just as it is with Trump now. He ran in 2020 as a one-term President. When he decided to run again, the Democratic Party supported him despite all the baggage. After the debate, they were in a major jam. A jam they walked into eyes wide open.
His age is the problem just as it is with Trump now. He ran in 2020 as a one-term President. When he decided to run again, the Democratic Party supported him despite all the baggage. After the debate, they were in a major jam. A jam they walked into eyes wide open.
What baggage

His age was it

He had one of the most successful single terms in history

Numbers don’t lie
Frankly, I was just too disgusted to talk about things.

Then, when the gang that couldn't shoot straight missed the pigfucking orangutan, I really went into a funk.

Right now, I'm just trying to see if I can still run a laptop, to be honest.
You picked a helluva day to come back, Biden resigned, the DNC is running around like 6 chickens with their heads cut off.

W/B! :awesome: