Biden drops out

Remember that time Democrats cheated in a potato and lied about his mental capacity for 3 years?

Well the time of reckoning for that is NOW!

Karma never fails and you know what the rules are. Do you?

What you do in the dark will always come into the light.
And King Biden has all the power of the government to crush you criminals and your Russian and China aided election cheating

Thanks idiots
That's another thing.
SCOTUS said POTUS can do whatever he/she wants--immune from prosecution.
Why hasn't Biden himself arranged to take out the pigfucker Trump?
I wish he'd resign right now and let Harris do it.
She's ahead of Biden in every poll against Trump.
Not true. There are a couple where she barely beats Trump within the margins of error, but in the vast majority he trumps (pun intended) her.

Frankly, I was just too disgusted to talk about things.

Then, when the gang that couldn't shoot straight missed the pigfucking orangutan, I really went into a funk.

Right now, I'm just trying to see if I can still run a laptop, to be honest.
I certainly understand that. What really sinks a lump in my stomach is the thought that any Americans will overlook the orang's crimes and intellectual deficits, and vote him into office again. I don't know how the U.S. got so stupid.
It should have been Vice President Harris from the beginning.
I don't know what we can do new.
No kidding. Why Democrats supported Biden in the first place is a mystery.

Welcome back, Niblick. Did you just get released from rehab or prison? Where have you been hiding the past month?