Biden drops out

Nope. The DNC will confirm for you that she was a registered Democrat who ran to try to save their party. Instead, the DNC crucified their savior.

Nope. She was a plant.
The DNC surrendered to Trump the moment they decided to not steal the election.

Since the DNC knows they will lose, who do they most want to be the losing candidate? I would have thought that they would immediately rush to put Hillary in there so that they would NEVER HAVE TO HEAR FROM HER AGAIN while protecting Kamala for some future endeavor.

If the DNC goes with Kamala, the DNC is saying that they want to NEVER HAVE TO HEAR FROM HER AGAIN while protecting other politicos.

Joe is King idiot

You made him king
Okay. I'm not going to bother looking now - the polls next week are going to be telling. Any guesses on which way they're going to go? Bookmark this post :)
I expect an initial slight boost in the Democrat's position followed by a sharp drop. It is rare for a VP to get elected following the President they served with leaving office after two terms, let alone one.

Harris really has little time to build momentum and support for her election and has little track record to run on. Attacking your opponent as a major part of your strategy rarely works. So, unless there is another stroke of lightning out of nowhere, like Trump's assassination attempt, she's going into this at the bottom of a very steep mountain to climb.
Yeah, much of a King that the leaders of his own party said " GET THE FUCK OUT OLD MAN" and he got the fuck out. Some king :laugh:
He made the decision

They could not force him out idiot

He is still King

You made him that with your stupidity

He’s just more of a GOOD KING

Trump would merely be a dictator king who bumbs everyone off who doesn’t bend the knee
Can't disagree there. Still, your misogyny isn't Christian. Aren't Adultery and Bearing False witness mortal sins?

Additionally, your comments are not abiding by Christ's second commandment. Are you really a Christian, son, or do you just like playing one online?
Stating facts about how she factually got into politics is not misogyny.

Where did I commit adultery?

You really did not think this through.
Obama has refused to endorse Kamala. Says he wants an open convention.
Now the question is does he want someone like Newsom..... or is he jockeying to get Michelle into place?

I'll say if we have Michelle as the nominee, I'm gonna be doing some deep thinking about John McAfee and time travel
Obama has refused to endorse Kamala. Says he wants an open convention.
Now the question is does he want someone like Newsom..... or is he jockeying to get Michelle into place?
He knows you right wing Putin lovers would claim he ordered people to vote for Kamala

Who has Obama endorsed since he was president BEFORE THE CONVENTION PICKED THE NOMINEE
