Biggest Pussy

I know, you can't reach my level, you're in the gutter.

Just take your ball and go home and quit whining like a bitch.

The biggest problem with posting back and forth with you is actually two fold.

1) Your massive lack of reading comprehension causes you to twist the content of a post beyond recognition.
2) What you don't comprehend you turn into a lie.
The biggest problem with posting back and forth with you is actually two fold.

1) Your massive lack of reading comprehension causes you to twist the content of a post beyond recognition.
2) What you don't comprehend you turn into a lie.

Give an example.

Also, as to your 1), it makes no sense, that necessarily means I know what you meant but I "twist" the content. That requires knowledge and intent. As to you 2), that also doesn't even make sense. If I don't comprehend it, then how would I lie about it?

You are so silly. I just laugh at your ignorance.
South Carolina fudge-packing trailer trash. Just like Ma and Pa

Like I said, NL, what you ARE is worse than anything you can make up about me. I was correct. It has been such a long standing thing with your family, it's now genetic.

Got a problem, bitch? Air it.

You have a JPP staff that thread bans. I gues JPP translates to Just Plain Pussy.

Stifle dissent? I guess you can. Post bullshit? I guess you can. Expect to not be called on it? Not on your fucking life.

Got anything else?
Fuck off it you don't like it!

Sent from my iPhone 10S
Fuck off it you don't like it!

Sent from my iPhone 10S

Eat the corn out of my shit, asswipe.

Pussies thread ban people because they're afraid of being called on their bullshit. A great defense though, don't you think? Put your fingers in your ears and chant "Nya, nya, nya" so you won't hear the criticism.

Pussified motherfuckers.
Eat the corn out of my shit, asswipe.

Pussies thread ban people because they're afraid of being called on their bullshit. A great defense though, don't you think? Put your fingers in your ears and chant "Nya, nya, nya" so you won't hear the criticism.

Pussified motherfuckers.
It is to ban ignorant cunts like you, don't like it then fuck off.

Sent from my iPhone 10S
It is to ban ignorant cunts like you, don't like it then fuck off.

Sent from my iPhone 10S

I wonder how much he would cry, if Grind put him on forced ignore with all those he feels are pussies?
Would the screaming be as loud as it was, when he had put another JPP poster on forced ignore?
I wonder how much he would cry, if Grind put him on forced ignore with all those he feels are pussies?
Would the screaming be as loud as it was, when he had put another JPP poster on forced ignore?

I know, I know, shitpisser. You're still butt hurt from me embarrassing you on multiple threads.

Pathetic little prepuce.
I know, I know, shitpisser. You're still butt hurt from me embarrassing you on multiple threads.

Pathetic little prepuce.

I know you're still butt hurt knowing that I do to your wife by making her oink like a pig that you could ever do for her.
I know, I know, shitpisser. You're still butt hurt from me embarrassing you on multiple threads.

Pathetic little prepuce.

You really must have been raised with a very high level of entitlement; because there's been no embarrassing, except yours, and all you've done is provide me with a great deal of amusement.

You really must have been raised with a very high level of entitlement; because there's been no embarrassing, except yours, and all you've done is provide me with a great deal of amusement.

Well, lookie here! "Big plants, big bugs" moron shows up here. Did you get tired of embarrassing yourself on the other thread, cuntflap?

C/Co. Figured it out yet, pinhead?
Well, lookie here! "Big plants, big bugs" moron shows up here. Did you get tired of embarrassing yourself on the other thread, cuntflap?

C/Co. Figured it out yet, pinhead?

Thankyou for the 6 pages of embarrassment you've shovelled on yourself. Every village needs an idiot.
Well, lookie here! "Big plants, big bugs" moron shows up here. Did you get tired of embarrassing yourself on the other thread, cuntflap?

C/Co. Figured it out yet, pinhead?

I just figured I could laugh at you, on multiple threads, and I was correct.

I just figured I could laugh at you, on multiple threads, and I was correct.

Gosh, Jethro. They was biggun plants and biggun bugs a billion years ago! And guess what I just found out, Jethro? They wasn't any people around them thar parts! Go figgur, huh?

Ignorant cockwart.
Gosh, Jethro. They was biggun plants and biggun bugs a billion years ago! And guess what I just found out, Jethro? They wasn't any people around them thar parts! Go figgur, huh?

Ignorant cockwart.

Please continue; because at least your good for providing a good laugh.
