Biggest Pussy

Whatsamatta hot girl? You were already on the pussy list. Now you're doubling down.

Pretty fucking sad that a JPP staff can't tolerate opposition opinions.

There is a Forum Dumbfuck list. Now, there will be a Forum Pussy list. Hot girls is the charter member.
Whatsamatta hot girl? You were already on the pussy list. Now you're doubling down.

Pretty fucking sad that a JPP staff can't tolerate opposition opinions.

There is a Forum Dumbfuck list. Now, there will be a Forum Pussy list. Hot girls is the charter member.

You're kind of a retard, aren't you?
You're kind of a retard, aren't you?


Got a problem, bitch? Air it.

You have a JPP staff that thread bans. I gues JPP translates to Just Plain Pussy.

Stifle dissent? I guess you can. Post bullshit? I guess you can. Expect to not be called on it? Not on your fucking life.

Got anything else?
I see JPP's biggest pussy is still whining like a lost little boy.

Poor Gomer.


I realize why the lightweights like you want to ban certain people. You're tired of the embarrassment of getting your asses kicked every time.
???.....isn't he?.....we need him here to laugh at......don't let him leave.....


This coming from a moron that modifies someone's post and then responds to the changed post. Priceless!

And such a pussy that he's afraid to engage any of my posts.

Pussy little buttfuck.
I realize why the lightweights like you want to ban certain people. You're tired of the embarrassment of getting your asses kicked every time.

I don't ban anyone, even NL's like you.

You couldn't kick your own ass literally or figuratively, BOY.
I realize why the lightweights like you want to ban certain people. You're tired of the embarrassment of getting your asses kicked every time.

You do realize the only person I ban is Bukkkle, who has never once debated a single point with me. All he does is say, oh look, YayaYurt or whatever, is orangetweet's defender, blah blah. Never a single point on topic, always the same exact words, nothing more. Not even a question about my thread, not a question asking me to back up a claim, no, nothing but the same line, over and over.

Poor Gomer, doesn't even know what a debate is.
You do realize the only person I ban is Bukkkle, who has never once debated a single point with me. All he does is say, oh look, YayaYurt or whatever, is orangetweet's defender, blah blah. Never a single point on topic, always the same exact words, nothing more. Not even a question about my thread, not a question asking me to back up a claim, no, nothing but the same line, over and over.

Poor Gomer, doesn't even know what a debate is.

With you, pal, it's not even a debate. It's a no contest.