black card + holyroller card =vick

I dunno thy aren't humans. I think 1 human death deserves much more outrage than 100 dog deaths but we don't see it.

Also I think white football players beating up their wives and dragging them down the street by their hair is worse but apparently it isn't of much concern.
If he had killed a human, do you think we'd be talking about his return to the NFL?

We clearly take one human far more seriously than scores of dogs.

As I said, the statement is a non-sequitor.
If he had beat up his wife and dragged her down the street by her hair he'd be back already. Well probably not cuz he is black...
Oh, well, if we started getting into how some very well known, and "heroic" athletes treat women, or I should say, abuse women, we could be here all day, but still, little outrage, because after all, these are DOGS we're talkign about here.
We talk about this constantly here on the Talk Radio...

Basically, people think morality clauses should include a ton of stuff, including "tuning up the old lady" as my father's biker gang would have said it...
If he had beat up his wife and dragged her down the street by her hair he'd be back already. Well probably not cuz he is black...
Sure he would, Vance Johnson was. I agree that beating your wife is worse. But you began with "Human murders" should be worried about more. I pointed out that they are.

As for the wife beating....

I think they look the other way because it is all too common with steroid abusers.
Sure he would, Vance Johnson was. I agree that beating your wife is worse. But you began with "Human murders" should be worried about more. I pointed out that they are.

As for the wife beating....

I think they look the other way because it is all too common with steroid abusers.

I disagree. There are murders everyday where is all the outrage? Where is the national outrage at the 3 high school graduates that were lined up and executed a couple weeks ago? Where is the cry out to try to prevent stuff like that. White people only care about pets and blue eyed blonde haired hotties that go missing in Aruba.
I disagree. There are murders everyday where is all the outrage? Where is the national outrage at the 3 high school graduates that were lined up and executed a couple weeks ago? Where is the cry out to try to prevent stuff like that. White people only care about pets and blue eyed blonde haired hotties that go missing in Aruba.

American society does tend to ignore the unpleasnt aspects of our society.
Are there large numbers of people starving to death in this world right now, or not? Simple question.
This has to do with the conversation how?

First it starts with murders of humans some how being treated as less important than this. I point out how ridiculous that was at its face. Then somebody mentions the immorality of hunting. I point out why it is a benefit to the wildlife and again not the same thing as what Vick was doing to these dogs. Then you point out some people are starving somewhere?

We can hold a conversation about Vick while worrying about starving children at the same time. We do things like that all the time.

Now, if Vick had starved some kids purposefully, what do you think the reaction of the nation would have been?
This has to do with the conversation how?

First it starts with murders of humans some how being treated as less important than this. I point out how ridiculous that was at its face. Then somebody mentions the immorality of hunting. I point out why it is a benefit to the wildlife and again not the same thing as what Vick was doing to these dogs. Then you point out some people are starving somewhere?

We can hold a conversation about Vick while worrying about starving children at the same time. We do things like that all the time.

Now, if Vick had starved some kids purposefully, what do you think the reaction of the nation would have been?

It had to do with this statement that you made, let me repost it for you because I can see you've so confused yourself that you no longer know where you started, or perhaps, even where you are. I hope you have not been spending too much time with Doniston:

Originally Posted by Damocles
You think it should be illegal to hunt?

Preposterous. The predation levels are not high enough. You would simply be forcing these animals to die by the scores of starvation and malnutrition. Some of the most painful and excruciating deaths imaginable.
To which, I simply replied:

Hmmm. And isn't it ironic that the same could be said of humans.
The same thing can be said of humans?

Synopsis of what I said:

Nature cannot kill enough of the animals to keep entire herds from dying painfully, therefore we cull the herds to keep levels at a sustainable level for all the animals.

Your answer:

Yeah, humans too!

My question:

Okay, who has ever suggested that we need to kill more humans to keep starvation levels down?

And then to bring it back on topic:

Had Vick starved children purposefully, do you think the reaction would be more or less when compared to his action toward these dogs?
Americans are easily manipulated. More coverage has been given to Vick and dogs than to Gonzalez resigning, the new global alignment that is ocurring against America, or the republican plan for vote caging. Europeans are better informed about serious American issues than are Americans. We spend incredible amounts of time on celebrity bashing and bullshit.

How much press do you think this would have gotten if this was Vick, Allen Iverson, or anyone black?

Marlins Pitcher Scott Olsen Arrested
The Associated Press
Saturday, July 21, 2007; 4:14 PM

AVENTURA, Fla. -- Troubled pitcher Scott Olsen of the Florida Marlins was arrested early Saturday after refusing to pull over and getting into a fight with police officers.

Olsen was booked into the Miami-Dade county jail on charges of driving under the influence, resisting an officer with violence and fleeing and eluding a police officer.

It was the latest in a string of problems for the 23-year-old left-hander, who returned to the Marlins on Friday night following a two-game suspension without pay after a confrontation with teammate and fellow pitcher Sergio Mitre. Olsen got the win in a 10-2 victory over the Cincinnati Reds.

Olsen received a black eye last season from his friend and former teammate, reliever Randy Messenger, in an off-the-field confrontation in St. Petersburg. Olsen also got into dugout disputes with teammate Miguel Cabrera and then-manager Joe Girardi, who grabbed him by the jersey during a discussion.

This year, Olsen was fined an unspecified amount in June for making an obscene gesture toward fans in Milwaukee.

[When he finally stopped after speeding away from the police] .. The pitcher got out of his car and sat down on a plastic chair in front of his home. When backup officers arrived and tried to arrest him, Bentolila said Olsen kicked at the officers, who used a stun gun on the 6-foot-5 pitcher.

Olsen then failed a field sobriety test and refused an alcohol breath test, Bentolila said. A booking photo showed Olsen had two scrapes on his forehead over his right eye.

Had he been black and fought the police he might well be dead. He not only continued to play, he's still playing, and there has been little to ZERO press about it.

He has a history of getting into trouble, just came off a suspension, got drunk, sped away from the police, resisted arrest, and attacked a police officer .. all at the very same time the press went on ad nauseum about Vick and dogs.

And they wonder why I call this crap bullshit and racist.
The same thing can be said of humans?

Synopsis of what I said:

Nature cannot kill enough of the animals to keep entire herds from dying painfully, therefore we cull the herds to keep levels at a sustainable level...

Your answer:

Yeah, humans too!

Okay, who has ever suggested that we need to kill more humans to keep starvation levels down?

Absolutely nobody! That is what makes it "ironic".
Absolutely nobody! That is what makes it "ironic".
Right, ironic.

It doesn't change the fact that the size of the herds are unsustainable without culling, which would cause starvation and disease without some additional predation. If humans simply stopped hunting deer, deer would not benefit from the inaction by humans.
Right, ironic.

It doesn't change the fact that the size of the herds are unsustainable without culling, which would cause starvation and disease without some additional predation. If humans simply stopped hunting deer, deer would not benefit from the inaction by humans.

But don't you see? Imagine, for one moment, that deer communicate with each other as we do, and that they read our newspapers, and that they had weapons. And two deer are sitting around watching a Discover program about sub-saharan Africa. And so, this one deer turns to the other and says, " I told you we can't stop shooting them, if we deer simply stopped hunting humans, humans would die in larger numbers of disease and starvation, you stupid bleeding heart deer".


But don't you see? Imagine, for one moment, that deer communicate with each other as we do, and that they read our newspapers, and that they had weapons. And two deer are sitting around watching a Discover program about sub-saharan Africa. And so, this one deer turns to the other and says, " I told you we can't stop shooting them, if we deer simply stopped hunting humans, humans would die in larger numbers of disease and starvation, you stupid bleeding heart deer".


But not. We can either introduce predation with animals. As in adding wolves etc. back into the environment, or we cull the herds otherwise, or we watch them die by the thousands of stavation and disease.

Go, meet with a forest ranger, find out why they would not agree with you that hunting is "immoral", and that the actual immoral act would be to end the practice.

Saying this "It's the same with humans, wouldn't it be ironic of deer hunted humans?"

Sure it would be, but that is a kids science fiction book, or maybe the planet of the apes.

The conversation I was having was about why it was idiotic to say that we don't treat human murders more seriously than activities of Vick's. We do, I showed why we do. It was you who suggested it was immoral to hunt deer and suggested it was the same thing as what Vick had done.

What would be "equal" to Vick's action is to kill the deer for no reason at all because it underperformed at the Deer Fights on Thursday, in the most inhumane way possible, then used their remains for nothing at all but land-fill. Not hunting them for food. There is a reason that it is necessary to hunt them, their lives are not sacrificed for no reason other than they didn't provide enough entertainment for me that night.
But don't you see? Imagine, for one moment, that deer communicate with each other as we do, and that they read our newspapers, and that they had weapons. And two deer are sitting around watching a Discover program about sub-saharan Africa. And so, this one deer turns to the other and says, " I told you we can't stop shooting them, if we deer simply stopped hunting humans, humans would die in larger numbers of disease and starvation, you stupid bleeding heart deer".



Quick question, how many beers did they drink?