black card + holyroller card =vick

Is "Pacman" Jones "famous"?

Are the Bengals players whose names I don't even remember famous?

Is Ron Artest famous?

To answer your questions:

Yes, Pacman is consistently in trouble, just as Vick was. Vick was in trouble a couple years ago for spreadin STD's under the name Ron Mexico, then he got in trouble for the Marijuana in a bottle at the airport, then kiilling dogs. Pacman is also a big sports name like Vick, maybe not as athletic but quite well known. My favorite clip is watching him get flattened out by Rueben Droughns.

The Bengals players are so fun to laugh at since they just can't stop getting in trouble.

I didn't know who Ron Artest was until a couple years back when he ran up into the stands to beat up a fan.
Is "Pacman" Jones "famous"?

Are the Bengals players whose names I don't even remember famous?

Is Ron Artest famous?
None of us remember the Bengals players, so no. However the amount caused that to become sensationalized for a much shorter period. Vick is bigger, he gets more senationalism.
None of us remember the Bengals players, so no. However the amount caused that to become sensationalized for a much shorter period. Vick is bigger, he gets more senationalism.

I remembera few of their names: O'Dell Thurman, Deltha O'Neal, Eric Steinbach (for drinking alcohol while boating), and my favorite Bengal, Chris Henry.

I'm a browns fan so this stuff is good for trash talk. Steinbach is a Brown now so I have to play down his arrest... that's not hard when you compare him to the rest. lol
To answer your questions:

Yes, Pacman is consistently in trouble, just as Vick was. Vick was in trouble a couple years ago for spreadin STD's under the name Ron Mexico, then he got in trouble for the Marijuana in a bottle at the airport, then kiilling dogs. Pacman is also a big sports name like Vick, maybe not as athletic but quite well known. My favorite clip is watching him get flattened out by Rueben Droughns.

The Bengals players are so fun to laugh at since they just can't stop getting in trouble.

I didn't know who Ron Artest was until a couple years back when he ran up into the stands to beat up a fan.

Vick has no history of violence, he DID NOT have marijuana in the bottle, and his "Ron Mexico" affair broke no laws.

Pacman is consistenbtly in trouble, so it seems is Scott Olsen. The difference is that his trivals are splashed all over the news while Olsen gets a pass for even more violent behavior than Jones.

Heatly, Kearney, Olsen, etc. The selctive comdemnation is obvious and since we're discussing "cards", the difference is they all have the white one.
I remembera few of their names: O'Dell Thurman, Deltha O'Neal, Eric Steinbach (for drinking alcohol while boating), and my favorite Bengal, Chris Henry.

I'm a browns fan so this stuff is good for trash talk. Steinbach is a Brown now so I have to play down his arrest... that's not hard when you compare him to the rest. lol
Deltha came and played here. I forgot he was one of them.
Vick has no history of violence, he DID NOT have marijuana in the bottle, and his "Ron Mexico" affair broke no laws.

Pacman is consistenbtly in trouble, so it seems is Scott Olsen. The difference is that his trivals are splashed all over the news while Olsen gets a pass for even more violent behavior than Jones.

Heatly, Kearney, Olsen, etc. The selctive comdemnation is obvious and since we're discussing "cards", the difference is they all have the white one.

No, but he has a very shady past. Knowingly have veneral disease and use an alias so women don't know who you are when you give it to them is wrong, but when you got money you can settle out of court!
Don Imus wasn't violent either. But I agree with everything that happened to his worthless ass as well. Lots of press on his situation too. Even now there is still press on it because one of the players is sueing him for defamation of character.
No, but he has a very shady past. Knowingly have veneral disease and use an alias so women don't know who you are when you give it to them is wrong, but when you got money you can settle out of court!


My, how all those Vick hating self-righteous moralists who spouted about the law and how breaking the law should warrant the wrath of God, and about "role models" and what about the kids, and the responsibilities of sports athletes to live the up and up .. now ignore or sing a quite different tune about Olsen, a man with a violent history including evading and attacking the police .. just as they ignored the crimes of Heatly who drove more than 100mph down a residential street killing his teammate .. yet no one talks about "role models" or children, not even the ones he could have killed.

Now let's talk about levels of "fame" although most people couldn't tell you what position Pacman Jones plays or what team he's on but his crimes must be broadcast because he's a role model and what about the children and what about the law.

It's the most obvious racist bullshit possible and white Americans play right along with it, never questioning it, always excusing it.
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My, how all those Vick hating self-righteous moralists who spouted about the law and how breaking the law should warrant the wrath of God, and about "role models" and what about the kids, and the responsibilities of sports athletes to live the up and up .. now ignore or sing a quite different tune about Olsen, a man with a violent history including evading and attacking the police .. just as they ignored the crimes of Heatly who drove more than 100mph down a residential street killing his teammate .. yet no one talks about "role models" or children, not even the ones he could have killed.

Now let's talk about levels of "fame" although most people couldn't tell you what position Pacman Jones plays or what team he's on but his crimes must be broadcast because he's a role model and what about the children and what about the law.

It's the most obvious racist bullshit possible and white Americans play right along with it, never questioning it, always excusing it.

Michael Vick was practically an icon for the NFL, who the fuck is Scott Olson. He ain't no Roger Clemens/Alex Rodrigez. Pulling out the race card does nothing but create more negativity. It really feels like if I find an action wrong and point it out, I'm going to be accused of racism if a black person was the person doing it. I commented on Don Imus too when he was the 'flavor of the month'. Oh, but let's forget he was ever the 'flavor of the month' since that would make your agruement fall flat.

Pacman was a CB for the Titans. I already knew that.
Michael Vick was practically an icon for the NFL, who the fuck is Scott Olson. He ain't no Roger Clemens/Alex Rodrigez. Pulling out the race card does nothing but create more negativity. It really feels like if I find an action wrong and point it out, I'm going to be accused of racism if a black person was the person doing it. I commented on Don Imus too when he was the 'flavor of the month'. Oh, but let's forget he was ever the 'flavor of the month' since that would make your agruement fall flat.

Pacman was a CB for the Titans. I already knew that.
I will tell you, I never heard of "pacman" until this thread.
No, but he has a very shady past. Knowingly have veneral disease and use an alias so women don't know who you are when you give it to them is wrong, but when you got money you can settle out of court!

Jesus. I personally see a real culture of devauling and degrading women in the sports world. Now, it can be argued that this is a reflection of society at large, however, my personal opinion is that it is magnified and embraced in the macho sports culture. I don't care what color they are, of that you can be sure, and let's not forget a lot of the women these men are beating, raping and apparently, knowingly giving stds to, are black women.
I will tell you, I never heard of "pacman" until this thread.

I knew who he was because before a Brown's game, he talked a lot of shit. During the game, he got his ass handed to him. It wasn't until after that, that I began to hear about his notoriety. He isn't up there with Chad Johnson or Joey Porter on that list of trash talkers, but he did talk a lot of trash.
Jesus. I personally see a real culture of devauling and degrading women in the sports world. Now, it can be argued that this is a reflection of society at large, however, my personal opinion is that it is magnified and embraced in the macho sports culture. I don't care what color they are, of that you can be sure, and let's not forget a lot of the women these men are beating, raping and apparently, knowingly giving stds to, are black women.

Sports does have that problem. There was a lot of locker room talk all the way back to the High School level that goes on that women don't know about. A lot of men think they are more macho if they screw a women and act like they don't care to know her name. Get 60 guys in a locker room without a women to check them, and they start to actually believe themselves. lol
Darla you must be a Vegatarian or Vegan cause if you eat chicken or cattle and think that the way they are harvested is LESS cruel than the way deer and elk are harvested you should spend some time at a slaughter house. I hunt because I like to eat elk and deer. No one gives them BGH and antibiotics and god knows WHAT else before they herd them into a big stall and start airhammering them in the head. That being said, I am sure there is some fear and pain involved in shooting them. I do it with an Arrow so I am sure I have caused my fair share of fear and pain in elk and dear. But if we were to increase the number of predators in the wild so that nature could take care of the population itself, would we be any less cruel by setting wolves and mountain lions out there to chase and drag down deer with their claws and teeth and then kill them? My bet is being shot at is still less terrifying than being run down by a predator and mauled to death. My bet is your revulsion at hunting has to do with emotionalism rather than any real knowledge as to the level of cruelty involved in hunting. Futher, hunters are really good stewards of the land. If we pack it in, we pack it out. We frown on poaching and I would say at least half of us find trophy hunting as immoral as you find hunting in general. Damo is right. If you and people with your belief system voted hunting out of existense you would be far crueler to the animials than any of us that kill them outright with guns and bows.
Darla you must be a Vegatarian or Vegan cause if you eat chicken or cattle and think that the way they are harvested is LESS cruel than the way deer and elk are harvested you should spend some time at a slaughter house. I hunt because I like to eat elk and deer. No one gives them BGH and antibiotics and god knows WHAT else before they herd them into a big stall and start airhammering them in the head. That being said, I am sure there is some fear and pain involved in shooting them. I do it with an Arrow so I am sure I have caused my fair share of fear and pain in elk and dear. But if we were to increase the number of predators in the wild so that nature could take care of the population itself, would we be any less cruel by setting wolves and mountain lions out there to chase and drag down deer with their claws and teeth and then kill them? My bet is being shot at is still less terrifying than being run down by a predator and mauled to death. My bet is your revulsion at hunting has to do with emotionalism rather than any real knowledge as to the level of cruelty involved in hunting. Futher, hunters are really good stewards of the land. If we pack it in, we pack it out. We frown on poaching and I would say at least half of us find trophy hunting as immoral as you find hunting in general. Damo is right. If you and people with your belief system voted hunting out of existense you would be far crueler to the animials than any of us that kill them outright with guns and bows.

Plus the animals steal little kids food. Deer stole my Oreos, Raccoon stole my cotton candy. I mean that was like sticking an arrow through my heart at the time. :crybaby:

There is an animal conspiracy Darla, don't fall into their trap!
OK, I have a question for you then. If hunting is all about saving the herd and culling to ensure that the survivors will have enough to eat, why is it that the hunters don't go after those animals that would most likely fall to nature in a balanced environment? What I mean is, why do hunters go after the 12-point bucks, for instance, instead of the weak and old?

I have a hard time accepting from any of you that this activity is as noble as you try to present it to be.
The Other Animals Are Agin' Us
By Tim Bedore 2003

Did you see that in the paper the other day about those carp in the Mississippi River jumping into boats and bonking fisherman in the head? It's true. They're called big head carp, they're from Asia and they're attacking and severely injuring many fisherman.

Biologists claim the roar of boat motors agitates and excites these carp and they jump towards the sound but I think these biologists are naively missing an obvious connection. Fish are attacking fisherman. For the fish it's get them before they get you, kill or be killed. Even if these fisherman are practicing catch and release, that's a very painful, embarrassing experience for any fish and apparently they have had it.

What about the increase in mountain lion attacks? Great White sharks moving closer to shore? Moose have been showing up in towns and stomping on people. A squirrel was in my living room last spring. Am I the only one that sees a pattern here? People, wise up! The other animals are against us. It doesn't take a genius to see there's an inter-species conspiracy to thwart the urban expansion of man.

How do the squirrels fit in? Surveillance. They spy on what we people are doing in the cities and report back to the bigger species out there on the front lines.

And taken together these other species represent walking, we hope not yet talking, scratching, biting weapons of mass destruction. And if these other species can convince the insect world, for example a well known anti-human group like the killer bees, to join up our way of life and our democracy could be history.

The skeptical may ask why would these other species want to hurt us? Obviously, they hate us. They are jealous of our way of life. We swim in chlorinated, safe environment pools, then towel off and have an adult beverage. They are stuck eating sludge in the Mississippi, a river polluted by guess who: their mortal enemy man. And to top it all off we eat them.

This invasion of Asian carp is no accident. This is stage one of their well planned attack. We ignore the obvious at our own peril.

We can no longer sit back and wait for them to attack us. It's time we adopt a new doctrine regarding these other animals. We have to wipe out any and all species who are a lined against us, wherever they are. We can not rest until every big head carp, great white shark, mountain lion, moose and squirrel and any other species that associates with them are defeated.

If the U.N. wants to get involved fine, if not we can do it alone. Of course the British will show up, they always do, but we will fight to protect our way of life. And if you don't agree, you're an unpatriotic idiot who hates America.

I'm telling you, it's true.
OK, I have a question for you then. If hunting is all about saving the herd and culling to ensure that the survivors will have enough to eat, why is it that the hunters don't go after those animals that would most likely fall to nature in a balanced environment? What I mean is, why do hunters go after the 12-point bucks, for instance, instead of the weak and old?

I have a hard time accepting from any of you that this activity is as noble as you try to present it to be.
They are actually limited by licenses from only getting few of those. However, in order to cull at the levels necessary you must take the breeders and leave the weak for the natural predators, or those natural predators come to town and get the unprotected cattle, etc. Get too hungry, eat kids on trails. It is a balancing act, hence licensing and other ordinances keep them from hunting willy-nilly and decreasing the balance.

Of course there are always poachers, hence the negative aspects. As well as trophy hunters, who disgust me.