black card + holyroller card =vick

How much press would Scott Olsen have gotten if he was Michael Vick, even though Vick does not have the violent record of Olsen?

What Vick also doesn't have is Olsen's white card.
But not. We can either introduce predation with animals. As in adding wolves etc. back into the environment, or we cull the herds otherwise, or we watch them die by the thousands of stavation and disease.

Go, meet with a forest ranger, find out why they would not agree with you that hunting is "immoral", and that the actual immoral act would be to end the practice.

Saying this "It's the same with humans, wouldn't it be ironic of deer hunted humans?"

Sure it would be, but that is a kids science fiction book, or maybe the planet of the apes.

The conversation I was having was about why it was idiotic to say that we don't treat human murders more seriously than activities of Vick's. We do, I showed why we do. It was you who suggested it was immoral to hunt deer and suggested it was the same thing as what Vick had done.

What would be "equal" to Vick's action is to kill the deer for no reason at all because it underperformed at the Deer Fights on Thursday, in the most inhumane way possible, then used their remains for nothing at all but land-fill. Not hunting them for food. There is a reason that it is necessary to hunt them, their lives are not sacrificed for no reason other than they didn't provide enough entertainment for me that night.

You assume that all hunters hunt for food. That's crap.

And I did say the difference lies in the level of cruelty, in any cases which the dogs were killed in an additionally cruel manner. I say additionally cruel because I think any act of killing is cruel. It is cruel to shoot a deer. I would not do it, nor would I want to live with someone who would. I know people who do it, for instance my cousin is married to a hunter. I consider it her business, but it was not a choice I would make.

I have no need to "talk" to anybody. I'm a grown woman with my own moral beliefs and don't need guidance from some big man in the woods, thanks Damo.
How much press would Scott Olsen have gotten if he was Michael Vick, even though Vick does not have the violent record of Olsen?

What Vick also doesn't have is Olsen's white card.

I can't make a judgement on this because I have no way of measuring their fame. If these were actors, I could comment. But these sports stars are all nobodies to me, so I just don't know.
If he wasn't betting what incentive did he have to kill underperforming dogs?

The idea that it's all good because 'he wasn't betting' seems odd to me.

IMO, it would make it WORSE if he wasn't betting, he was running this for what? The joy of watching animals die painfully?

I can't make a judgement on this because I have no way of measuring their fame. If these were actors, I could comment. But these sports stars are all nobodies to me, so I just don't know.

I do. It would have been splashed all over the news for days on end. Not only if it had been Vick, but virtually anyone black and in sports.
You assume that all hunters hunt for food. That's crap.

And I did say the difference lies in the level of cruelty, in any cases which the dogs were killed in an additionally cruel manner. I say additionally cruel because I think any act of killing is cruel. It is cruel to shoot a deer. I would not do it, nor would I want to live with someone who would. I know people who do it, for instance my cousin is married to a hunter. I consider it her business, but it was not a choice I would make.

I have no need to "talk" to anybody. I'm a grown woman with my own moral beliefs and don't need guidance from some big man in the woods, thanks Damo.
Yet you didn't make any point to say, "Hunting for Sport should be illegal", You simply painted it all with a broad brush. Had you made that particular observation I would agree. To kill with no reason is immoral.

I only suggested a source of information so that you can find out more inforamtion than "hunting is bad, mmmkay".
I can't make a judgement on this because I have no way of measuring their fame. If these were actors, I could comment. But these sports stars are all nobodies to me, so I just don't know.
Scott Olsen is not nearly as famous as Michael Vick. If it were Mark Maguire it would have been national news before the guy got into booking.

A six pack each.

Ok, now I can visualize it better.. thanks :)

Ok, ok.. on a serious note, humans have the ability to farm the land and create more food, and also send food to anywhere around the world. We are always coming up with more efficient ways to farm as well. We can actually do something about the starvation that humans suffer. I don't think we are doing a good enough job of stopping it, but I think we are making progress.

Deer on the other hand, steal my damned Oreo cookies so they can live, I got pictures to prove it! Also, you take away deer meat, what will all of those hunters do to prevent themselves from starving? j/k
Yet you didn't make any point to say, "Hunting for Sport should be illegal", You simply painted it all with a broad brush.

I only suggested a source of information so that you can find out more inforamtion than "hunting is bad, mmmkay".

In fact I never said any hunting should be illegal. I said that just because it is legal does not mean it should be, nor does it mean that it is moral.

I have more important things to do than be an animal advocate, you know, what with us gearing up to bomb Iranian babies and all, but I personally do not approve of hunting in any way, and if someone wanted to agitate to make it illegal, and got it on a ballet in my state, I'd look at it, yeah.
Ok, now I can visualize it better.. thanks :)

Ok, ok.. on a serious note, humans have the ability to farm the land and create more food, and also send food to anywhere around the world. We are always coming up with more efficient ways to farm as well. We can actually do something about the starvation that humans suffer. I don't think we are doing a good enough job of stopping it, but I think we are making progress.

Deer on the other hand, steal my damned Oreo cookies so they can live, I got pictures to prove it! Also, you take away deer meat, what will all of those hunters do to prevent themselves from starving? j/k

You're right about humans and starvation.

On deer, they are just so beautiful, and the most gentle creatures, I've fed wild ones out of my hand, not on a game farm or anything, just deer running around. I can't imagine how someone, unless you truly had no other source of food, could kill one.
In fact I never said any hunting should be illegal. I said that just because it is legal does not mean it should be, nor does it mean that it is moral.

I have more important things to do than be an animal advocate, you know, what with us gearing up to bomb Iranian babies and all, but I personally do not approve of hunting in any way, and if someone wanted to agitate to make it illegal, and got it on a ballet in my state, I'd look at it, yeah.
I think hunting for sport is immoral in a big way. I do not think all hunting is immoral.
Scott Olsen is not nearly as famous as Michael Vick. If it were Mark Maguire it would have been national news before the guy got into booking.

Is "Pacman" Jones "famous"?

Are the Bengals players whose names I don't even remember famous?

Is Ron Artest famous?
You're right about humans and starvation.

On deer, they are just so beautiful, and the most gentle creatures, I've fed wild ones out of my hand, not on a game farm or anything, just deer running around. I can't imagine how someone, unless you truly had no other source of food, could kill one.

How aboiut fox hunting where a pack of dogs are sent to tear a small fox apart?
No that is horrible, and obviously soley for sport. Disgusting. I have never known anyone who participated in that. Isnt' that a rich person's thing, and mostly English?
There used to be -- past tense -- a Hunt at Stanford. Too much local outcry though.
You're right about humans and starvation.

On deer, they are just so beautiful, and the most gentle creatures, I've fed wild ones out of my hand, not on a game farm or anything, just deer running around. I can't imagine how someone, unless you truly had no other source of food, could kill one.

Yeah, those wild ones are the ones that stole my Oreos... I was on Vacation on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Think of the starving kid in Africa that could have had that Oreo. Me, I would say screw the starving kid, I'm eating my Oreos, but noooooo, the deer freaking ate them. I guess that's my Karma. That would be some tasty jery though... Oreo flavored Deer Jerky.

I killed a bird once when target shooting, I felt like shit. I don't know how someone could really feel good about killing anything without the desire to eat the meat.
How much press would Scott Olsen have gotten if he was Michael Vick, even though Vick does not have the violent record of Olsen?

What Vick also doesn't have is Olsen's white card.

Not being into sports at all this was well underway before i even realized vick was black.
assholes come in all skintones and sexes to me.
Yeah, those wild ones are the ones that stole my Oreos... I was on Vacation on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Think of the starving kid in Africa that could have had that Oreo. Me, I would say screw the starving kid, I'm eating my Oreos, but noooooo, the deer freaking ate them. I guess that's my Karma. That would be some tasty jery though... Oreo flavored Deer Jerky.

I killed a bird once when target shooting, I felt like shit. I don't know how someone could really feel good about killing anything without the desire to eat the meat.

i fully support the right to arm bears.