black card + holyroller card =vick

Typically bigger bucks are taken because of the way hunters find them, by looking for herds of doe. But I have taken my fair share of 5 and 6 pointers in the past and the biggest deer I ever killed was an 8 pointer. Now I have killed a really big Elk. Meat was great. Cooked a lot of it in Red Chile and ate it in burritos. YUM.
OK, I have a question for you then. If hunting is all about saving the herd and culling to ensure that the survivors will have enough to eat, why is it that the hunters don't go after those animals that would most likely fall to nature in a balanced environment? What I mean is, why do hunters go after the 12-point bucks, for instance, instead of the weak and old?

I have a hard time accepting from any of you that this activity is as noble as you try to present it to be.
Very nicely put.

Allowing the natural predators to rebound would be far more effective. Of course, it would inconvenience developers and suburbanites but, hey, no one told them they had to live out there.
Very nicely put.

Allowing the natural predators to rebound would be far more effective. Of course, it would inconvenience developers and suburbanites but, hey, no one told them they had to live out there.
The problem is many of them simply aren't there any more. Humans overcame their population entirely. There are reintroduction programs going on, but if the levels were high enough to negate hunting predators would come after feed animals. The original problem....

It's a viscious circle.
Why is it needed? The only reason it is "needed" is because we refuse to allow nature room to do what needs to be done -- as it were.
I advocate humans leaving the planet and eating only synthesized foods as soon as we have the technology, however I doubt others will ever get into my level.

It is needed because in order to coexist we must cull both or we lose our own food.
How many of you that are bitching about the killing of Bambie eat Hamburgers, Steaks, fried chicken etc.? How many of you wear leather? Carry leather purses and wallets? Like I said you need to spend an afternoon at a Swift slaughterhouse and THEN come back and tell me how horrible hunters are. Until then, this is nothing more than rationless emotionalism.
How many of you that are bitching about the killing of Bambie eat Hamburgers, Steaks, fried chicken etc.? How many of you wear leather? Carry leather purses and wallets? Like I said you need to spend an afternoon at a Swift slaughterhouse and THEN come back and tell me how horrible hunters are. Until then, this is nothing more than rationless emotionalism.
I do not, but then I don't advocate banning hunting.
Darla you must be a Vegatarian or Vegan cause if you eat chicken or cattle and think that the way they are harvested is LESS cruel than the way deer and elk are harvested you should spend some time at a slaughter house. I hunt because I like to eat elk and deer. No one gives them BGH and antibiotics and god knows WHAT else before they herd them into a big stall and start airhammering them in the head. That being said, I am sure there is some fear and pain involved in shooting them. I do it with an Arrow so I am sure I have caused my fair share of fear and pain in elk and dear. But if we were to increase the number of predators in the wild so that nature could take care of the population itself, would we be any less cruel by setting wolves and mountain lions out there to chase and drag down deer with their claws and teeth and then kill them? My bet is being shot at is still less terrifying than being run down by a predator and mauled to death. My bet is your revulsion at hunting has to do with emotionalism rather than any real knowledge as to the level of cruelty involved in hunting. Futher, hunters are really good stewards of the land. If we pack it in, we pack it out. We frown on poaching and I would say at least half of us find trophy hunting as immoral as you find hunting in general. Damo is right. If you and people with your belief system voted hunting out of existense you would be far crueler to the animials than any of us that kill them outright with guns and bows.

Yes I am a vegetarian.
Plus the animals steal little kids food. Deer stole my Oreos, Raccoon stole my cotton candy. I mean that was like sticking an arrow through my heart at the time. :crybaby:

There is an animal conspiracy Darla, don't fall into their trap!

LOl Once when I was camping, a whole family of raccoons stole a bag of marshmellows we left out. We heard them from our tent and opened the flap, and it was just the cutest thing I ever saw. They actually made off with the bag.
OK, I have a question for you then. If hunting is all about saving the herd and culling to ensure that the survivors will have enough to eat, why is it that the hunters don't go after those animals that would most likely fall to nature in a balanced environment? What I mean is, why do hunters go after the 12-point bucks, for instance, instead of the weak and old?

I have a hard time accepting from any of you that this activity is as noble as you try to present it to be.

What an excellent point Thorn.
LOl Once when I was camping, a whole family of raccoons stole a bag of marshmellows we left out. We heard them from our tent and opened the flap, and it was just the cutest thing I ever saw. They actually made off with the bag.
That is incredibly bad for the wildlife to eat. Don't leave your food out, it not only leaves you marshmallowless, but it is incredibly bad for their survival at times when humans are not present.
That is incredibly bad for the wildlife to eat. Don't leave your food out, it not only leaves you marshmallowless, but it is incredibly bad for their survival at times when humans are not present.

Yeah that's what my bf said too, but we didn't do it on purpose. We had finished a bottle of wine, it was a starry night, and we were in a hurry to get into the tent, mr. perfect.

And they looked adorable carrying the bag, regardless.
Yeah that's what my bf said too, but we didn't do it on purpose. We had finished a bottle of wine, it was a starry night, and we were in a hurry to get into the tent, mr. perfect.

And they looked adorable carrying the bag, regardless.

Darla, they know Marshmellows are flamable and took them back into the woods. They are planning an attack on the human race.
LOl Once when I was camping, a whole family of raccoons stole a bag of marshmellows we left out. We heard them from our tent and opened the flap, and it was just the cutest thing I ever saw. They actually made off with the bag.

damn bandits probably choked to death on the plastic.
Michael Vick was practically an icon for the NFL, who the fuck is Scott Olson. He ain't no Roger Clemens/Alex Rodrigez. Pulling out the race card does nothing but create more negativity. It really feels like if I find an action wrong and point it out, I'm going to be accused of racism if a black person was the person doing it. I commented on Don Imus too when he was the 'flavor of the month'. Oh, but let's forget he was ever the 'flavor of the month' since that would make your agrument fall flat.

Pacman was a CB for the Titans. I already knew that.

Pacman Jones isn't an icon for the NFL. Ron Artest is not an icon for the NBA.

I'm not accusing you of racism. I'm pointing out that there is selective indignation, and Imus hardly makes the argument "fall flat." Imus wasn't accused of any crime.

How about you use the cases I cited to make the argument fall flat.