Black man blows white mans head off in broad daylight


That's your take, Oom.
My take is that I hate child abusing crackers. and hitting kids is definitely a part of their depraved, backwater culture.
That's your take, Oom.
My take is that I hate child abusing crackers. and hitting kids is definitely a part of their depraved, backwater culture.

Just be clear it's physically abusing kids and not sexually abusing them...which all the Trumpers took it to mean. Go figure. LOL

BTW, the name of the dead man is David Saldana, which is a Hispanic name.

A more rational news article on the murder:
How come you only post when a black person kills or something else, hmm? Bigotry thy name is you. Don't think so? Well, put up or shut up. Start posting some of the white killers and their acts. Yes, they happen all the time.

Shut the fuck up, asshole.
Was it yesterday that you said kids need to be whacked around periodically. I believe it was. I think "tan their ass" was your wording. Something like that.
I called for a 12B on you, you sick fuck.

If you ever raised your hand to anybody in front of me, I'd snap it off and then stick it up your rectum until it came out of your mouth, you sick fuck child abusing cracker.
You're the 12B violator.

My ass got tanned (actually reddened) may a times. Maybe that's what some kids need today to straighten them out early.

Would you snap it off and then stick it up (my parents) rectum until it came out of their mouth? I doubt it.
How come you only post when a black person kills or something else, hmm? Bigotry thy name is you. Don't think so? Well, put up or shut up. Start posting some of the white killers and their acts. Yes, they happen all the time.

Because vols is one of JPP's top white supremacists.
What makes Niftys actions in this thread so egregious is the fact that ANYONE can see my post in question was quite innocuous in comparison to the accusations leveled against me. He simply went off the rails and was bound and determined hell bent on saddling me with the label of child abuser. He knows my post contained no such thing but chose to do it anyway. Yeah,...a banning is certainly in order. Again, is the post in question,.......NOWHERE is there any admission of being a damn child abuser,...NONE. Anyone can see the part of the post in question about giving the kid ice cream was an allegory.

Here it is.......

" This is EXACTLY the reason people on the right, the middle, and center left do not take the wokies serious. How could they? How could anybody? Its absurd. Instead they throw the wokies a few CRUMBS here and there quite frankly just to shut them up because its easier. They will never be taken seriously by those groups because those groups are filled with realists who cut through the nonsense and see things as they really are. That being, the wokies are merely a bunch of unruly children looking for a quick handout,...this is why throwing them a few crumbs here and there works so well. We have become LAZY bad parents,....we have rewarded bad behavior instead of handing out discipline simply because it takes less effort. We gave the screaming naughty child the ice cream they wanted instead of the ass tanning they deserved. This is why you now have 40 year old women and men living in their parents basements."
TRUTH post in question hit the mark so well that it infuriated Nifty to no end. Instead of challenging the post he chose to instead make up a lie designed to smear my character with one of the worst possible accusations that can be leveled against someone. PATHETIC!
Was it yesterday that you said kids need to be whacked around periodically. I believe it was. I think "tan their ass" was your wording. Something like that.
I called for a 12B on you, you sick fuck.

If you ever raised your hand to anybody in front of me, I'd snap it off and then stick it up your rectum until it came out of your mouth, you sick fuck child abusing cracker.
You're the 12B violator.

you believe spanking a child is abuse?????
That's your take, Oom.
My take is that I hate child abusing crackers. and hitting kids is definitely a part of their depraved, backwater culture.

Yes,...because as we all know, no children are ever or were ever spanked in the slum called Boston. :rolleyes: You sound more ridiculous by the day.