Black people: what happened?!

What an absolutely asinine statement. Not even close.
The Irish slave trade began when James II sold 30,000 Irish prisoners as slaves to the New World. His Proclamation of 1625 required Irish political prisoners be sent overseas and sold to English settlers in the West Indies.

The first recorded sale of Irish slaves was to a settlement in the Amazon in 1612, seven years before the first African slaves arrived in Jamestown.

Prediction: Moot will pretend he never read this.
Here's a question: is Barack Obama responsible for the entire African-American population? If he puts a foot wrong, should we consider black people in America to have collectively regressed, or are we unfairly taking away their own agency?
96% of blacks voted for him...
son, you exist as just another empty troll, you keep it simple because simple is what you offense to the simple of the world....
First off I'm not your son. Second I never consider myself a second class citizen and in fact well, I know it's a fact that I'm quite accomplished and more accomplished than probably half the forum. Half the time I'm here at work. Noty only multi-tasking completing my tasks for my patients but also come on here and school you right-wingers. Grumpy you've made several threads where you've raged and raged. No thread which is intellectually fulfilling yet, you continue to whine and whine and yet you complain about me?

You comment is directly racist in nature and an attempt at racial categorization and I called it out which substantiates my claim in calling you a racist. You don't need to blame libs or someone of a political affiliation you've made it clear that "people like me" are inferior. I know for a fact I'm not inferior to you, in fact the awards on my walls of my research and my college accolades would tell you otherwise that I am most certainly not inferior. What bothers me is that this attitude of yours is the reason why we have so-called "race hustlers" whether its Jesse Jackson or Mr. Duke, people continue to assume that an entire group considers themselves inferiors without the consideration of the groups from within that are successful. Thank you for exposing yourself.

:hand:Excellent post but some people are incapable of learning. With this one it's pearls before swine, SD.
What do you mean what happened? I'm lost here what is this thread about?

Mockery of images such as this:
