Black people: what happened?!

The Irish were the first slaves brought to the New World.

Yeah, when the Portuguese needed hands to work their Caribbean sugar plantations in the 1500's, they went all the way to Ireland to get them. And the indentured servants brought over to some of the southern areas in addition to masses of black chattle slaves totally count as slaves themselves.
son, you are not even trying to think...why would anyone pick miley cyrus for their avatar.....

Why would anyone smart and old be a conservative, fool?
Don't answer, the reason is selfishness, there is no other.

Some day you retards will treat other humans as part of the human organism that we are, and understand that people are more important than perverse profits or reducing already ridiculously low tax rates.Untill then, or when you get busted assclown, do not address me again.
son, grow up, learn from history and the history of your own the way, define selfish son....without use of the dictionary if you can be trusted to do so....
son, grow up, learn from history and the history of your own the way, define selfish son....without use of the dictionary if you can be trusted to do so....

How the fuck do you claim to be an older person and you act like this online? You're not only an uneducated old fart but you have some racial prejudices to boot. Lemme guess you from South Carolina?
SM, Irish are white, so they don't count as special anymore. White ethnics such as Wops, Micks, Frogs, Krauts, Limeys, etc., no longer matter in American society, and should just STFU. It's actually going to be a pleasure to watch all of these traditional blocs of urban Democrats lose all hope once and for all.
I agree, but I won't let those bastard Limeys forget what they did. These same bastard Limeys make up the heart of the Democrat Party, the Party of slavery, segregation, and servitude.
How the fuck do you claim to be an older person and you act like this online? You're not only an uneducated old fart but you have some racial prejudices to boot. Lemme guess you from South Carolina?

son, life and history teaches us that the left is nothing more nothing less than a destructive cabal of communists that are currently enamored with a fascist behavior has been to challenge the tripe that liberals spew and give them what they dish out with seconds....the left does not like being slapped around at their own game, june or rune whatever being a prime example, can dish it out but in the end is curled up in the fetal position simply because he got have no problem calling people a racist because you have experienced that this tactic will shut down challenge and debate....i have learned that the racist in any room is the leftist and the individual that is first to play the race card....this you have expressed in our past conversations and in this one as everyone in scar is in your mind a racist and all white people are looked at by you as racist or potentially so.....again who is the racist and your ilk see everything by and according to shades of black and white....a great man had a dream that one day he and others would be judged by the content of his character and not the color of his skin....that is not what the leftists of this world represent and that is not what you have represent if your posts are representative of you......
life and history teaches us that the left is nothing more nothing less than a destructive cabal of communists that are currently enamored with a fascist behavior has been to challenge the tripe that liberals spew and give them what they dish out with seconds.....

Classic icedancer. You always did have an inflated view of your self. You never gave better than you got. You came out on the losing end. And will again.
one has run away and others will too is not my intention to make you or your leftist cohorts curl up like the fetuses you gleefully abort.....quite the contrary i seek to draw you into the arena of ideas and challenge the intellectually and morally challenged to honestly debate the issues of the can thank me later.....
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96% of blacks voted for him...
No, 93% of just over half of black people voted for him. And that's discounting all the things they would have no knowledge about, such as Obama's various failures (I'll leave you all to identify these for yourselves) since the election that nobody could have voted for.
I just want to add that you're still trapped into the mindset of considering black people to have no opinions or high motives of their own. Think about it.
Classic icedancer. You always did have an inflated view of your self. You never gave better than you got. You came out on the losing end. And will again.

Isn't that the truth. Most of us can say "maybe" or "I think" or "it's just my opinion" or "you're right" but the permabanned poser is always 100% sure that she has all the answers, and then spends her time trying to cram those answers down everyone's throats.

Did I ever tell you that one time in a universe far away for a brief moment (a nanosecond actually), she and I were on cordial terms?

Then came a day I made one of my regular anti-santorum comments, calling him an arrogant bastard, and boy howdy did she flip out! It was totally vulgar name-calling from there, and you know the rest.