I'm making BLTs today. I know, I know, it's not breakfast for dinner but who cares? I love BLTs so I'm making some and...bacon fucking rocks.

We have a chain called Cook Out that makes a decent cheap BLT if you get it early. Late in the day, the B is like leather so I assume they cook it all in the morning at once and heat lamp it all day
Seasonal raw tomatoes are so different than the tasteless ones available most of the year (and used in most restaurants) You should give Real tomatoes a chance;)

I have given them a try over the years and nope, still don't like them, lol.
Actually, I've never, ever even tried it.

I use Hellman's Real mayo...and I tend to spread it on heavily. Tuna with summer Vidalia onions on potato rolls...yummy!

But BLT's are boss.

I've been experimenting with bacon done in the microwave. Done properly, it gets to just the right crispness. I thought I would hate it done that way...but it surprised me.

Trust me. You are a happier man today for never having tried Miracle Whip.