mayo makes me gag I hate it but I still put it on a sandwich in super small amounts some times just because it's needed. do people eat BLTS without mayo? Also I hate raw tomatoes... I love bacon and lettuce sandwiches though.
Actually, I've never, ever even tried it.

I use Hellman's Real mayo...and I tend to spread it on heavily. Tuna with summer Vidalia onions on potato rolls...yummy!

But BLT's are boss.

I've been experimenting with bacon done in the microwave. Done properly, it gets to just the right crispness. I thought I would hate it done that way...but it surprised me.

I'm hooked on Miracle Whip, I like the sharper flavor over Mayo.
Yeah, I'm a Best Foods man, myself. We used to get a label at the health food store called Saffola. I am pretty notorious for using mayo a lot, including on hamburgers and hotdogs.

I dated a girl in high school who would put pickles and mayo on her tacos. My wife puts mayo on her hot dogs, and has me doing it sometimes.
I want a BLBTB sandwich........
