bye bye atheism!

the Death of Ath*ism - Scientific Proof of God


Crystal Night, Atheists!


Have I said this before?





Einstein puts the final nail in the coffin of atheism...




atheists deny their own life element...











David mabus. Please take your god lies and vacate.

Scientists are also saying AGW is real, but those are the scientistst that lie on behalf of totalitarians.

The scientists that lie about god are just as corrupt.
and don't forget, Einstein was a jew! Probably did that whole relativity thing to prove that Jews were gods people.
and don't forget, Einstein was a jew! Probably did that whole relativity thing to prove that Jews were gods people.

Einsteins success in science really has nothing to do with his idiot claims about god. In fact, those god idiot remarks makes me think einstein stole most of his ideas from white people when he was working at the patent office.

Damn jew parasites!:)
Wow, really interesting! Do you know when this video was made? It seems reminiscent of some '70s music and videos, has a similar aura about it.
Look what happens when you no longer have great prophets like Josef running around. You wind up having to settle for second-rate nobodies such as david fucking mabus!!!
Wow, really interesting! Do you know when this video was made? It seems reminiscent of some '70s music and videos, has a similar aura about it.
The song is from 1987, the child's voice is the daughter of Todd Lundgren. It was picked up alot by DJ's all over america and was followed up in many forward thinking areas of the US by death and bomb threats from those tolerent christians someone was talking about last week.
Good Friday is so named because what happened was a tragic necessity. Without a perfect sacrifice, our sins could not be forgiven us. Jesus was tortured and crucified as the perfect sacrifice, which on the surface seems tragic. But His suffering and death opened the door for our repentance for our sins - thus God turns a tragedy into Good for all mankind..

On Easter morning, Jesus, the Christ, rose from the dead, opening the door to eternal life for us all, if we are willing to accept Him as our Lord.
First cartoon - yes, there are certainly a fair share of Christian hypocrites. Sad, that. Does not make us all such. Actually, it's a minority. Also, many atheists out there consider the mere mention of religion as some type of attack, therefore have a perception of hypocrisy against any who have the "gall" to stand up for their religious beliefs.

Second cartoon: typical atheist anti-religion bullshit. God did NOT create original sin. He placed Adam and Eve in Paradise with just ONE lousy little rule: do not eat of the fruit of the tree at the center of the Garden. Adam and Eve were unable to follow that one simple rule. It was Man, not God, who created original sin by choosing to not obey God. And God, in His infinite mercy, gave His only Son to be the necessary perfect sacrifice, so that Man has the hope of repentance - and through repentance, forgiveness, for their sins and through that, hope for eternal life in the presence of God.
First cartoon - yes, there are certainly a fair share of Christian hypocrites. Sad, that. Does not make us all such. Actually, it's a minority. Also, many atheists out there consider the mere mention of religion as some type of attack, therefore have a perception of hypocrisy against any who have the "gall" to stand up for their religious beliefs.

Second cartoon: typical atheist anti-religion bullshit. God did NOT create original sin. He placed Adam and Eve in Paradise with just ONE lousy little rule: do not eat of the fruit of the tree at the center of the Garden. Adam and Eve were unable to follow that one simple rule. It was Man, not God, who created original sin by choosing to not obey God. And God, in His infinite mercy, gave His only Son to be the necessary perfect sacrifice, so that Man has the hope of repentance - and through repentance, forgiveness, for their sins and through that, hope for eternal life in the presence of God.
Why would he place the tree there in the first place. god is supposedly omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. He KNEW at the time he placed the tree there that Adam and Eve would eat of the tree. If you believe the myth, he knew the EXACT time and day that Eve would offer the apple to Adam. He KNEW that Adam would except. So why go to all that trouble. Why not just punish them outright. You know, I tell my three year old not to do things all the time, but I don't punish them to the extent that your god did Adam and Eve and I don't even KNOW when or if my children will disobey me.
Why would he place the tree there in the first place. god is supposedly omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. He KNEW at the time he placed the tree there that Adam and Eve would eat of the tree. If you believe the myth, he knew the EXACT time and day that Eve would offer the apple to Adam. He KNEW that Adam would except. So why go to all that trouble. Why not just punish them outright. You know, I tell my three year old not to do things all the time, but I don't punish them to the extent that your god did Adam and Eve and I don't even KNOW when or if my children will disobey me.
Wrong, because He gave them free will.
Why would he place the tree there in the first place. god is supposedly omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. He KNEW at the time he placed the tree there that Adam and Eve would eat of the tree. If you believe the myth, he knew the EXACT time and day that Eve would offer the apple to Adam. He KNEW that Adam would except. So why go to all that trouble. Why not just punish them outright. You know, I tell my three year old not to do things all the time, but I don't punish them to the extent that your god did Adam and Eve and I don't even KNOW when or if my children will disobey me.

do you want your three year old to love you because he chooses to or because he is incapable of doing anything else?.....
do you want your three year old to love you because he chooses to or because he is incapable of doing anything else?.....
You don't get it, no matter how bad my three year old disobeyed me I would not condemn them to an equivilent of hell. As for the free will argument, it doesn't matter if Adam or Eve had free will, God, if he is omniscient and omnipresent KNEW that Adam and Eve would use their free will to disobey him, at the very moment he planted the tree. Unless you believers want to tell me that God cannot see into the future.
You don't get it, no matter how bad my three year old disobeyed me I would not condemn them to an equivilent of hell. As for the free will argument, it doesn't matter if Adam or Eve had free will, God, if he is omniscient and omnipresent KNEW that Adam and Eve would use their free will to disobey him, at the very moment he planted the tree. Unless you believers want to tell me that God cannot see into the future.
Obviously you don't understand what free will is. It means that the person has absolute freedom to decide what he does next, completely independent of his Creator. Human beings aren't robots. There's no way that God can know what His creation will do at any given time and place. And because we have free will, we also get to decide how to behave, then we have to face the consequences of heaven or hell. God doesn't decide where we end up. He just sets up the rules and we choose to follow them or not.
Obviously you don't understand what free will is. It means that the person has absolute freedom to decide what he does next, completely independent of his Creator. Human beings aren't robots. There's no way that God can know what His creation will do at any given time and place. And because we have free will, we also get to decide how to behave, then we have to face the consequences of heaven or hell. God doesn't decide where we end up. He just sets up the rules and we choose to follow them or not.
So this part of the bible is wrong?

"Now the word of the Lord came to me saying, 'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I haw appointed you a prophet to the nations." (Jeremiah 1:5).

This indicates that god is omniscient, can see into the future. So if you say this is not true, I will drop it. God can't see into the future. But if Jeremiah 1:5 is true, then god CAN see into the future and knows what our actions will be including knowing that Adam and Eve would disobey him BEFORE he told them not to eat of the tree. Which would be stupid because he could have avoided their disobedience by just putting a big ass wall around the tree, or not putting it in the garden. So, can god see into the future? The bible says he can and it says he knew and consecrated Jeremiah BEFORE he was born.