Can they do this, then get away with supporting Jeb Bush?

Well, let me borrow from Superfreak, post 93 from that thread:

"The difference is that you are a woman, he is a man."

If you bothered noticing in that thread, I did not agree with that position. I think that trivializing and normalizing violence against women is terrible and wrong. And so was what Dy said on this thread. If it makes you feel good to defend a low life piece of shit Cawacko, who has also used the terms "streetwalker" and "whore' to describe women on this very thread, then I feel sorry for you, but that's your right.

I am responsible for no one's position but my own. Notice something. I went dozens if not more, of posts with Poet on that comment. I did not agree with Rana about poet. What Rana said is different for exactly the reason SF stated on the old thread. Personally if a woman was jabbing her finger in my face in that manner, I would knock her hand away, I would not slap her, but I would not allow it to continue. Let's be clear about one other big difference: Jan Brewer was doing something that was unarguably offensive, rude, and actually abusive.

DY made those comments about bitch slapping Hillary Clinton, for being Hillary Clinton.

Regardless, I said it was wrong then, and I say it was wrong now. That's what separates me from the rest of you, sorry to have to say it, hypocrites. But that's because violence against women is not a "faux outrage" thing for me. It's fucking real.

except that is mostly nonsense. Rude... yes... but abusive? Come back to reality.
I voted for Obama over Hillary for two reasons.

1) She supported the Iraq War.
2) He is more liberal than her.

Actually, on domestic policies she was to the left of him in the primary. Not many people noticed because Obama was younger, and cooler, and I think people just assumed more liberal. And now that we know is foreign policy...I would have taken her.
Desh has proclaimed that we are all left and right... there is no other option. Therefore since you are more left than right(in more ways than one), you are a part of Desh's left wingnuts... sorry about that.

Yes, I am, don't apologize, I would rather be me than you! ;)
except that is mostly nonsense. Rude... yes... but abusive? Come back to reality.

Someone poking their finger in your face, and most likely yelling at you (I have never seen anyone poke their finger like that without yelling anyway), is abusive behavior.

Why are you defensive about that statement? Is poking your finger in people's faces while yelling a habit of yours? By any chance?
I don't know why I even bother posting here. Between SF and Grind it is such a waste of energy, they are so full of crap. I have so many hair appointments to make for this month. I have a lot of big events this month. This is a big month for me. I think I am going to generally be too busy getting my hair done to post here this month.
Someone poking their finger in your face, and most likely yelling at you (I have never seen anyone poke their finger like that without yelling anyway), is abusive behavior.

Why are you defensive about that statement? Is poking your finger in people's faces while yelling a habit of yours? By any chance?

Because again, you add in bs like 'most likely yelling at you'... you base it on nothing more than anecdotal evidence.

Not at all, but I know people that talk with their hands a LOT... it is annoying at times, but you are injecting your hatred of Brewer into the reality of the situation. The video showed them chatting amicably and it wasnt until Obama leaned over her in an intimidating manner and yelled at her about her book did she become defensive.
I don't know why I even bother posting here. Between SF and Grind it is such a waste of energy, they are so full of crap. I have so many hair appointments to make for this month. I have a lot of big events this month. This is a big month for me. I think I am going to generally be too busy getting my hair done to post here this month.

well then... good bye
Because again, you add in bs like 'most likely yelling at you'... you base it on nothing more than anecdotal evidence.

Not at all, but I know people that talk with their hands a LOT... it is annoying at times, but you are injecting your hatred of Brewer into the reality of the situation. The video showed them chatting amicably and it wasnt until Obama leaned over her in an intimidating manner and yelled at her about her book did she become defensive.

Gesturing with your hands as you speak and jabbing your finger in someone's face are two different things, and denying she was angry while doing that is just stupid and more of your bullcrap.
Gesturing with your hands as you speak and jabbing your finger in someone's face are two different things, and denying she was angry while doing that is just stupid and more of your bullcrap.

Yet again you are injecting what you want to believe into what happened. Pointing at someone and repeatedly jabbing your finger in their face are also two different things. You have a photo snap shot. You have no clue which one it is. Obama is the one that instigated the confrontation... you do like defending those that start the confrontations don't you?