Can they do this, then get away with supporting Jeb Bush?

done with you super.

idiots who have no morals and will lie about everything no matter what the evidence says are worthless pieces of fucking crap.

fuck off you worthless POS

The above is Desh's way of saying she was wrong. She refuses yet again to explain anything in detail, simply makes vague accusations and then runs away.

Glad you are done with me Desh, it will alleviate a lot of the stupidity... do the rest of the board a favor and be done in general. Maybe we can get a trained monkey to take your place? I hear they like to throw poo too.
Do you know her position on the voting machines?

Yes, there has been disenfranchisement in the past.


If memory serves, her position is that they were easily manipulated .. which is the exact same position that I have .. and wrote legislation to address it..
If memory serves, her position is that they were easily manipulated .. which is the exact same position that I have .. and wrote legislation to address it..

But not with a paper trail. It is just as easy to rig an election with punch cards or any other non-electronic method.

Post #299 from my friend Rana

I wanted to slap the bitch, too when I saw her wagging her finger in his face like he was her "boy"

Would I slap Jan Brewer or anyone for that matter, NO.

Commenting that you want to slap a woman and slapping the woman are two different things.

And Post #305

Just because he wanted to slap Jan Brewer. It is the reason the thread spiraled into a hate fest. Well, I am just here to say, I wanted to slap the bitch, too.
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Post #299 from my friend Rana

I wanted to slap the bitch, too when I saw her wagging her finger in his face like he was her "boy"

Would I slap Jan Brewer or anyone for that matter, NO.

Commenting that you want to slap a woman and slapping the woman are two different things.

And Post #305

No wonder Desh's party is so hated.
No wonder Desh's party is so hated.

Agreed poet was wrong to say what he said. That's a given.

Unfortunately for you guys you can't make the case that liberal males on this board are anywhere near as misogynistic as the con men. It is nearly in every post they make. It is disgusting, it's abusive, it advocates violence and sexual degradation and uses shame as a silencing tool. And it's mainly your side. Online.

Now, if we want to start looking offline, at policies, well then, we know who the party of hating women is.

Whore. Twat. Streetwalker. That's only in the past hour. And I don't even read most of their posts because I'm on forced IA with half of them.
But not with a paper trail. It is just as easy to rig an election with punch cards or any other non-electronic method.

No it isn't .. and you should NEVER say that again as it demonstrates that you know nothing about technology.

I repeat, I wrote legislation to address it .. and I'm most likely the most knowledge person you know on the subject.
Post #299 from my friend Rana

I wanted to slap the bitch, too when I saw her wagging her finger in his face like he was her "boy"

Would I slap Jan Brewer or anyone for that matter, NO.

Commenting that you want to slap a woman and slapping the woman are two different things.

And Post #305

Just because he wanted to slap Jan Brewer. It is the reason the thread spiraled into a hate fest. Well, I am just here to say, I wanted to slap the bitch, too.

Well, let me borrow from Superfreak, post 93 from that thread:

"The difference is that you are a woman, he is a man."

If you bothered noticing in that thread, I did not agree with that position. I think that trivializing and normalizing violence against women is terrible and wrong. And so was what Dy said on this thread. If it makes you feel good to defend a low life piece of shit Cawacko, who has also used the terms "streetwalker" and "whore' to describe women on this very thread, then I feel sorry for you, but that's your right.

I am responsible for no one's position but my own. Notice something. I went dozens if not more, of posts with Poet on that comment. I did not agree with Rana about poet. What Rana said is different for exactly the reason SF stated on the old thread. Personally if a woman was jabbing her finger in my face in that manner, I would knock her hand away, I would not slap her, but I would not allow it to continue. Let's be clear about one other big difference: Jan Brewer was doing something that was unarguably offensive, rude, and actually abusive.

DY made those comments about bitch slapping Hillary Clinton, for being Hillary Clinton.

Regardless, I said it was wrong then, and I say it was wrong now. That's what separates me from the rest of you, sorry to have to say it, hypocrites. But that's because violence against women is not a "faux outrage" thing for me. It's fucking real.
Well, let me borrow from Superfreak, post 93 from that thread:

"The difference is that you are a woman, he is a man."

If you bothered noticing in that thread, I did not agree with that position. I think that trivializing and normalizing violence against women is terrible and wrong. And so was what Dy said on this thread. If it makes you feel good to defend a low life piece of shit Cawacko, who has also used the terms "streetwalker" and "whore' to describe women on this very thread, then I feel sorry for you, but that's your right.

I am responsible for no one's position but my own. Notice something. I went dozens if not more, of posts with Poet on that comment. I did not agree with Rana. I said it was wrong then, and I say it was wrong now.

that's what separates me from the rest of you, sorry to have to say it, hypocrites. But that's because violence against women is not a "faux outrage" thing for me. It's fucking real.

Yes, I did see you didn't agree with that position which is I why I didn't state your name.

And no I do not condone the terms DY used. I don't know why he speaks like that. I do not understand it.