Can they do this, then get away with supporting Jeb Bush?

It just depends on the woman, or the man. Some age gracefully, others not so much. Hillary? Most people I know would like nothing better than to bitch-slap her. That includes most gracefully-aging women I know.

"Bitch slap" her?

and they wonder why their party is so hated
She has a heckuva lot of relevant experience, that's for sure!

Having said that, I would like to see Elizabeth Warren or Alan Grayson get a shot at it. I love Hillary Clinton, but we have so many dynamic, qualified people in the Democratic party that I think Ms. Clinton should relax on her laurels. And I admit I want to continue to move away from clinton/bush always being in office - at least until Chelsea Clinton runs!

But based on the article, sounds like repubs are going to be their normal non-classy selves and be ageist and sexist... nice way to lose again!

I would prefer someone who's family has not already occupied the white house for 8 or even 12 years, that's one of the negatives to both Hillary and Bush.
Sorry, none of my friends have that shit. And again, trailers aren't allowed in either of the restricted communities where I own homes.

You own homes in Restricted Communities? So you choose to live where there is more government?
Your comment reminded of that time when the Governor of Arizona (Jan Brewer?) met President Obama on the tarmac and there was a picture of her I think pointing at him. There were several people on this board, including women, who said they had the urge to b*tch slap Jan Brewer.

Surprised you would say that...Darla hardly held herself back from nastiness, why would she care what I say?

Just so you know, Hillary is indeed beloved by liberals and democrats, and yes, we quite understand why you and Dumb Yankee hate he so much.

You should really stop prescribing 'hate' to other people. I don't agree with her politics, but I have stated she is a strong candidate. So when you decide to pull your head out of your ass and join the real world, do let us know.
I would prefer someone who's family has not already occupied the white house for 8 or even 12 years, that's one of the negatives to both Hillary and Bush.

Yeah, much better to put someone with no experience in the hardest job in the world.
You should really stop prescribing 'hate' to other people. I don't agree with her politics, but I have stated she is a strong candidate. So when you decide to pull your head out of your ass and join the real world, do let us know.

Strongly dislike?
I would prefer someone who's family has not already occupied the white house for 8 or even 12 years, that's one of the negatives to both Hillary and Bush.

that was one of the top reasons I leaned towards Obama in the first place.

I will not hold it against Hilary anymore.