Can they do this, then get away with supporting Jeb Bush?

That's too bad. The river is just the right temperature this year. Hanging out on the dock with an ice-cold Pilot Mountain Pale Ale, your feet in the water and the white bass nibblin' at your toes...

Maybe the bass will give you a blow job, Twinkie Lover!
She has a heckuva lot of relevant experience, that's for sure!

Having said that, I would like to see Elizabeth Warren or Alan Grayson get a shot at it. I love Hillary Clinton, but we have so many dynamic, qualified people in the Democratic party that I think Ms. Clinton should relax on her laurels. And I admit I want to continue to move away from clinton/bush always being in office - at least until Chelsea Clinton runs!

But based on the article, sounds like repubs are going to be their normal non-classy selves and be ageist and sexist... nice way to lose again!

We need someone who can:

1. Win the election.
2. Lead the country out of this morass.

This is no time to take a chance on the young and inexperienced.
We did that in '08 to my great dismay, and we are paying a very severe price.
the country is on the very precipice, we need very strong, very experienced guidance at this point.
Obama has proven the best he can do is go along to get along. Hilary is a fighter afraid of no one.
She can take shit and dish it out to.
Here's another one. What has tekky ever done to be called these names? She doesn't call names, so there goes that long-time excuse. Really you guys are just pigs. What do your mothers think of you? Mine would die of shame.

Boris doesn't even try to deny he is an animal. Useless is actually more descriptive though. He certainly gives actual men a bad name, by claiming to be one.
It is almost like a group think mentality has taken over the righties here... They are all becoming more misogynistic and troglodytic with each passing day.

Yes, almost.
In fact it more closely resembles an evolutionary split into a new subspecies.
they are definitely scared. And the more scared they are, the more misogynistic they will be, and the bigger the margin they will lose by.

for sure....after eight years of ignoring incompetence because "its racist" we should have eight more years of ignoring incompetence because "its misogynist"'re just hoping that after being fucked up for sixteen years straight the country will never recover........
It really is incredibly sexist, I mean this is coming from the people who nominated John McCain only a few short years ago. I guess their message is; women aren't allowed to age.

How sexist of you.

What were the comments from people like you and Desh and other liberals with regards to McCains age?