Can they do this, then get away with supporting Jeb Bush?

You mean become Democrat-Lyte? Screw that. If that happens, I hope the US gets nuked!

No, I didn't say that. As a party they need to better articulate what they stand for and why voters should support them. And instead of saying fuck Hispanics and the 47% how about explaining why conservative free market policies are the best opportunity for individuals to make a better life for themselves and their families.
No, I didn't say that. As a party they need to better articulate what they stand for and why voters should support them. And instead of saying fuck Hispanics and the 47% how about explaining why conservative free market policies are the best opportunity for individuals to make a better life for themselves and their families.
Only problem is the Left own the fucking media!
ps - I hope Cawacko, that you didn't misconstrue my comments to you; in general, I don't think you're one of the problems on this board.
The electorate was better informed than the empty skulls of today. They knew the pitfalls of Leftwing politics.
I think we should all vote Democrat on the national tickets next time. Last time they had all three houses they fucked things up royally. If they do it again the whole stinking ship is likely to go under. Most of the major Democrat cities will fail, the Obamavoters will riot and break shit, then we can start fresh, and never see a Democrat majority again.
Maybe someday... Right after I visit Chernobyl and right before I head off to the sunny side of Mercury.

That's too bad. The river is just the right temperature this year. Hanging out on the dock with an ice-cold Pilot Mountain Pale Ale, your feet in the water and the white bass nibblin' at your toes...
I think we should all vote Democrat on the national tickets next time. Last time they had all three houses they fucked things up royally. If they do it again the whole stinking ship is likely to go under. Most of the major Democrat cities will fail, the Obamavoters will riot and break shit, then we can start fresh, and never see a Democrat majority again.
We're already seeing what nearly 60 years' worth of unabated Democrat rule has done to my hometown.
We're already seeing what nearly 60 years' worth of unabated Democrat rule has done to my hometown.
Buffalo, and most major northern cities. I saw the writing on the wall 17 years ago my friend. My last act was voting against Cuomo before I turned the light out...
Buffalo, and most major northern cities. I saw the writing on the wall 17 years ago my friend. My last act was voting against Cuomo before I turned the light out...
Yeah, we have a real chance to kick Byron Brown's ass to the curb this year. Bernie Tolbert is running in the Democrat primary and Sergio Rodriguez is running on the GOP line. I like both candidates. Especially Tolbert since he seems to embrace the same Conservative values that a certain popular mayor of Buffalo once had.
Yeah, we have a real chance to kick Byron Brown's ass to the curb this year. Bernie Tolbert is running in the Democrat primary and Sergio Rodriguez is running on the GOP line. I like both candidates. Especially Tolbert since he seems to embrace the same Conservative values that a certain popular mayor of Buffalo once had.
I hope it works our for you, but the State itself is fucked up. They rob the taxpayers to the point where local communities can't afford to pay their own bills. All the power is in Albany, and they are controlled by the bottom dwellers in NYC and Westchester County...